Refinement Successful & Resonance

After a short walk to the rough center of the courtyard. It became clear that everyone had thought what would happen might be dangerous. The nearest building was being defended by a 7th rank from the Dawn Squad. And similar defenses were placed around.

"Alright, Leiji, sit here and activate your ability once you do this, and tell me you are ready. I send one strand of Ink Force into the area around you." Yang Kai said, pointing me to a particular spot.

I sat down and looked around at the crowd even one of the 8th rank commanders came by to watch the show. "Hmm, seems like I should give them a truly wonderful show indeed." I thought. I activated my Lightning Sphere and quickly condensed its strength. The space around me was now so chaotic I doubt much of anything would last long inside. "I'm ready!" I said.

"Here it comes." Yang Kai said, sending a wisp of Ink Force into the Lightning Sphere.

The resulting energy fluctuations caused rippling Bolts of lightning out in all directions. A truly spectacular sight. I began sweating almost immediately though. Ink Force was truly nothing like World Force or any other type of Qi for that matter. "No wonder it takes so much effort on their part to rid themselves of this evil force. It's truly revolting. In the truest sense of the word." I thought to myself whilst I was breaking the Ink Force down.

It took a while but under the chaotic power of Lightning not much can be said to remain. And it is usually only what the lightning wishes to have remained. This time is no different, aside from the sheer amount of effort I have to put into this task. Even my eyes began to glow a brilliant blue with bolts flying out and behind. The energy I had broken down from the Ink Force had been completely purified and recycled back to me or into the power of the Lightning Sphere. Thereby increasing the speed and strength of my technique.

An hour later I had finished refining the strand of Ink Force. I had most of the energy being contained in a ball in front of me. And the rest of it was used albeit by accident to increase my own strength. "I'm now quite clearly at the peak of the 2nd Order Origin King realm, interesting. I hope the pure energy helps Fang Qing to wake up sooner." I thought as I inspected Fang Qing's, Shandain's and my own condition. "Hmm, even my Dragon cultivation has risen to the peak of the 10th Order. Truly frightful. I'm going to take a nap." I thought as I fell backwards, asleep.

~~A few hours later~~

"Ugh, I must have passed out. That was truly a grueling experience." I said, out loud, recovering my consciousness and sitting up in the bed I was in. I raised one knee up to help prop myself upright as I was still a bit dizzy.

"Good, you're awake. I was worried." Bai Yi smiled. "How do you feel now?" She added, giving me some warm tea.

"Aside from the fading dizziness. I feel… stronger. And yet also quite angry. The Ink Force is quite Evil. It's as if it has no soul either. Like it's just there to corrupt, kill and destroy. Then to think that a single strand of its power was enough to drop me into this state. I feel… insulted by it as a result. Now it's personal." I answered, then downed the tea.

"I think the dizziness is just from advancing from 3rd Order Saint King to peak 2nd Order Origin King in a matter of just a few days. You'll be fine though. Even the Old Ancestor said that you would be fine. That stunt you pulled was enough to grab even the Old Ancestors attention. You should be proud of that." Bai Yi said.

"Amazing, I thought I'd have to do… more… what is this feeling?" I said, as a feeling as if something was crying out in abject agony for help.

"Young Master! There is a spirit out there resonating with your lightning. Go and find it quickly." Fang Qing shouted instantly after waking up in a startle.

"Mother Bai, I don't have time to explain please follow me quickly." I said, rushing out of bed.

Next thing some people saw was a single bolt of lightning blasting through the sky towards a particular Universe World. One that had recently just had mining started. Then a beam of light followed directly behind it.

"Damn he really is fast. I might have to push myself further to truly keep up with speed like that. I wonder how fast he will be once he breaks through to the Open Heaven Realm. He might even be faster than 9th Ranks at that time." Bai Yi thought to herself as she followed after me.

~~On the dead Universe World~~

I landed and spread out my divine sense. And even sent out bolts of lightning. I searched for a while until I found it. The source of the cries. This World had some semblance of the spirit's life still remaining. And it called out when there was a similar power out there resonating enough to wake it up. I bored straight down to find the core of this Universe World.

"Someone came! Are you the one who woke me up?" The Universe's World Spirit asked in a tortured sound.

"Indeed, I felt a resonance in this direction and it led me to find you." I said, reaching out.

"Good, I don't have much longer and I don't wish to disappear forever either. Allow me to help you. With my help even as an Origin King like you are now. You'll be able to form a small world inside your Origin Essence Crystal." The Spirit said. "All I ask is that you use me well in destroying the Ink Force once and for all." The Spirit added.

"If you can help me form a Small world inside my Origin Essence Crystal that means you can help me build it right now?" I asked, since it was the only question that I needed an answer for to agree.

"That I can, with my help the Young Master here will be able to soar even more smoothly." The Spirit bragged quite confidently.