Raise The Call

"Such is the case… It was wrong of me to put you in such a spot. Forgive me." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said, as we touched down on the ground.

"Pay it no mind. It's only natural to try and glean new information. I had many interactions with my father this last time. Which is how I know the reason you are unable to breakthrough even after having refined a full set of rank 6 materials." I chuckled out.

"Oh, if you've had interactions with the Dao Master then you should know the situation. But Might I ask what kind of encounters you come across to make you so strong?" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping asked curiously. "I mean seriously you were a Saint Realm when you dropped off that message. And now you're… quite imposing to say the least." He added after checking my cultivation, and shivered slightly.

"Ahahaha, if the Temple master is asking this because he wishes to use similar methods for others I'm afraid I'd have to disappoint him. I am the only member of the Void Temple with the Physique needed to perform so well. After all, I have a Divine Body and I'm a Dragon." I laughed. "Though you need not worry about it. I doubt even my father would have been able to do what I did, that is in this realm anyways. Now though he could probably snap his fingers and make it happen." I said looking up and a hand on my chin.

"If that is the case then I won't pry any further." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping laughed hearing an example of how strong my father was.

"While I can not answer your questions you will naturally find out one of the reasons why I'm so strong now. That is after you breakthrough." I said, with a finger pointed up and my arms crossed.

"Is that so? Gee I wonder just how freakish it was. You've done it now Young Master. Now I will definitely break through!" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping laughed, confidently.

"Indeed. Temple master is confident, but I feel the need to warn you. Becoming Open Heaven Realm is not nearly as easy as it seems. In the future I plan on making something that can help with this a fair bit easier." I said, narrowing my look to show how serious a matter it was to break through. "Now then, how much longer until you are ready for me to begin? That is to begin my mission." I asked as the two of us walked around the place.

"If things go as planned and preparations continue to advance greatly… Then I'd like to say we could go to battle in as little as a day or as long as 2 days. You came at just the right time. But can you really do it that fast?" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping asked.

"Ahahaha, Temple Master let me answer like this. If the war has not begun and we are ready for it. Is that good or bad for us?" I said simply.

"It would be a good thing. I believe." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said, pondering.

"Indeed, so long as I don't take too long there will be some extra time for last minute preparation. In this battle we hold all of the cards. We are going to be ready for them. We get to choose the location and the enemy is about to suffer a heavy blow. I'll be killing as many Dao Sources as I can to alleviate the pressure on others in the future. Emperors are still a bit tricky since they have the means to combat my dragon prestige but I don't think I can't kill a few." I said, detailing the situation we find ourselves in this time.

"You are indeed right, this war will begin with the seed you plant this time. But are you sure you want to do it alone?" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping asked.

"Ahahaha, if you're worried about me… Don't. I have my methods. I can out run a 4th rank Open Heaven if I put my mind to it. What is an Emperor's speed compared to that? Anyways, the battlefield has been chosen, correct?" I said, moving the talk along.

"Yes, and here are the things you asked to be prepared from the letter." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said handing over several tiny tokens containing the bait… 'information'.

"Good! Then it seems my job will begin as soon as this conversation ends." I smiled.

"How do you intend to take away all of the captives? Given what you said previously It is no small number." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping asked, curiously.

"I have my methods but one can assume it has a similarity to the Open Heaven realm. It's just nowhere even close to as powerful." I sighed, not revealing too much but enough to satisfy his curiosity.

"Good, so long as you are truly able to do it alone then I will not stop you. You may begin when ready. I just ask you to give some sort of encouragement to the fellow disciples here." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said with a half smirk.

I nodded and flew up so everyone could see me. I took out my spear. The Mid Rank Open Heaven one. And instantly gained the attention of everyone as a result. And I smirked.

"Today! I Wang An Leiji, will set off and disturb the enemy's forces with great prejudice. Cause them havoc and bring them death. With the Heavens as our Guide may we Kill Evil and bring Good to the Void World!" I said, resounding my voice through the Void Temple.

"Kill the Evil! Save the World! Kill the Evil! Save the World! Kill the Evil! Save the World!" The Disciples chanted.

"Make no mistake! We are on the side of what is Good and Just in this world! When we return from war our families will welcome us back… With smiles on their faces and Joy in their Hearts! Now I go! TO WAR!" I shouted out.

I summoned my strength bringing thunder and lightning to the area. And letting out a War Cry doubled with my Dragons roar. The Lightning sparked and dashed across the sky. Leaving the Void Temple!