Begin the Process

Bai Yi caught up and appeared behind me in this small cavern I had created. What she saw was something beyond even her own expectations. Not only did I, an Origin King, dig all the way down here alone. But I had done so on the one Universe World that still had a miniscule degree of spirit left. Albeit not nearly enough to be considered anywhere close to a regular world. It seemed almost close enough to promote an Emperor to the Great Emperor Realm. Thereby forming a Dao Seal.

"Little Leiji, what's going on? You dashed off so suddenly. And now you've found this?" Bai Yi asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Young Master, who is this woman to you?" The Spirit asked, so that Bai Yi could hear.

"She is one of my beautiful and loving mothers whom I hold dear to my heart." I smiled.

"Leiji…" Bai Yi said, with a mildly flustered look on her face.

"I see, then I will tell you I called the Young Master here. I don't have much energy left. But I have enough to help his growth immensely. I will disappear but there is no need to be worried. As I will die soon anyways. Please I ask that you allow your son to inherit my remaining power. So I can in some small way get vengeance on the Ink Force for killing my friends and I." The Spirit pleaded thinking that it had to.

"I won't stop him if he thinks this will be good for him. Everyone's cultivation journey is different and there are bound to be many variables. So if my Little Leiji thinks this is for the best… Only his father would be able to stop him." Bai Yi said, with a half unsure look on her face.

"Don't worry too much Mother Bai, I breakthrough two major Realms at once. Three if you count my Dragon Cultivation." I said, giving her a look of confidence. "I am able to do this. And once it's done my cultivation will become sturdy like the World and powerful like Heaven." I said, balling up my hand.

"Then let us begin. Young Master, You study the Dao of Thunder. Now you inherit the remnant power of the Grand Sky World. Use it well from here and into the future. One final thing, what will you do with the excess you can not handle?" The Spirit of Grand Sky World asked.

"I will send it to the Cradle of the Open Heaven Realm. The Star boundary. My fathers home world. It shouldn't be too difficult with the power of the Subtree. You will live on not only through me but also through the lives of every living being in the Star Boundary." I said, crossing my legs ready to begin.

"Well said Young Master! I look forward to the future you will undoubtedly bring. Use the Power of Heavens might and bring judgment to the Ink Infestation." The Spirit said, just before flying into my body.

It was at this moment all of the people mining the Universe World felt a great change occur. The seemingly stubbornly hard rock they were mining started cracking after a burst of energy came outwards from the core. Then another and more cracks formed. The frequency increased as well as the intensity.

"Mother Bai, you should leave now. I wouldn't want you to suffer some kind of accident. I'll keep the way open until you get out. You shouldn't worry about me, I'll be fine." I smiled at her.

"You better not be lying to me." She said, pausing for a moment. "You have to promise to let me hug you for a whole day." She finally said as she left.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it. A child always desires the warmth of their mothers hug." I said to the vacant space in front of me. "It looks like she's made it out. Time to get down to business." I said, getting serious.

Bai Yi flew out of the hole that had been dug earlier. The hole crumbled and closed as if locking me inside. More bursts of pure energy kept radiating outward. Each stopping at a certain distance as if waiting for something. The soldiers that were mining became quite perplexed as something like this had never happened before.

"What do you think is going on?" Someone asked the person closest to him.

"I don't have a clue. Perhaps someone is breaking through?" The person suggested.

"There's no way that this could be caused just by that you're crazy." The first person said.

"Oh isn't that Lady from the Dawn Squad?" The second person asked.

"It is, and I saw her come out of that hole earlier. Perhaps she knows the situation?"

~~A few moments earlier~~

Yang Kai, who had finished his meeting, came back with Feng Ying to see that neither Bai Yi nor I was around. This was odd since I was indeed seemingly exhausted beyond comparison.

"I wonder where they are?" Yang Kai queried.

"Perhaps Bai Yi got ahead of me in coddling him. She probably took him shopping for something and purchased some low rank materials for him. Hmph.." Feng Ying said, annoyed and surprised she was this annoyed with not being able to smother me at the moment.

"Team Captain! Vice Captain! There is something weird going on with one of the Universe Worlds. It's just falling apart! Resources are starting to fall effortlessly." One of the 6th rank members came rushing over to inform them.

The two looked at each other and then started laughing. It seemed they thought the same thing. "It might be crazy but that's just why it makes sense with that boy." Feng Ying said.

"Let's head over there now and see the situation for ourselves." Yang Kai said.

~~Back at the present the two men approached Bai Yi~~

Yang Kai arrived in an instant through a portal he made using his Dao of Space. "Bai Yi, do you know what's going on?" He said, wrapping his arm around her and placing a firm hand on her shoulder to show he won't let the other miners interfere if he can avoid it.