3rd Order Origin King

~~The Remaining Core of Grand Sky World~~

"You still haven't broken through to the 3rd Order yet. Is there something you are waiting for?" Yang Kai asked me as I came back through the portal.

"Yes, please can you take these away from here and find the person who teleported this Universe World here. I'd like to thank them." I said, calmly cupping hands greeting my father again before sitting down. And handing the materials I kept for myself to him.

Yang Kai looked around and noticed the Lightning Barrier starting to come closer and realized that there wasn't much time for a choice to be made. "I'm sure that person will be thankful. I'll leave it to you now. I look forward to a good result." Yang Kai said picking up the resources and leaving through a portal to Feng Ying and Bai Yi.

"Good now I can stop holding back." I smirked. "Now come!" I shouted.

The Lightning Barrier began spinning a layer in all directions. It was acting similar to a multi direction grinder at every point. Yet it caused a truly powerful semi solid spherical structure. And it began growing smaller yet denser. With each passing breath nearly doubling the Thunder Qi's density.

"Are you sure you want to go this far right now Young Master?" Fang Qing asked, knowing this would be the last time she could ask something and get an answer until the process was finished.

"I will not settle for anything less than this. My Origin Essence Crystal will be absolutely perfect in every way." I said, as my words slowly drifted off into a dull mumble and grunts. My face becoming filled with difficulty.

"I see, then I will not contest it further." Fang Qing said.

This simply massive area that was being condensed stopped. I had reached a point with too much difficulty. "This is the price of advancing too far too fast. I am a 12 rank Monster Race. And I still struggle to handle this much power. Only one way to finish this properly then." I thought with my veins bulging and my body heating up with sparks flying off everywhere.

~~Outside the barrier~~

"Seems this might take awhile." Yang Kai sighed. Knowing that Huo Lei was going to blame him for every day that Leiji didn't return.

"Don't worry about that since he has to spend some time with me next. I'm his mother too, you know." Feng Ying Ying said, before Bai Yi got the chance to say anything.

"Sister Feng is mean. Leiji still owes me a day of smothering." Bai Yi pouted curling her fists up.

"Ahahaha, the Yang family is quite lively. So how long will this take?" Army Commander Zhong Liang asked, as he had a specific reason.

"Army Commander, I am unsure however it shouldn't take Leiji longer than a few days. He did ask if I could find the person who brought this Universe World here. Does the Army Commander know of them?" Yang Kai asked, ignoring the comment about his lively family.

"It just so happens that the very same person he was looking for is here with me now." Army Commander Zhong Liang said, motioning for the 7th rank who had been following him this time to stand forward.

"Greetings, Junior Brother Yang. I am the one who teleported this specific Universe World. I came to see the situation after someone had spoken of the situation." The 7th Rank said, Greeting Yang Kai.

A conversation was drummed up while they awaited the end result. Watching as the Sphere looked as if it was breathing. Shrinking and growing in size at the same rate as one's breath. Each and every time the layers seemed to speed up their revolutions. As well as the overall size grew smaller. A slow and steady process bordering on the limits of the cultivator.

~~1 day Later~~

The size of the sphere had shrunk to the point that the remaining Core of the Universe World had started to turn into nothing but dust and then transformed into a pure power. This only added to the difficulty.

~~2 Days Later~~

"It's nearly time. I am ready. It's time to condense and crystallize to perfection." I thought as the final step had come.

From here on, bursts of energy radiated off as the size drastically shrunk cutting away the rest of the rock that had surrounded me. Each burst would radiate out and then come slamming back in. Like an Artifact Refiner carefully using everything they had at his disposal to aid them.

"Your son is a smart one indeed. It seems he is attempting to forge a perfect Origin Essence Crystal of his own." The 7th rank said in surprise.

Fluctuations continued as the sphere shrunk and hardened yet still malleable. I was struggling, not out of worry… no, it was pure excitement. I was so close and wouldn't give up. "ROAR!" I let out a Dragon's Roar.

"What's wrong? Yang kai what happened?" Army Commander Zhong Liang asked immediately.

"He is simply excited. He is about to reach the threshold he needs to achieve his first major goal. So the Army Commander doesn't need to worry." Yang Kai responded calmly and watched intently.

Under the influence of my Dragon Race Cultivation the sphere shrunk and solidified into something no larger than a simple jewelry bead inside my body. And inside that bead was a very small world. Not much larger than the area that my village had covered to include the hunting grounds.

I floated there feeling quite regal in nature and yet I had so many questions. So my first move was to go see my father at once. A brilliant blue bolt of lightning appeared and then disappeared. "Father, this child has successfully formed the Origin Essence Crystal." I said, cupping my hands.

"You seem to have other worries though? What is it you want to ask?" Yang Kai asked, patting my head.

"Is this really the same realm? It feels WAY different from the 2nd Order." I asked with a confused look.

"Ahahaha, Yang boy your kid… is too funny. I'll answer out of thanks for such a show. Yes it is the same realm. However before you condense the Origin Essence Crystal you'll have to try much harder to use your strength. The Origin Essence Crystal solves this, but in your case… You formed a perfect one. So I imagine there are many hidden benefits." Army Commander Zhong Liang laughed.