Night-Love City (6)

We all sat down and relaxed for a moment. This was to give the people time to clear out. As well as to finalize the discussions. They gave me far too much for the services rendered. I can only think of one thing that this could mean. Didn't I already refuse this? Why is it that they continue to push the situation? I already know I'm going to be forced to marry other women in the future. And my first wife is already super energetic. Oh well Let's hope that this is not for that particular thing.

"First, I'm sure the Young Master is surprised at the contents of the ring. Make no mistake this is simply a bonus for helping us out. It was because of you that we got to this point. Besides, the plaza will certainly bring forward a far larger sum. Ahahaha." The Vice-City Lord laughed.

"I see, then I can indeed accept this amount. That said I wouldn't want to make things difficult for you. Is this sum going to cause any problems in the development of that new plaza you mentioned?" I asked, trying to probe more information.

"Not at all, now then. Let us begin with the main reason we asked for you to come here. These people here are the sculptors we have highered. They are in charge of the statue. I brought them here so they may see your fathers image more clearly and directly from you." The City Lord said.

"I see, then I'll be trusting you to create a perfect statue. Allow me to show you a life size image of my honored father." I said, waving my arm.

In the center of the room a figure made of energy appeared. It was the exact likeness of Yang Kai, my father. Well, as close as I could make it given my limited strength. That said, the Sculptors all stood up eager to see it up close.

"Young master, this image is quite detailed. It is perfect, I would be honored to sculpt in such detail." One of the sculptors mentioned as they continued to imprint the image in their knowledge sea.

"This will be a truly excellent display in the center of the plaza. I must thank the City Lord and Young master for allowing us to work on such a visionary project." Another Sculptor said. "Though I'm concerned about your father's well being, young master. Is it alright to craft a statue in his image? It could lead to him becoming a target for those who would seek to do harm." He added.

"Ahahaha, they would need a miracle on their side to do anything to my father. There isn't a person in the Void World who would be able to harm him in any meaningful way. Besides, if they try to do so… Then I will personally remove them from the world of the living." I said, laughing. I was laughing because I saw an image of pebbles being tossed at a mountain in an attempt to resist the mountain's might. It was far too funny not to laugh. "Besides I'm sure that my father will benefit from this statue. I have no evidence. I simply wish to give it a try." I added after catching my breath from laughing so much.

"If the young master says so, then this one will believe it." The Sculptor said, realizing that he probably shouldn't have asked such a useless question.

"Good, now I think the people have finished gathering. You may choose who you wish to bring with you." The City Lord said, ending this particular conversation.

"Then I will take my leave. May you be well from here and into the future." I said, with a salute out of mutual understanding. Then I left the room.

Stepping out I was met with a large number of people all clamoring to be chosen. I was a bit confused by the crowd. There were plenty of men in that crowd but I wasn't expecting there to be any women. Perhaps they are simply seeking a better environment to live in. Even still I only asked to accept a small number of men to take along as well but this is… different.

"I knew you would be hesitant. Just take whoever you wish." The City Lord's Wife said, walking up to clear the air.

"I see, but how did you know?" I replied simply.

"Tehe, call it a… woman's intuition. The agreement may have been for men only. However, we decided that it would be fruitful to accept anyone that would like to go." The City Lord's wife said.

"Alright then, everyone, please forgive me for setting a maximum quota. But, I will only take a maximum of 300 of you away from here." I said, with intent.

"Oh, pick me pick me!" A young man in the crowd started. Then the crowd erupted with many people who did the same thing. The chant grew quite loud.

"I am the one who will decide whether or not you are fit to be taken away. So in the interest of making this go smoothly listen to my whisper. If I do not choose you, do not take it badly. There are numerous variables I must take into account. One of these being innate talent. It would be wrong of me to deprive Sir City Lord and his City of precious talents. As such I will only choose a few." I said, pausing for a moment. "Also, Ladies, forgive me for paying attention to you last. I already have numerous ladies I have to take care of so I'd like to fill as many men as possible first so as to achieve some sort of balance." I added, scratching my cheek.

After speaking I activated my eye technique in both eyes. This was usually used to aid me in understanding the power of cultivators. However, it could also be used to do other things, Seeing through someone's façade to reveal their heart and desires. Needless to say, I didn't find many men in the group that could be deemed worthy enough. So I had to fill in a few that I was fairly confident that the Monster race women would set straight. Now those were easy to find.