Night-Love City Again (7)

In the end I noticed that Huo Lei gave me a nod. She knew exactly what I was thinking and thus made it quite easy to get a woman's opinion on if now was truly the right time. With this in mind I stopped my walk and turned to look into Xiu Che's eyes. Xiu Che was flushed and a little confused. It was almost like she understood a little of what I was about to say.

"There are indeed beauties all around. However, out of everyone here you are the only one that I would pay attention to. My ideal woman is beautiful, bold, and loving. Like my first wife Huo Lei. And with how you approached me, you won over my first wife's heart as well. How could I deny you at that point? You're a beautiful woman, a diligent cultivator, and bold enough to dare to truly love me. How could I dare not ignore the gazes of the other women." I said, watching as Xiu Che grew more embarrassed and feeling praised from all of my words.

"Do you really mean that? Husband's words are too good." She asked, trembling with embarrassment and excitement.

"Sister Xiu Che, our husband truly meant each and every word of that. From the very bottom of his heart. I do as well, I can't for us to have his children together." Huo Lei smiled and beat the air with her tails.

Xiu Che felt an overwhelming sense of loving warmth coming from Huo Lei and myself. Yet still seemed like she wanted to hear more, even though it was embarrassing. So I thought about it for a moment and gave her a passionate kiss in front of everyone.

"I know that when the day comes to that my father introduces me to my other mothers. You will win their approval. So don't let the others around here bother you too much." I said, trying to comfort her.

"Husband, you have an unfair way with words. But I'll trust you and look forward to the day I can see my new Mother in-laws. Oh, and also, add one to the counter dear husband. I'm more eager after hearing both husband's and Big Sister's words. If you do that, then I'll ignore their gazes." Xiu Che said, trying to assert some boldness.

"Sister Xiu Che has a good idea. You heard her husband, the counter has gone up again. What are we at now? Oh isn't it around… 8" Huo Lei boldly stated, knowing my apprehension to that number going up anymore and thus I wouldn't confirm nor deny it.

"Hmm… Very well, but in exchange I'm going to make sure the both of you won't forget this night." I said, just before starting to walk again.

The looks from the crowd turned into quite an interesting mix. No one was angry or jealous toward any of the three of us. Instead the women had a slightly higher standard to meet and so did the men. Because after my words, and the display of affection a new wave came over the people. And the thought of introducing their partner to their parents was now one of the main criteria for selecting a good life partner.

~~A little later in the Inn~~

The three of us had purchased the best room possible for the night. It was equipped with a porcelain tub, herbal mixtures for setting the mood. "It seems the little bit of science I had them try out worked wonders. To think that they didn't have running water all this time blows my mind." I thought as I inspected the room probing it with my divine sense.

"Husband is the one who had this wonderful idea! It's got quite a lot of praise from the people so far. So much so that the whole of the city wants to install it." Xiu Che said excitedly.

"Oh! It looks like the system we have in the Thunder Temple. We just turn this and…" Huo Lei said, turning the faucet on. She then smirked, realizing something, then turned and looked at Xiu Che. "I know why the people love it so much, especially here." She said, with her smirk standing up and holding Xiu Che.

"Why does Big Sister Huo Lei think the people loved it so much? Isn't it just a convenient tool?" Xiu Che asked, innocently. She had yet to experience the joys of physical love.

"This special tub will afford us all three days with no interruptions. We can surely make Husbands pleasure us a great deal during this time. I look forward to it. And I know Husband is as well. So let's give him 3 days of letting our voices out. Let's start with the bath loving first." Huo Lei said, uniting Xiu Che's belly tie.

"Huh… big sister what are you doing?" Xiu Che asked, embarrassed at the sudden change.

"Undressing you of course. If you undress me as well it will make Husband really aroused. And once that happens there is a big surprise waiting for us once we undress him." Huo Lei smiled lustfully.

"Oh? What kind of surprise?" Xiu Che asked.

"A wonderful thing meant only for us wives to experience. Oh I'm excited to have it again." Huo Lei said, beating the air with her tails and palms on her face while blushing and gyrating her hips in anticipation.

This got Xiu Che into a confused but heavily interested. "I want to know too!" Xiu Che said, reaching for Huo Lei's belly tie.

"Oh? Then let us show Husband a good time." Huo Lei said, kissing Xiu Che with great vigor and love.

As the two of them gyrated and rubbed up against each other's body their remaining clothes fell to the floor. Their jade-like skin glistened in the flickering candle light.

"Okay now follow my lead." Huo Lei said, hugging Xiu Che tightly.

Huo Lei let go of Xiu Che and then raised her arms above her head gracefully. Thus lifting her chest slightly. Her breasts perked up in response.

Seeing this Xiu Che responded in kind, imitating her new Sister wife. The two of them danced around in a small circle before both stopped and looked directly at me. True lust could be seen in both of their eyes. Each smiled as they saw my face.