Void Temple Prepares

"Mother, I… I know my husband is powerful but I still worry for him." Huo Lei said, calming down slightly.

"That's not something to be crying about Lei'er. You worrying about him is normal. In fact it warms my heart to know that you have reached such a point in your relationship." Huo Dai said, smiling.

"But… mother. I want him to come home. I didn't want him to leave. Does that make me a bad person for not giving the others a chance to be saved?" Huo Lei said beginning to worry.

"Nonsense, what's wrong with a woman desiring to be with her husband? You worry about your husband like this I feel… Leiji is certainly comforted by that worry. It may seem confusing but Leiji knows that you're safe and that's why he can go and fight. Let's wait here and make sure that when he returns there are enough places set up for people to stay. I'm certain that he will bring back a large number of people. And if he is fast enough he might even be able to save the young boys from their current fate. If he does that we might be able to sustain our population much more quickly." Huo Dai said, releasing Huo Lei from her hug with a warm smile and speaking to the whole of the village.

The village cheered for what Huo Dai said. Everyone knew that it was difficult to grow from where they were at the moment. And these cheers brought Huo Lei's worry to a peak. Then someone in the crowd saw this and said… "Young Master, is a mighty existence and will surely come back victorious!" Which in turn got the rest of the villagers to cheer again. Huo Lei's worries fell a bit and her tails brimmed with vigor.

"See, you know that your husband will come back safe and sound." Huo Dai giggled.

"What of course I know! I'm still worried about him." Huo Lei said, trying to put on a pouty face.

"Your tails tell a different story my dear. You really love that husband of yours. I'm excited to see the future children you two have." Huo Dai said, causing Huo Lei to smile and blush.

~~Void Temple~~

The disciples of the Void Temple were gathered. Preparations for war were in full swing. It was truly a sight to behold. The Disciples were working hard Artifact Refiners worked tirelessly repairing and improving Artifacts. Alchemists were Refining Pills endlessly. Those with no special production daos were guarding the area around those who did. To keep things at a limited disturbance.

"I wonder… how many of them will come back alive?" I thought and Fang Qing heard me.

"It will always be unknown until the result has been reached. You shouldn't worry too much about it. Everyone here is a peak Origin King or better. Still I understand. After seeing the enemies out there… and knowing what this temple exists for. I understand your worries, Young Master." Fang Qing said.

"Let's reveal myself in a legendary way." I smirked.

A few disciples of the Void Temple were on their way to see the Artifact Refiners. Gossiping about the situation.

"With all of this what force could possibly resist us?" One of the guys asked.

"It's better to be prepared. I only hope that the Young Master doesn't do anything reckless. It would be a truly terrible thing if we had to explain our junior's death." A woman sighed.

"Hey, we all know the Young Master is freakishly strong. I mean you saw it. When he joined he had firmly put himself in the top spot of all those below the Origin Returning Realm. And he did it with just the spear. Not even using his Qi just the strength of his body and Spear was enough to send everyone out of the ring defeated. Not much could possibly do anything to him." The other woman said hyping me up.

"Junior Sister has a crush on the Young Master it se… what is that!" The first woman said, looking over to respond to her junior sister.

The other two looked over in shock as they saw a massive life-like thing dipping below the clouds. The massive body of a 12th Order Dragon Race. Once I was noticed I sped up and appeared next to the Temple. And the Temple Master Miao Fei Ping walked out of the temple and floated up to welcome me back.

"Ah! It's a dragon! A dragon is here! Just our luck." someone cried out in shock until they saw the Temple Master completely unfazed. Which calmed everyone down.

"Welcome back Young Master, It looks like your cultivation has been advancing smoothly." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said with a hand motion and a difficult smile.

"The Temple Master is too kind." I said, aloud, transforming back to my human form. "I have to ask though. The display just now was pitiful. What if I had been the enemy?" I whispered to him and glanced his way. "Void Temple Disciples I have returned today. For we go to War and eliminate the Evil that plagues our Void World. I have a special mission myself. So I only have one request for you all. KILL THE ENEMY! The sights I saw when raiding one of their undergrounds was simply unthinkable. They deserve no mercy. And I do not intend to show our enemy any. However, if you find one who has not been corrupted yet I give you permission to spare them at your discretion." I declared, as the Young Master of the Void Temple.

"Kill the enemy!" The whole of the crowd shouted out with their spirits raised. And then they all went back to work.

"Ahahaha, Young Master left a pup and returned a king. I'm happy to see your words have such an effect." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping laughed.

"I must be this way. But I'm thankful for Temple Masters' strength. I will be relying on you to deal with their Supreme Elder." I said, with a smile.

"You… you can see that? Then… do you know why I can't…" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping asked, quite interested.

"Indeed I do. However, it is not my place to tell you. Nor is this the time. My father will naturally inform you sometime soon." I sighed.