Night-Love City Again (5)

"I see, then all you need to do is keep her safe and treat her well. We're going with you as well then. That's all that means doesn't it? You have to take your in-laws with you since they also become your family. There must be something else then." The City Lord's wife said, eagerly.

"Very well then. There exists an ancient enemy in the outside world. My father and many others are currently posed to defend against it. Once I break through I will naturally go to this battlefield myself. It is dangerous and while I am confident in my own abilities it is best to prepare in advance. However, just like now. I doubt there will be any change in the future. I won't lose to anyone in my realm. As for those above my realm I won't make it easy for them. That is something I can promise." I said, with brimming confidence.

The City Lord and his wife both started discussing something and then looked at their daughter. Then went back to discussing.

"Darling Che'er, you love him don't you? As your mother I want the best for you. And it is no mistake to say that the Young Master is the best. If you marry him your future will be stable." The City Lord's wife smiled warmly.

"I do, I love Senior Brother Wang An Leiji. I want to marry him and have his babies!" Xiu Che boldly said, quite a bit louder than she realized.

"Then it's settled. Even in the event you have more wives in the future… Treat our daughter with love and care." The City Lord said, before I got a chance to respond.

"You're going to have a really fun time tonight dear husband." Huo Lei, sent through the connection. "I've been waiting for this day for a while now. I'm going to enjoy this." She added with a look of lustful excitement on her face.

Xiu Che, now quite happy, ran up and wrapped her arms around me again, only this time I responded in kind.

"Now that we are like this. It is my job to wipe your tears. So let's do away with the sad ones." I said, wiping her remaining tears away with a gentle hand. "And a hug between husband and wife is incomplete without this." I said, before pressing our lips together.

Xiu Che at first was surprised and then closed her eyes and enjoyed the overwhelming feeling of happiness. She got to marry the hero she idolized for so long. The whole reason she went through all of the instructions on womanhood from her mother and martial aunt. It paid off in the end. She was now embraced in the very arms of the hero who not only saved her father, and city. But also the world.

"Now let no one say you are not spoken for. You should remain by our side for the rest of our journey. I promise that I will love you just as much as our husband does." Huo Lei said, joining in the experience.

"Sir city lord… No, father-in-law, I will take responsibility for Xiu Che's safety from here. I would like to continue exploring the City and enjoy the sights to see. If there is something you need from me at this time please ask for it. As I would like to get back to cultivating love with my family. Which reminds me." I said, calmly turning back to the group of children who remained there watching as if to take in as much of the experience as possible. "You wouldn't happen to have a pink lotus flower would you?" I asked.

"I do sir!" one of the little girls smiled, pulling it out of her small flower satchel. "Here you are sir." The girl was happy that the flower she had was the one picked.

"Aren't you sweet." I said with a smile patting her head gently in approval and received the flower. Then turned back to face Xiu Che, who was clearly feeling pleased with her choice of man. "This is for you." I said, setting it in Xiu Che's hair similarly to how I did with Huo Lei. Only on the other side of her head.

"Hus… Husband, is kind, gentle, warm and loving. And great with kids. Big sister Huo Lei told me something earlier. So I'll add this. That just made the counter go up." Xiu Che smiled.

"Oh, I see, then perhaps I should act that more often." I said, wrapping my arms around both of them.

"Achem… In any case this old man won't bother you any further. Though I am curious about something." The City Lord said, with a slightly raised brow.

"So long as it is something I can answer then I will do my best to do so." I said, hoping it wasn't going to be something crazy.

"First I'd like to know why you placed the flower on the opposite sides of your wives heads?" The City Lord asked.

"Simple! How dare I not do this? It would be unfair to either of them if one was to walk arm in arm and have one of the flowers crushed when resting their head upon my shoulder." I said, plainly.

"Oh, I see. Then.. my last question. I heard reports that you were a dragon race. Is… is that true?" The City Lord asked. And his wife started keen on hearing the answer.

"The phrase 'A Dragon among Men' is a good phrase and suits me quite well. Unfortunately you'll have to take my word for it. Since transforming here would be… unsettling for the people. Oh… I know." I said, and then transformed my arm to prove it. And then back again.

"Sir is a dragon! Rawr rawr!" some of the children giggled a little after seeing that.

"I see, well then I will be on my way. And get things ready for your visit to the palace later." The City Lord said, with a slightly shocked voice. Before he turned around to leave.

"Take good care of our daughter. I won't listen to any excuse if you fail." The City Lords wife said, with a threatening smile before fixing it into a clean happy smile. It was a warning of facing a mothers wrath. Nothing else.