Back to Blue Sky Pass

I smirked a little before transforming back to human form. Then carrying Huo Lei in my arms like a princess we flew down and landed on the ground. Most people had yet to fully recover their own Monster Cores to their peaks. If they had, they might have been able to see my cultivation. Huo Dai came running out and hugged the both of us.

"Welcome home, Young Master and Lei'er. I see you've made some improvements." Huo Dai said, smothering us.

"Mother is right. I was able to fully restore my core and even advanced to the 8th Order Monster Race and even better than that. I've made a great deal of progress into the Transcendent Realm. We unfortunately had to leave that area since Husband took so much power from it." Huo Lei said, throwing me under the bus right away.

"Oh is that so! Well I hope you at least gained something out of it." Huo Dai said, teasing me as well. I sighed lightly. "Actually, I can't seem to see through your cultivation right now… What Realm are you in now?" Huo Dai asked nervously.

"Mother-in-Law is too serious. I am a 2nd Order Origin King. And a 10th Order Dragon Race." I chuckled lightly. "I am now confident in my strength that it is enough to fully protect everyone here from any threat in the Void World." I added.

That statement was enough to get Huo Dai's tails beating happily. "Young Master came home after having reached the level required." Huo Dai happily said. Knowing that they were truly safe was enough for all the villagers to let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Now I know that I have just returned but my father has requested something of me. And I can not refuse. So I will hand these over to Huo Lei to take care of. I hope these help everyone repair their cores. I will return shortly." I said, giving all of the Monster Cores I collected from the insolent Monster Beasts from earlier.

Like my father had said he created a small hole for me to come out of the Void World again. I gave Huo Lei a kiss that caused some jealousy and anticipation in the hearts of those who saw. After which I walked through the portal waving that I would return soon. Then the portal disappeared without a trace.

"Mother, let's start by distributing the cores out to everyone." Huo Lei said, excitedly.

"I think we should let you advance further first. Your growth this time was already astounding." Huo Dai retorted.

"I won't be able to grow nearly as fast as that without Leiji here. We have a cultivation method that constantly provides us benefits. However, where he is now. There is no connection through this method. So let everyone try to repair their cores. It won't take much effort for them to do this if they do it below the tree." Huo Lei said, denying the credit for her fast improvement.

"If this is what you want then I guess we can do that." Huo Dai said.

"Yes, but moreover it's what Leiji wants as well. He said that having you all recover is a good thing. And that the cost is not too high." Huo Lei said with a large smile. "It's for the best that they don't know these Monster Cores were obtained through the insolent beasts that dared not bow before my Leiji. This way they think he spent the effort which makes these Cores more valuable and precious in their eyes. It won't harm them to think this since Leiji does care that much. He saved all of us after all." Huo Lei thought behind the smile.

~~Blue Sky Pass Feng Ying's Residence~~

"Well that didn't take you long. Your father told us that the village you are building was quite far away from that Thunder Typhoon." Feng Ying said.

"Oh don't worry about it so much. I'm sure that Little Leiji has plenty of ability to travel that fast." Bai Yi said, smothering me almost instantly upon arrival.

"Leiji, I mentioned a few of the things you said before to the two of them." Yang Kai said, which quickly changed the situation.

"I see, so… will I… still be allowed to call you Mother Bai and Mother Feng? I asked looking up at Bai Yi.

"Oh you're just too cute. Of course you can call me Mother Bai. You needn't worry about that." Bai Yi said, holding me tighter. Practically trying to force me to remember her.

"I wouldn't dare force you not to. I… quite like the title myself." Feng Ying said, half blushing and turning her head to the side.

"Achem… Let's get on with it. I have plenty of Strands of Ink Force and we can use those for now. Worst case scenario I will have my Light of Purification ready. Though I think we should do this in the courtyard." Yang Kai said, standing up and walking to the door. Keeping one arm firmly behind his back.

The rest of us followed out and saw that some more of the Dawn Teams members were here. Once they saw me a couple of the team members flew away.

"Father? Am I that scary to Open Heaven Ranks?" I asked, thinking it was odd.

"Ahahaha, not in the slightest. They are likely going to gather the rest of the team. Since most of them were quite jealous they didn't see you last time. I dealt with quite the barrage of questions from them." Yang Kai laughed.

"So father is saying I should be prepared for another smothering." I said plainly. "It's one thing to be smothered by one's mother that just comes with the territory. But being smothered by others just makes me feel like some weird toy on display." I sighed.

"You'll have to pardon them for that. This place isn't exactly the greatest." Feng Ying said, now being the one trying to smother me before I attempt this crazy feat.

"I understand this place is as close literal hell as one can get. Even still, if I'm going to be smothered I'd prefer it to be one of my mothers or someone close and dear to me, instead of a stranger.