Night-Love City Again (2)

After confirmation from Huo Lei we paid the bill and walked over to visit the other table where that young man and woman were. Who were now happily enjoying each other's connection. Their Master now sat there seemingly pondering how relieved he was by the two disciples finally showing their affection. When he noticed my approach.

"Ah! Young Sir, this old master must thank you. I had been having a hard time getting these two to officially be a couple. It was like constant sexual tension between the two of them. Now they have the means to relieve that. Ahahaha." The master said.

"Oh it was no trouble. Certainly nothing you need to worry about. My wife and I love this reaction others have from watching us enjoy each other's company. In fact I came here to offer a gift in honor of the new couple. I do hope you'll accept it. I'm certain that you will enjoy it." I said, handing them a space ring.

"Oh?" The master said. "This young man seems to be just as magnanimous as I heard the Young Master being. Hmm…" He thought, before he checked the gift. Then his eyes widened.

Seeing their master's eyes widen in shock like that, the young woman took the space ring and inspected it herself. Her eyes lit up with a warm intensity then looked at my wife Huo Lei.

"Can… can we really have this?" The young woman asked, hoping that it really was okay.

"Of course, since we have given it. It wouldn't be right of us to take it back. So you should just enjoy it yourselves." Huo Lei answered, with a happy smile.

"Since that's the case my wife and I wish you the best." I said, going to leave with Huo Lei.

Huo Lei and I left the small restaurant and continued our journey through the city.

~~In the restaurant we just left~~

"A shame, I would have wished to get their names. I would name my kids after them for such kindness." The young woman said, feeling a little let down with not knowing our names.

"Why? What did they give us?" The young man asked.

"Check for yourself. It's a very good thing." The young woman said, giving the young man the ring.

"This… I see. That Sir must be a rather influential person to be able to hand things like this out. That place is constantly packed every day." The young man said. "So it shouldn't be hard to figure out their names." he added, placing the ring on the young woman's finger.

"You both are two blinded by your love for each other to realize a key thing." Their master piped up. "I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out. It could only be one person." He sighed in his heart.

"Oh and master means to say that master has figured out who it was that gave us such a gift?" The young woman said with judgmental eyes, she clearly knew that her master had just now realized it.

"That was the Young Master Wang An Leiji. And his wife Huo Lei. To think he was able to hide his cultivation from me… Now that is only even more proof it was him. There is almost no one who does that even in the Origin King Realm. And those that could… well none of them would have access to the VIP token that only that Young Master is even able to make. You two should feel honored to be blessed with a gift from someone as powerful as that Young Master." The young couple's master said, revealing everything.

"That was them! They looked like any couple in the center of the Fertility Square though." The young man said. "They are good at hiding in plain sight. I have to work harder to see this. Thank you master for bringing this to light." He added.

"Wait a minute if that really was the Young Master from the Statue… Doesn't that mean…" Another person said.

Just then the City Lord and Vice-City Lord barged into the restaurant. They had heard of the look alike entering the city and that there was a couple being openly affectionate. Everyone hit the floor kneeling before them.

"Where did the Young Master go? I must find him!" The City Lord said, frantically looking for me.

"Answering Sir City Lord arrived just after the Young Master left." The young couple's master answered.

"Good! Come on father! I want to see him again." The City Lords daughter said, pulling her father away.

The City Lord and his entourage left the restaurant. And everyone breathed lightly again. Under such tremendous power who could possibly stand it.

"I think… Perhaps the Young Master Wang An Leiji is truly a really lucky man. I wonder if… No, his appetite is surely big enough to handle a woman on each arm at the very least." The young man smirked.

"Don't you dare get any ideas about taking a mistress. Or I'll fuck you out of spite." The young woman said with a glare that could kill.

"I… I wouldn't dare! You are the only woman for me. I swear!" The young man said quickly, knowing that he was no match for that glare.

A woman came into the restaurant with another woman. The two were quite clearly highly ranked in the social/power structure and heard that talk.

"Ahahaha, just recently a true couple and already taking charge of your man. You have good instincts. Your master taught you well." One said.

"Thank you Ma'am, I plan on being with him forever. It's best to chip away any bad tendencies quickly." The young woman said, then looked back towards the voice that just spoke. "Ah! Madam City Lord, Sir City Lord just left." She said quickly.

"No need to be worried. I have other plans. I'd like to try this place's food today. So no need to be so formal." The City Lord's wife said giggling towards the end.

"Seriously what is with today… First my disciples are engaged, then the Young Master shows up, then the City Lord and even the City Lord's wife. I can't take anymore surprises today." The couple's master sighed in his heart, deep in thought.