An Astounding Gift

"Martial Uncle Zhong, You aren't trying to poach my son to be your Disciple are you now?" Feng Ying glared at Zhong Liang while holding me incredibly tight.

"Uhm… this, I couldn't help myself. Such a rare genius right before my eyes. How could I not be tempted? Though it looks like that won't be happening." Army Commander Zhong Liang chuckled, nervously.

"Mother Feng, it's alright. Can you let me go now?" I said, poking my head through the smothering.

"No! You're staying right next to me. If I let you go now you'll just run off again." Feng Ying said, swinging from side to side.

"I promise I won't run away. I just need to do a couple of things. And it is difficult when Mother Feng's bosom is in my face." I said plainly, bringing a bit of embarrassment to my face.

Feng Grew a faint red but not of embarrassment. "What's wrong with a mother smothering their child? Face it, you're stuck like this." She smiled clearly showing her intent to not let me go.

"Feng Ying, let him go. He can't do what he must here with you holding him like that." Yang Kai said, sighing hard knowing what was coming next.

"Oh? You really want to say this? Then you have to promise me to do what I want later. Also Leiji must promise to stay within arms reach." Feng Ying said with a smile hiding her lionesses ferocity.

"I promise!" Yang Kai and I said at the same time. "Seems we are both weak to that look." I thought.

"Hmph… fine. I'll let you go for now. But this still doesn't excuse your stunt from earlier. You owe me two days of mother son time. Two days of our time. That's not negotiable. Understand?" Feng Ying said, with that same smile as she let me go.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I understand. And it seems like my father is going to have his work cut out for him." I said with a smile.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that! Your Father, Yang Kai, is strong and wouldn't dare refuse. Besides that now that you have promised Sister Feng 2 Days I am going to require the same amount." Bai Yi said, giving a similar smile. Though coming from her it was scarier.

"Yes! Uh huh… I… I will… do that. I mean I would love to spend more time with Mother Bai." I said, quickly and in a panic. Bai Yi making that face was far more terrifying.

"I think you are forgetting something." Bai Yi said, still smiling with the same look.

My father gestured to try and help me. But it only got him in trouble with Feng Ying. I gave Bai Yi a kiss on the cheek after. "Does my father think I'm that dumb? I only panicked since Mother Bai is terrifying when she is angry." I thought.

"Good!" Bai Yi smiled.

"Ahahaha, you really do have a lively family, Junior Brother Yang. It makes this one jealous." The 7th rank who had been watching almost in disbelief and trying to hold back his laughter said, after seeing this great scene.

"Oh, father, would this Senior be the one I asked to see?" I asked, trying to get my head together. Mother's scary face is scary indeed.

"Yes, he is the one who brought this Universe World here. Well what once was a Universe World." Yang Kai said, as his ear was still being pulled by Feng Ying. Though he handed back all of the items I had asked him to take before.

"Senior? Martial Uncle? I'm not exactly positive on how to go about this… So forgive me for any perceived rudeness, I do not mean any. I'd like to gift you these materials as a sign of thanks for bringing such a wonderful resource back." I said, pulling out 1 complete set of rank 7 materials and 3 complete sets of Rank 6 materials. "I do hope you'll accept it. If not for yourself then for a member of your team. As without this Universe World's Remnant Spirits power it would have taken me several more years to achieve this level." I added gesturing the materials over to the 7th Rank who was stunned by this turn of events.

"Since martial nephew is sincere, I won't refuse. But something like this could have been done through your father. Is there perhaps a reason you wished to be the one?" The 7th Rank asked.

"Martial Uncle is wise. I'd like to offer you a chance to see a portion of the memories I received from the Universe World's Spirit. I am the only one who can do this. And while I may be an Origin King now, I am certain it could be of use to those in the Open Heaven Realm." I said, with confidence. And I opened the door to a small space to show that I gained quite the ability earlier.

"Hmmm, what makes you so sure it will help Open Heaven Cultivators? This small realm you've made is indeed impressive for Origin Kings… wait… I'd like to see these memories." The 7th Rank said having a sudden realization.

I charged up a beam of light and sent it to the 7th Rank Open Heaven Realm. And he instantly knew what I was talking about. A smirk of great joy came across his face.

"Martial Uncle Zhong, I am afraid I will need to enter seclusion for some time. If I am correct I should be able to break through to the 8th Rank in a few years." The 7th Rank said, cupping his hands before leaving without waiting for an answer.

"Just what did you show him?" Army Commander Zhong Liang asked, turning towards me.

"Nothing too special… Though it was the memory of how the Universe World was formed and several portions of its life span. Mostly each time it could be considered to have increased in rank." I said, shyly poking my fingers together.

"WHAT! DID I HEAR YOU CORRECTLY!" Army Commander Zhong Liang said, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"So… dizzy…" I muttered out as I felt my body going numb. Zhong Liang then realized he had used a bit too much strength just then.