Love Deal

After the two of us had been partaken of each other's bodies for several days, we dressed ourselves and then floated in the air. I held Huo Lei in my arms while she had her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Leiji, that Dual Cultivation method is powerful. Where did you get it from?" Huo Lei asked, resting her head on my chest to hear my heartbeat and relaxed.

"I derived it from a method my father gave me. I think he called it the 'Joyous Yin-Yang Unification Art'. It was originally one that required the partners to have sex for the method to work properly. I thought that was a bit limiting. So I made a few changes to it and it worked." I said, nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by limiting? Isn't it nice to have such a good time like that? I know I had very… Satisfying time. We should do that again soon. It was great and you're an excellent lover." Huo Lei said, pulling herself up and kissing my cheek and slowly moving down my neck with short kisses as she went.

"It was not a method I could benefit from all of the time. As such it was mostly useless to me. Moreover, I think it is supposed to be used between a Dragon and Phoenix pair of lovers. So it usually wouldn't work with us." I said, pondering a few things.

"Perhaps it was because of the modifications you made that allowed it to work similarly though under different conditions. That or you just love so much you wanted to see me promoted to the 7th Order Monster cultivation so quickly." Huo Lei smiled, happily and sexily to the point that, had she made this look before we had just made love, It alone would have opened the floodgates of desire.

"Let's go with the latter. Spending time with you has been exciting and meaningful. I'm glad you wanted to come with me." I said, holding her just a little tighter. "I won't let anyone take you away from me. You're my wife. And I won't let that change." I said, causing Huo Lei to blush.

"Oh yeah, then what if you find another woman out there?! Can you still say the same thing?" Huo Lei said, trying to test my resolve. And teasing me a little. "I know you're beyond talented and could easily have any woman you wanted." She added shyly. "But, I don't want there to be many more." she finally said, accepting the fact there was a high likelihood of having a few sisters share me amongst themselves.

"I have refused the advances and offers that have come. The only one I have accepted is you. I'd like to say there will only ever be you. But there may come a time when the need arises whether for friendly ties to be built or just out of my fathers sheer desire to get back at me. I did make him take 2 wives more than 9 he had. So my father might try to do the same back to me." I said, with a nervous laugh.

"I half expected and half knew that would be the answer. My mother even told me not to be too greedy. But, since it's just the two of us now. I'd like to do things together more often. We can start by doing the enhanced Dual Cultivation more often." Huo Lei suggested, nuzzling my chest.

"Ahahaha, If we did that then we should just do it constantly. So let's set a more reasonable amount for while we are training. After all, I need to have complete focus on growing stronger. If I don't, how can I protect you and everyone else from the 'Evil Shadow Sect' and eventually… something… far more terrifying and destructive." I said, with my face narrowing at the thought of the Ink Clan.

"I will as well. I don't want my Human Cultivation to fall too far behind. How about every 3 months? Yes, every 3 months we will indulge ourselves into carnal love with each other. I won't let you extend it any further than that though. This is already my limit." Huo Lei said, staring daggers into my eyes practically forcing me to accept.

"You really won't extend it then?" I asked with a look of worry.

"Nope, I'm going to indulge in my husband's body as much as I can during this time. Since who knows when I'll get the chance to have you all to myself again. So there is no getting out of it." Huo Lei said.

"Then every 3 months. However, if either of us is approaching a critical point in our cultivation we must wait a little." I said, making sure we don't prioritize the sex.

Even though I definitely wouldn't mind in the slightest. The feeling of uniting with one's lover in such a way is nothing short of thrilling. It felt good, no, it was better than that. It was absolutely fantastic. Not to mention the fact her body was perfectly proportional, which was even more entrancing.

"That's fine. But that means you owe this wife two more rounds. I'll let you decide when we do them. I want you to take me by surprise for these two times." Huo Lei said, reaching up and kissing me with a little tongue.

"Alright then let's return to cultivation practice. I want to reach the peak of the Saint King Realm before we head back. And once we return I will do something special for you." I flirted back and kissed her.

"Can I ride on your head again?" Huo Lei asked with her eyes sparkling.

"Unfortunately, it will be easier for me to cultivate my human race Cultivation while in this form. So I would prefer to stay in this form for some time. It won't be too long. I can feel the barrier between the realms weakening. So it's only a matter of time until I reach the Saint King Realm." I said, sadly letting her down a little.

"Oh, in that case you can answer any questions I have then." Huo Lei said, letting go of me and floating on her own, she crossed her legs and began to practice under the influence of the Lightning Qi and Dual Cultivation method we practice.

"You may ask anytime so long as I am not at a critical juncture of course." I said, crossing my legs too and cultivating.