Victory Celebration (2)

"Huo Lei, my love. Why are you crying?" I said, standing up quickly and pulling her close to me. I wiped the tears from her eyes with a gentle finger. While staring in her eyes. "These are my fault…" I said softly, realizing that the look she had was one of worry. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive this husband for causing these tears?" I added, holding her closer.

The party was silent in shock at what was happening. First, I called the three people who appeared here my parents. Then, I called this fourth person my love and admitted I was her husband. And then the Void Temple Disciples knelt down and cupped their hands. Including the Temple Master.

"Disciple Greets the Dao Master!" They all said in a tone that conveyed the degree of respect that should be given. No matter what. The rest of the Unified Army followed suit less than a breath after this action. No one wanted to disrespect the Dao Master. It could be said that all of them there, had, or were actively benefiting from his action directly or otherwise, after all.

"Ahahaha, there is no need. This is supposed to be a party. I only just arrived. It would be wrong for everyone not to enjoy the victory." Yang Kai said, relieving them all of their tension.

"Leiji, this wife is glad to see her husband is safe. HOWEVER, I heard you did something reckless. Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't get injured. And what do you go and do? You go and get your handsome and perfect body all bruised up. How are you going to repay this wife for lying like that? Everyone here can even attest to the injuries you had. There's no backing out of this." Huo Lei said, stubbornly turning her head to the side and looking away from me.

"Ahahaha, those fake injuries you had earlier backfired quite heavily this time Young Master. Oh this is too good. I can't wait to see the next love fest you have with her." Fang Qing roared with laughter in my Knowledge Sea.

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear with a light nibble. "You may have me for a month and do all sorts of fun things like…" Huo Lei's tails started beating slowly. "...And I'll…" I added, getting Huo Lei to beat her tails far faster and with more excitement than before. After that I pulled my head back and gently had her look at me. Once our gaze locked I asked, "What does my darling wife think of that?" now I'm only waiting for an answer.

"Right after we return home. And no breaks. Do you promise?" Huo Lei said, with sparkling eyes, waiting for my response.

"I promise. This husband will treat his wife, Huo Lei well indeed." I said, vomiting to the public display and kissing her lovingly in front of everyone. Who would dare say I'm being shameless aside from my parents who were the ones that brought her here in the first place.

"Oh my, Leiji! Why didn't you tell your master you had married already? Who gave you permission to do that?" Purple Phoenix Palace's Palace Master, Feng Fei Qiang said, being the first one to break the silence.

"That was this father. I saw the spark and made it happen. Though it took him a moment to truly make this young couple a true couple. They are indeed married." Yang Kai chimed in, recovering from what he had overheard me saying to Huo Lei when I whispered in her ear. "I hope these two didn't hear that." He sighed and then saw the look on Feng Ying and Bai Yi's faces. "Of course they heard that… wait did he… I'm going to have to train him harder than ever for this one." Yang Kai thought after he saw my smirk.

I had indeed had the message sent to my mothers as well. Naturally this gave them quite a few new ideas to try. Hence the look on their faces appearing to be quite full of their intent.

"That's how it is… Seems like the Young Master is already spoken for." A member of the crowd said. Yang Kai heard this.

"Wahahan it's.. It's so beautiful. But it's such a shame… junior brother, this senior sister must go and take care of a few things." A young woman tearfully said. And that's when the look of fear on my father turned into one of 'imminent payback'.

"Oh, don't be mistaken, everyone knows the phrase 'like father like son'. I will admit that I have many wives. 11 to be precise." Yang Kai said.

The look of utter defeat and dread that had been on some of the young women's faces turned quickly. It was like a pack of lost puppies turning into a pack of wolves who have seen their prey and are about to pounce.

"I… I guess we should get this party rolling again. Everyone drink and have fun." I said, and the atmosphere returned. "Thankfully that's over with." I thought. "Huo Lei, now that you're here I can truly enjoy the party. After all, a party without…" I stopped and looked at my father who knew what I was about to say and readied himself. "A party without one's family is no party at all." I said, wrapping my arm around her.

"Husband, when will you let us expand our family?" Huo Lei asked, sitting down next to me. She said it just loud enough for the Emperors to hear. And thus many people nearly spit out their drinks.

"Ahahaha, Young Master, your wife is quite honest, why not answer her?" The Seven Stars Workshop's Master chuckled.

"It's… difficult right now. I have a limitation beyond my power to resolve. And worse still… one beyond my own fathers power. So right now it is simply impossible to honor such a wish at this time. This is why I must reach beyond the limits of each and every realm. For without that I can forget about such notions. That aside, it would be difficult for the mothers I have yet to greet if I made them grandmothers without them even knowing." I sighed, annoyed at the restrictions that I was currently powerless to change.