Night-Love City (5)

This young woman who had been washing my back, decided to make a seriously bold move. She is now sitting on my lap and locking eyes with me. Her naked breasts pressed up against my chest. With the situation as it was I half expected something like this to happen. However, I was not interested in them. At least not in this capacity.

"I seem to remember saying that you were not allowed to do anything but wash my back. You are being incredibly bold." I said, narrowing my gaze into her eyes.

"Is the young master unwilling… because… I have been tainted?" She started crying.

"I am not one who takes advantage of women like this. You are vulnerable and naked. I have already saved you from that fate." I sighed pulling her off of my body.

"But, young master, won't you help us replace our bad memories with good ones? Won't you let me carry one of your own? None of us know how to pay you back. So I can only do this but… if the young master refuses… What is a saved woman to do?" The woman said, now full on crying.

"I am not going to be the only man around forever. When I take all of you away from here I will also bring some others. There is bound to be at least a few men in that group. And I'm sure they wouldn't mind being with a woman as beautiful as yourselves. You should have your children with a man that will love you." I said, standing up to get out.

Once I stood up, the look on every single one of the women's faces was full of confusion and awe. It was a look that came from much experience. These women had all seen quite their fair share of a man's nether regions. However, the look on their faces said more than enough.

"Young master, you… you… you're so big! You have got to be the biggest I've ever seen! This is impressive! Impressive indeed. Now I even want to know what this would feel like. Won't you let me, young master?" Another woman said, inching her face ever closer to my equipment.

"That is enough. I'm leaving the bath. You all have your fun. We will be leaving tomorrow." I said, stepping out of the bath.

~~The next day~~

I was shown to a presentation room that held a great many people. It was clear to me at a glance that this was going to be both honoring and embarrassing at the same time. So I decided to brace myself for the cringe that was sure to come. I'm glad I did because it started shortly after I arrived.

"Today is a grand day. I am here to announce that myself and the Vice-City Lord have recovered and rooted out the traitorous scum who poisoned us." The City Lord spoke, imbuing his voice with the power of the Emperor Realm.

"The city lord has recovered! This is a great day for the city!" Someone in the crowd of people said. I say crowd but it was more like a mass of people. Almost no space to move around.

"Not only that but Sir City Lord has broken through to the Emperor Realm! It's no wonder he was able to teach that other one a lesson. Sir City Lord has earned Vengeance for our families!" Another person said.

"We love you Sir City Lord! The City will surely recover!" A group of women began chanting.

The City Lord raised his hand to quite the crowd. Though, not before he basked in the moment of praise. I couldn't blame him since he did break through to the Emperor Realm on his own. It was fair to share that glory a little bit. Besides, I had been in the limelight for a while now anyways. It was time to let someone else enjoy its warm glow.

"Achem… Now, I did not recover from my illness alone. In fact I likely would have died if not for the assistance of an awe inspiring Junior. The young master of Purple Phoenix Palace has done us a great service in this matter. His actions in healing not only myself but also the Vice-City Lord were meritorious indeed. However, this was nothing compared to the ingenious plan he put together to give us the upper hand in the fight. He with his own power brought this City Lord far enough away so I could break through unimpeded. He did this alone, and even thwarted the underground syndicate that had been plaguing our fair city." The City Lord said, motioning his arm to direct attention to me.

"Wow! That Saint realm must be a genius if he can do all of that!" Some in the crowd shouted out.

The Vice-City Lord stepped up to speak next. "In honor of these deeds, we offer tokens of our thanks. We shall construct a new plaza in the city centered around a monument. We have also prepared various assortments of cultivation resources and items for the Young master. We hope you will accept these." He said, presenting a token of meritorious deeds, and a space ring chalked full of riches. This was far more than I had been hoping for.

"It would be wrong of me to refuse. I would be honored to accept." I said, reluctantly, and saluted with cupped hands.

"Now then, the final thing we offered was to help balance out his small village's population. There are many women who have been taken under his charge after his raid on the syndicate. He intends to build a functioning town. However, as one may imagine. It is hard to do this without enough balance. So those of you wishing to search for a new place to live see him. And he will decide to bring you along or not. I have heard that the area he speaks of is brimming as a cultivation paradise. So it will be up to one's own luck if given the chance to go." The City Lord said, quickly after I accepted the reward. This ended the presentation, the three of us went into another room for further discussion.