Night-Love City Again (6)

After the City Lord and his wife left the two of them continued to talk about numerous things. They had talked about these types of things before but not to such a degree.

"Our daughter won over the man of her dreams today. Today is a great day." The City Lord's wife said swooning.

"Now we need to plan for the wedding. We should do it once Leiji returns to visit. This way he won't have an official wife and a fiancé. But both will be wives. Who could have a problem with him then?" The City Lord said to his wife.

"Now if only our son would find a young woman already. If this doesn't push him to do so then I might just force him to marry a young woman. His little sister is already marrying him. How much face does he think he has?" The City Lord's wife said. "He needs to be more ambitious. I want grandbabies. If he doesn't do it then we should… Let's take a detour." She continued, and forced their direction to change.

"Ahahaha, let us have a great night then." The City Lord smirked seductively.

~~Back to me~~

The others that were around dispersed all for various reasons. The children were eager to go and spend some of their extra money on snacks and trinkets. A few decided to save it for something that they had been eyeing for. One of these was the boy who held great admiration for me. Even bowing respectfully before leaving and doing so to the statue as well.

"That boy will go far in the future. I can tell his talent is quite high. Perhaps even a 7th rank direct promotion in the future. Definitely no less than the 6th rank." I said, after piecing my thoughts together on the matter.

"Husband had a wonderful idea. I have no doubt that the plans you have set in motion will bring the human race many powerful masters in the future." Huo Lei said, nuzzling on my shoulder.

"I agree with Big sister Huo Lei. Husband's plan gave my father quite a heavy workload. But it will bring about a new great era. Though, It does make me feel like I'll have to add one to the counter." Xiu Che said, nuzzling on my other shoulder.

"In that case I will have to put a limit on how many times you can add to the counter for seeing these places. Otherwise it would become quite troublesome. In any case, I feel like the idea was never mine to begin with. I always had this plan from the moment I had met my father for the first time. It was almost as if something clicked and I had been born in this world to bring this change. So perhaps it's just the remnant Will from my fathers heavenly lightning…" I said, beginning to ponder things a little deeper.

"Don't stress yourself over it too much dear husband. Once we meet our new mothers face to face and provide proper respects. We can begin fulfilling the counter. Oh by the way, dear husband, when are you going to make my voice come out so loud the whole city hears it?" Huo Lei said, gently nibbling on my ear seductively.

"No fair, you can't have husband all to yourself. And what's this about the whole city hearing it? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?" Xiu Che said, jealous and confused.

"Sister Xiu Che, you'll find out tonight just how great it really is to let your voice out without restraint. The things Husband does… Even if you forget the feeling, your body won't. I look forward to seeing how well we play together. Let's tease husband together." Huo Lei smirked seductively and kissed Xiu Che on the lips.

After a brief moment of the two of them kissing they stopped and looked at me deep in the eyes. Their faces flushed, one with excitement and the other a mix of excitement and embarrassment. After seeing this scene right in front of me combined with Huo Lei knowing exactly what gets me all riled up. I couldn't hold back much longer. I wanted to indulge in their bodies right there and then. However, that would be far too risky.

"You're both so eager, then this husband will accompany you and fulfill his duty. Xiu Che, tonight is the night I'll make you my woman and Huo Lei will help teach you many techniques." I said, picking them both up before I walked to the nearest Inn.

The people in the square knew what this action meant. It was quite clear that a man would take the woman to their room for the night on his own. If he was unable to bear the weight of the public eyes or other… weights. He would fail and become a bit embarrassed. It wasn't anything bad if the man couldn't. It was simply a traditional mini challenge I had come up with to help men become more confident about being openly loving to their partner.

The difference between what they had normally seen and what they saw now. Was quite simple. I had two women I was carrying. And doing that properly was indeed a bit of a challenge. However, it wasn't like the woman was not allowed to help. Huo Lei and Xiu Chen interlocked their legs to form a sort of bond. And they wrapped their arms around my neck as extra support.

I had two beautiful women in my arms, as I carried them over to the Inn we would be staying in for the night, my confidence was palpable and gave rise to many feelings of admiration mixed with jealousy. It later turned to respect as the men realized who I was. The women in the area were on the other hand a bit different. They moved out of the way, out of jealousy.

In this world a woman is brought up from a young age to go for the best possible man she can hope to get. Naturally this had some issues, when some thought themselves more beautiful than my wives. I naturally ignored it.

"Husband, why is it you don't pay attention to those women but accept me without much resistance. Rather the resistance seemed more like you were worried about my future." Xiu Che asked.

I pondered for a moment, not that I didn't know, but whether this was the right environment for such things.