Hell Talks

~~At one of the numerous Undergrounds throughout the Void World~~

"AHHH! Master! Save me! Ugh." An Origin King shouted for a master still too far away to help. Then pierced through the heart by my spear.

"May your soul be tormented beyond your worst nightmares!" I roared out, flinging him to the side. A path of bodies lay behind. Some smashed, others pierced through the heart and suffered to their death. Then a man with quite the angry look on his face appeared. "I see that this place truly was protected by a 3rd order Dao Source." I commented taking a quick look at my opponent. "GOOD! YOU'LL KNOW MORE! Come and face judgment for your crimes against heaven!" I shouted and rushed towards him.

"Don't press your luck! A mere Origin King could never defeat me!" The Man shouted and launched a powerful attack, "Shadow Lord's Ray!" he said. And the attack made contact. "Ha! HAHA! HAHAHA! I did it! I did it! That was our Sects biggest obstacle and I killed him right here." The Man said, *Peirce* "Huh! What? How? Curs… you… brat… May you suffer a terrible accident in your future." The man said bleeding out of several newly formed holes in his body.

"And your death won't be the end of your suffering. You piece of trash. I'll take the memories and information needed from you just before it dissipates completely." I said, performing a soul search on a being that was now nothing but a soul. The torment would be beyond anything anyone could possibly withstand. "Time to move on and kill the 'Evil Shadow Sect Members" and save the unfortunate ones from this fate. Thanks to this idiot I now know every place that they are hiding the boys that are to be brainwashed. This is becoming far easier than I had thought it would be. I wonder how many of these places can fall before they do something about me?" I said, dashing around. And collecting the bodies.

~~1 Day Later in the Hell Realm~~

"My king! My King! The restriction is filling up. And the souls that keep coming in are in an even worse state. There must be some organization going down. What do we do?" An aid to the King of Hell came running in panicking.

"Calm down! You'll make this headache even worse. What were those newly arrived souls coming in here for this time?" The King of Hell said, holding his head.

"Uhm…" The aide began to check a register of sorts. "Oh yes, they all seem to be affiliated as members of a sect known as 'Evil Shadow Sect'. And their crimes… Oh my! No wonder they are here. They deserve to be punished by a Dragon! Here my king I can't even utter these words out loud given those in our presence." The Aide said offering his register to the King of Hell.

"What in my name! Let me see this dragon." The King of Hell said, utilizing the power of his position to summon a viewing screen of sorts. On the display it showed me slaughtering the 'Evil Shadow Sect' disciples and rescuing all of the captives. "This young man just now. He doesn't look like a dragon. Hmmm… Oh I see… interesting. This young man is quite the find. I must find a way to reward him someday." The King of Hell said. "However, I don't think my wife nor my daughter would be unable to see this. So I shall show them." He added allowing the others to view the scene on the screen.

"Husband! This man is truly righteous. Such actions are glorifying." The Queen said, loving the blood of the filthy 'Evil Shadow Sect' disciples spilling and spraying. She looked over to her daughter who was watching the scene.

"Father, I have been watching this for a while. And I can't tell what realm he is in. What world is this one from?" The Prince of Hell asked, having been shown the vision the whole time.

"He seems to be an Origin King from that place… The world that's been plagued with Ink. However, he seems to be beyond that almost. Like this isn't his first time with his memories. Perhaps… No, they couldn't possibly make a mistake like that." The King of Hell said, answering his son. "My darling, what do you think!" He asked, turning to his daughter. Who was still watching the screen with great intrigue.

"Oh! Uhm… Father! If there is ever a time when it is possible I'd very much like to meet this man. I like him already." The Princess smiled widely, at her father and then back at the screen with her feet on the chair and fists in her cheeks. With a big smile.

"Oh my, here we thought it would be impossible to find a man for her. Tell me dear, what is it you like about him?" The Queen of Hell asked with a look of pleasant surprise.

"He's handsome, and the way he handles that spear and kills enemies realms above him is just… Oh… What's not to like… No! Love about him. I Love him." The Princess said, with red cheeks and a large amount of enthusiasm.

"He has a wife though… it would be difficult. And even more so since the boy's father seems to plan on wedding two more brides to his son once he returns. And if he gets that number there isn't much stopping him from becoming like his father who currently has 11 and I foresee a 12th in the near future." The King of Hell said, attempting to dissuade his daughter.

"I don't care! When does a man like him come along? Wouldn't it be weird for him not to have multiple wives tending to him… warmly in bed… oh my. Father make him my husband. I beg of you! Oh you wish to reward him for the deeds he's done right? How about me?" The Princess said, laying a hand on her chest with confidence. "Besides, doesn't father have multiple wives as well?" She added further.

"Oh dear, how about this darling? If an opportunity presents itself we will bring him here. Then you can tend to him and win his heart." The Queen said, approving of this arrangement.

"Agreed! Thank you mother. Win it I shall!" The Princess said and went back to watching my battle with a joyous feeling in her heart.