Love Grows Deeper

"Oh my, you're a smooth talker. Come on, let's take a break and have some fun together." Huo Lei said, as she started humping my head.

"Not yet, this "Evil Shadow Sect" bastard hasn't died yet. So I plan on continuing his torment." I said, focusing my attention back on the bound man.

"But husband! I wanna cuddle a bit. Oh I know, let's start that Dual Cultivation method up again. It's been a couple of months since we were connected like that." Huo Lei said. "Oh and that Senior Fang Qing… She told this wife of yours everything about all of your sweet spots…" Huo Lei whispered sensationally.

Hearing what the alternative was made me rather compliant for some reason. And of course Fang Qing was laughing so hard it made it hard to focus on anything else. I decided it was best to do as I was told and started the Dual Cultivation method.

"AHM! Husband's strength is much better than last time." Hou Lei exclaimed out loud and dropped to her knees holding her face with her hands as her tails wagged with great vigor.

"Ahahaha, but of course." I said, blushing slightly after she let out her voice. "Now then, do you want to kill this bandit scum for yourself? Or would you like me to do it?" I added.

"Being killed by such a lowly beast woman is too insulting! Don't you dare go too far boy!" The 'Evil Shadow Sect' bandit grunted out with pretty much the last of his energy.

"Now, I'm definitely going to kill him." Huo Lei said, pulling out a sword from her space ring.

Hou Lei, now able to fly and supported by my power as well, flew around and gathered some of the power of Lightning Qi from the area and dove down from above the bound evil bandit. Her sword now coursing with power.

"Die you bastard! It's because of you and your sect's people that my father was killed! PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!" She shouted out.

Her sword pierced the bandits shoulder from above. The violent Lightning Qi quickly destroyed the man's twisted heart. There was no pitiful or agonizing scream at the time of his death. I had already beaten him senseless and down to very little strength. So when this attack destroyed his heart there was nothing he could do. It would have been a pitiful death for a good man to suffer. But for this bandit it was almost too peaceful a death.

"I killed him… So this is what it feels like. Husband, I… I… I killed him." Huo Lei said, with tears welling up from her eyes.

I transformed back to my human form and flew over to embrace her. "You did a good job. I'm sure your father would have been proud of you. And his soul may rest more comfortably knowing that his only daughter has achieved some vengeance for him." I said, holding her tight.

"You're right! But I think he would be even happier to know I have such a capable husband." Huo Lei said, as her tears dried up as I whisked them away.

"Then you should rest easy knowing that. So let us continue to get stronger so we can wipe out the rest of those bandits kind from this world." I said, gently rubbing my thumb across her cheek.

"First, let's… go up a little. I want to know what it feels like to make love in the clouds." Huo Lei said, her tails vigorously flailing about in anticipation.

"We have to focus on increasing our strength first though…" I said, being shut up by Huo Lei's finger on my lips.

"You need to do your duty as my husband and make love to me. I just went through something so terrifying." She said, shaking herself a little in an enticing manner. "Besides, I want to try those things that Senior mentioned. I'm going to make my husband feel amazing." She whispered in my ear just before doing a little light nibbling.

The two of us floated up higher to become masked by the clouds of the storm. I made a comfortable platform using the same technique from before. It was made to be just as comfortable as the bed I had at home. Huo Lei stripped me down so fast after she noticed how comfortable the cloud bed was. It was like any capacity of patience was replaced with carnal desire.

"Husband! Why don't you undress me too? I know you want to." Huo Lei said, tossing my clothes into her space ring. And she raised her arms up in a beguiling manner. "Come and give it to my husband." She said, rolling her hips and swaying her chest.

"Teasing your husband like this… I'll naturally oblige you." I said, and in seemingly one motion I was holding her now naked body up against my own.

"What, how?" Huo Lei was surprised at just how fast she ended up naked and in my arms.

"You wanted this husband of yours to take part of your body. Naturally I wouldn't let anything get in my way to bring pleasure to you." I said before kissing her close and taking her down to lay her on her back.

"Give me your loving husband." Huo Lei said, holding her hands together behind my neck.

"You don't need to tell this husband. I'll naturally give my wife the love she deserves." I said, as our lips came together once again.

As I slowly slid inside Huo Lei. The Thunder clapped and Lightning struck all around us. We both felt a massive change in ourselves. It was as if something was having powerful feedback. It was the Dual Cultivation method we had been practicing. Its effects magnified to several times greater than before.

The result… I lifted us both up so Huo Lei was sitting on my thighs and stabilized by my wang. And a mix of fluids flowed down. Our eyes locked into the others again.

"Want to go another round, Husband?" Huo Lei asked, half joking since she knew the answer already.

I responded by lifting her up slightly and then continuing with our activities. "Ahn…" Huo Lei's voice let out as she bounced up and down, so did her breasts as she arched her back. The two of us continued our carnal desire for days.