12th Rank Dragon

"It's good that you're here. I think Little Leiji is going to need your help soon. He was saying something about the Star Boundary." Bai Yi said, dropping her head on Yang Kai's Shoulder.

"So what exactly is going on, Bai Yi! Did you just take Little Leiji out to go mining of all things! You already got to spend time with him and now you're doing fun things together. I want to smother him too!" Feng Ying complained.

"It's not like that, he just darted off over here almost as soon as he woke up. Now he is refining the Universe World's remaining Spirit. It even begged me to allow it to happen. But Leiji assured me that he would be fine." Bai Yi rushed to retort what the jealous Feng Ying had said.

"I see, I wonder what he… Wait a minute… I get it." Yang Kai said, realizing the situation. "I'll have Leiji explain himself to you two later. For now let's just watch and see what happens. I swear that son of mine is, beyond incredible. I wonder what he will do now…" He added. His speech cooled the high tempered ladies feud.

~~Inside the core of Grand Sky World~~

I sat cultivating cross legged and breathing with a slight bit of difficulty. The strength of this Universe World Spirit is nothing to scoff at. Even in its incredibly weakened state and willingness to be refined I am having some struggle.

"This amount of power is simply incredible. I can feel my old power fully resurging to its peak." Fang Qing said, as her Cultivation had broken through to the 3rd Order Origin King.

"Mother is right, I feel way stronger than before. My strength is about equivalent to what I've seen in the Dao Source Realms." Shandain said.

"I'm almost… Th… THERE! Dao Source at last 2 lives and now I have finally reached beyond the Origin King. Thank you Young master." Fang Qing said, excited for what she had accomplished.

I ignored her. Though this time not out of desire to ignore. Rather I couldn't help it as I was incapable of dividing my focus. Images passed through my mind at blinding speeds and rapidly expanded my Knowledge Sea. With every heartbeat that passed I saw… "This is… the history of the Grand Sky World. So much history and heritage. Gone to dust all because of Ink." I thought as I grew ever more absolutely furious.

"Mother Fang, what's wrong with the Young Master? He is crying but also seething with rage. His rage is so mighty even my own cultivation is increasing." Shandain asked.

Fang Qing took a peak at what I was seeing since it was all in my Knowledge Sea at this point. And she instantly began crying but couldn't stop watching the history of the world she now partially inherited. "It's a tragic scene. But you should also pay attention to it and honor the suffering of the Spirit who gave us this opportunity.

~~A day and a great many bursts of energy later~~

An incredibly thick layer of Thunder Qi It wasn't much stronger than an Emperor. But there was enough of it that even the four rank Open Heavens thought they could learn something. Or even repair some of the damage that had been done to them.

"Do not touch that Lightning! It belongs to a Junior and they have already crumbled the vast majority of the Universe World leaving a ton of resources that need not be mined." Army Commander Zhong Liang said, showing up with a difficult look on his face. And staring at Yang Kai, wishing he could blame him for such a disturbance.

"Army Commander!" Everyone said in response to him showing up.

"Yang Kai! Be honest… Is that your brats handiwork?" Army Commander Zhong Liang asked, half yelling.

"Army commander is correct. I am afraid I don't know the full particulars but, safe to say it is his doing." Yang Kai said, somewhat hoping he could smack my head.

"I… I see… Such a response for an Origin King. That brat is a dragon amongst men." Army Commander Zhong Liang chuckled nervously at first but realized just how fortunate it was that such a powerful young man had appeared.

"You have no idea how true that statement really is." Yang Kai muttered under his breath.

"What was that, Brat?" Army Commander Zhong Liang said, balling a fist. Ready to give Yang Kai a good wallop.

"It's all thanks to the Army Commander's words that day." Yang Kai said, quickly in a flattering tone hoping that would be enough.

Suddenly… *ROOOAAARRR* *CRASH* *RUMBLE* The image of a dragon appeared in the center from the core. "Father, please come in, I need your assistance." I said, doing my best to hide the difficulty in my voice. But to everyone that saw this sight. It was obvious something massive had changed.

"Rank 12 Monster Race… Yang Kai he… Oh he's gone already." Bai Yi said, realizing that Yang Kai had noticed the difference as well and likely the trouble that I had encountered.

"He is a doting father indeed." Army Commander Zhong Liang said, when all of a sudden he got a message from me and his eyes narrowed. And he quickly issued a secret order to the 7th ranks that there were Ink Clan spies close enough for me to sense.

The High Ranks split up and killed the spies with little to no effort. Then received another message from me that it was clear at least from what I could tell. And He nodded with a sigh of relief. If those Ink Clan had attacked before it would have been difficult. "Still, how did Leiji know about them and we didn't? Perhaps it has something to do with the techniques or nature of his power. Perhaps it's because of the Universe World's remnant energy and resentment. Though perhaps it's best to leave it as a mystery." Army Commander Zhong Liang thought to himself.

~~Inside the Core~~

Yang Kai appeared through a portal he made. "What is it that you would need my help for even after stating that you were so confident before?" He chuckled trying to poke fun at me.