Evil Shadow Sect Fallen

~~Several moments later~~

The Masters of each sect were discussing the situation together as the rest of the fighting came to an end. All that was left were a few of the Elders from 'Evil Shadow Sect' and barely any other remnants. As well as their Sect master, who is currently surrounded by the others.

"Young Master's plan this time was indeed very good. He made sure none of our Disciples met with unfortunate ends while affording them the chance to gain experience." Seven Stars Workshop 's Master commented, stroking his beard with a smile.

"Indeed, his plan went so well that I am impressed. Though I am worried about something." Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said, thinking about the information that had been gathered over the years.

"Temple Master Miao Fei Ping is it? You should be worried. We haven't released our trump card yet. IT'S TIME YOU PAY THE PRICE FOR DARING TO INTERFERE! COME FORTH MONSTER!" The 'Evil Shadow Sect's' Master yelled out with a crazed look.

A deafening roar resounded out. The Disciples of 'Evil Shadow Sect' all withdrew and collected together. Cupping their hands and… *CRUNCH* *ROOAOR* A monster deep black in color rose out of the ground, eating up the rest of the 'Evil Shadow Sect" Disciples. My attention was instantly taken by this thing. As it was definitely stronger than any one of the Sect Masters. It might give me a run for my money.

"What are you planning? Those were your own Disciples! You sacrificed them just like that!" The Master of the Golden Soup Sect shouted out at the 'Evil Shadow' Sect Master.

"HA! HAHA! HAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA! We will destroy you at any cost and then take over the whole of Void World! For such a glorious cause why wouldn't I dare sacrifice my disciples! I can get more once this is over! MONSTER! Run, Rampant! AHAHAHA!" The 'Evil Shadow Sect' Sect Master ordered maniacally holding his face with his hand. He looked crazed and absolutely Insane.

"Temple Master! Order the Unified Army! I'll handle this beast! Be on guard for that…" I said, preparing to fight this monster.

"AHAHAHA! Beware of me, Right?" The 'Evil Shadow Sect' Master said, appearing next to the 'Evil Shadow Sect' Master. "Boy you've pressed your luck too far! I will rebuild my Demon ARMY WITH THAT POWER I RECEIVED FROM THE FOUNTAIN!" He Continued with a crazed look on his face.

"INK!" I shouted. "Damn it! Temple Master deal with the monster! You can't fight that power!" I said, striking the Monster to delay it for the Disciples to escape. Before launching myself at this 'Supreme Elder'.

"Don't you dare die on me Young Master!" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said, as he sliced off the 'Evil Shadow Sect's' Sect Master's head. And the others aside from my master blasted that evil bastard's remains.

"Let's go! We have to deal with that monster!" Seven Stars Workshop's Master said to my master, seeing that she was staring in the direction I was.

"But, I have to help my disciple!" Palace Master Feng Fei Qiang said, worried and trying to come help me.

"There is no time! Trust that he will be fine! Our Job now is to deal with this freakish monster before our Disciples die! If that's not enough, THE YOUNG MASTER IS TRUSTING US TO HANDLE IT! LET'S GO!" Seven Stars Workshop's Master said, pulling Feng Fei Qiang's arm.

"He better be alive after this! Or I won't forgive myself." Purple Phoenix Palace Master Feng Fei Qiang half cried out remembering the day I was born.

~~My battle~~

"Don't press your luck boy!" Evil Shadow Sect's Supreme Elder said, landing a punch on my jaw and tried to cover me with a thick black mist.

*cough* "You hit like a bitch! I'm going to end your Vile existence today! You will not be remembered and will die in vain!" I shouted, spitting a little blood out a little blood to the side and wiping my mouth.

"YOU BRAT! I WON'T FAIL AGAIN!" The Supreme Elder shouted out angrily, launching an assault upon me.

I activated my heavenly eyes and I began matching him hit for hit. Each time a burst of energy would radiate outwards so everyone could feel it. The monster the Sect Masters along with the rest of the Emperor Realms were dealing with seemed to weaken slightly with each hit.

"I don't know what it was you failed at before. And I don't care. You are a wicked, vile and evil person that deserves Heaven's judgment! NOW RECEIVE IT!" I yelled over the sound of Thunder with each hit.

"What are you talking about boy! I have the advantage here!" Evil Shadow Sects Supreme Elder said angrily.

Just after he finished speaking I looked directly at him and smirked. "No you don't. Wanna know why?" I chuckled. "This guy's strength is piss poor for a Dao Seal level Cultivator. If it weren't for the Ink Force he has Any emperor Realm might be his match. A shame for him I noticed before it got bad.

"Oh! Why is that?" Evil Shadow Sect's Supreme Elder grunted. "Why is the ink not working? He should have been turned by now. Something is up."

"Because… I'm going to pound you to dust!" I smiled, as my high rank hammer hit the guy square on the head. Sending him hurtling into the ground creating a giant crater. I hovered above him looking down with a mildly disappointing look. "You look better like this. Now then it's time you die." I said throwing my spear through the Supreme Elders Chest. "Huh, that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I wonder… if it's because of him sharing his energy with the other disciples too much and now that they are gone… well… so is the energy." I thought.

"Not this again! This is how I died last time! Fuck! You're just like that damned brat Yang Kai!" Evil Shadow Sect's Supreme Elder lamented. "First that freakish Flowing time great Emperor that got me. Then Yang Kai and his people in the Star boundary. AND NOW YOU BRAT! CURSE YOUR LIFE!" He said before finally passing away. Also dissipating the Monster as a result.