Victory Celebration (1)

"That was interesting. Perhaps… This guy was a remnant of the Great Demon God from long ago in the Star Boundary. I'll have to speak with my father about this later. It didn't seem he knew of it. That or he was quite adamant about training the new generations. Either way, this is something he should know of, just in case the Great Demon God was hiding more parts of himself elsewhere." I thought as I put the body into a separate space ring.

"Young Master… I'm back! So how did… Awe it's over! Damn it! I'll have to see your memories then." Fang Qing said coming back into my Knowledge Sea.

"Indeed, it was far easier than I was expecting. Still a good thing I got this bastard separated from the Monster they had. That could have been troublesome. There would have been casualties. Of that I am certain." I said, calmly analyzing the result of the other battle from afar. "I guess I should make a triumphant return though perhaps I should make it seem like I had far more difficulty than I was expecting." I thought.

"Oh I know! How about you transform before you arrive? That should give them a reason to believe that it was difficult indeed. Why do you want to do this?" Fang Qing asked, still distracted by the memories flooding her mind.

"It's simple. If I don't then they will feel that all of their suffering was for not. And that I could have done this myself. How would you feel if you got injured in a battle you never had to fight? Even if it was meant as a way to give them experience. They would be right. I could have done this on my own. Though it would have been a bit more challenging. It was not the result my father wished for. Thus I acted differently to lead to the best result. It's just honestly a shame that this guy was so weak." I said, beginning my transformation.

"I think it's more like you're too strong. Remember the weapons you wield even at their current strength in your hands it is still far more powerful than a peak emperor realm. You don't give yourself enough credit. If push came to shove I'm positive you could deal with at least 2 low rank ink clan. The domineering power of lightning is not something that can be tainted by the Ink Force if controlled properly. This gives you an even larger advantage." Fang Qing tried explaining, as if to say I should leave Void World now.

"While I may have power now. That is simply not enough to deal with the ink clan. Not yet at very least. It is best if I focus on aiding my fathers own advancement. And I think I can see some sparks among the 'Unified Army' that will lead to a truly bright future indeed. That and the World Tree subtree, combined with my ability to aid my father… I don't think it will take too long for him to break through. Which by extension will help my Mother Feng and Mother Bai promote faster as well." I said, finishing my transformation.

"That's right, with Dual Cultivating the effects will also be felt by them. Even if only temporarily. You're too good of a son to them. Ahahaha, I'm glad you were the one to inherit my legacy." Fang Qing laughed happily.

~~The Former Evil Shadow Sect~~

"Ah look! IT'S A DRAGON!" Someone shouted out. Everyone quickly turned and saw a massive body floating in the air, with all manner of wounds all across it. And an oddly calm expression as if glad to see the result. And Pressure, filled the area. With a roar Thunder rolled and Rumbled, Lightning struck branching out. As if an upside down forest was summoned out of the sky.

"The enemy is no more… WE ARE VICTORIOUS!" I roared out with my dragon prestige mixing in with my Emperor Qi's influence. Causing a similar feeling of easiness and relaxation.

"YOUNG MASTER IS VICTORIOUS! Blessed be the Young Master! Thanks be to the Dao Master! Glory and Honor upon their family!" The Deacon from before declared starting a chant.

The crowd began to roar with cheers of victory. However, that Deacon missed a key point. "This victory is not mine alone! It is our victory! Today we fought side by side! As brothers and sisters. Master's and Disciple's alike! Today's Victory is our VOID WORLD'S VICTORY! So let us toast and enjoy our new found peace!" I said transforming back to human form and passing around enough wine to get a city drunk.

And what ensued after that was a slew of partying in captured Sect halls. Some hours into the party the Masters of all of the sects got together and pulled me aside. They had far too many questions. But they really only wanted to know one thing.

"What was that power used by the Evil Shadow Sect's Supreme Elder and why were you so brazenly telling your master that she could handle it? I was so worried for your safety I… I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if you got hurt." Purple Phoenix Palace, Palace Master Feng Fei Qiang said, rubbing her face against mine, not letting me go. "I won't let you go until you tell me. It's been too long since I last smothered my dearest most precious disciple." She continued.

"Ahahaha, well that would be a problem for his mothers here." Yang Kai said, appearing in the center of the hall. With Feng Ying and Bai Yi with him. They looked around and noticed that the situation was quite good.

"Hey! Little Leiji! What's the deal with having just a big party and not inviting your mothers to have some fun?" Bai Yi Pouted.

I quickly moved to greet them, causing Feng Fei Qiang to release her hold on me out of surprise. I knelt before Yang Kai, hands cupped and greeted him. "This child greets father, mother Feng and Mother Bai." I said, hoping that I wouldn't receive any punishment.

"There was someone still far too worried about you. So I brought her along to see that you were fine." Yang Kai mentioned, and out from a gate stepped Huo Lei.