Night-Love City Again (4)

"Hey, isn't that the city lord over there? Why did he come here?" The now thoroughly embarrassed man said, noticing the figure of the city lord in the distance closer to the entrance of the Square.

"Hmm… I guess it's fine to meet with him now. Though I'm not quite sure why he seems to be so panicked. No, rather panicked, he seems nervous instead." I said, turning to look at the situation.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much, Husband. After all, what could possibly be so difficult to handle. I'm certain that whatever it is you'll handle it with grace and prestige." Huo Lei said.

"Before we do that…" I said, turning to the group of children. "You should take this and get yourselves a good snack from some of the stalls." I said, giving them each a little bit of money to use for themselves.

"Sir we can't accept this from you. It would be wrong." One of them said, trembling and drooling at the idea of some good food.

"Consider this a reward for your diligence. And use it to indulge in some of your favorite foods. It's my thanks for your work. I've heard the meat bun shops around here are great. You can use that money there if you like." I said, watching as their faces lit up at the idea.

At this time there was someone running up to me from behind. I could tell exactly who it was and that there were no ill intentions. So I ignored it for the moment. And then the person laid on my back.

"Thank you Sir! With this we can have some more fun." One of the children said.

"Now I want to be like you even more now sir!" Another smiled.

"Husband, who is this woman?" Huo Lei asked, confused and interested.

"Young lady Xiu Che, please don't go running off like that. There are many men who would be too eager. Even now you're being unreasonable hugging a married man's back so closely." The City Lord said, finally catching up. "I swear catching up with a rambunctious daughter like that is beyond difficult." He sighed in his heart.

"Wait, Sir is married?" Xiu Che said, getting off my back slowly. Almost apprehensive to the idea.

"Indeed I am, my wife is right here in fact. We are going on a trip around all of Void World. And figured it would be best to start here." I said, holding Huo Lei close with one arm and caressed her face with my free hand.

"Ahahaha, I see that the Young Master who saved my life all those years ago has grown quite well. And has a beautiful wife." The City Lord said, then turned to his daughter. "I'm sorry Xiu Che, it seems like I'll have to find another man for you. Oh that is going to be tough." The City Lord said, attempting to comfort his daughter.

Huo Lei on the other hand felt quite different about the situation. She quickly and boldly hugged Xiu Che. "Why would the city lord say something like that? I quite like Junior Sister Xiu Che. Her actions remind me of how I acted with my husband before. She must truly have feelings for him." She said, then turned to face towards me expecting an answer. "Isn't that right, dear husband. Remember how you save my mother, myself and my people from the evil men. And then I jumped to hug you." She added.

I could tell that her words were different from what she meant. This was clearly intentional. The connection at our souls had been restored for our dual cultivation method before we left the village. So I was able to know exactly what she felt. This wasn't how I had expected our time in the city to go but nevertheless it happened.

Just as I could tell what Huo Lei was feeling at this moment, she could do the same for my own feelings. But she didn't relent. So she made another feeling go through our connection that was more of a demand. And then I sent another back to debate this situation. After what seemed like an extremely long conversation which in reality was simply the amount of time for a light breeze to go by.

"My wife is right, Junior sister Xiu Che did in fact act in an incredibly similar manner. However, Sir City Lord must know a few things before I can accept your daughter into my family. The first one is that my head wife is not only accepting of her but also desiring such an outcome. So it seems you've fulfilled that one thus far. To a point I won't hear the end of it if I don't bother entertaining the idea of taking another wife… So we should discuss this further." I said after basically getting berated about all of the things Huo Lei said through our connection.

"Very well, what better place to discuss these matters than in this very Square. Please continue on about the things I must know." The City Lord said.

"Yes, please do tell me what you are discussing." The City Lord's wife said, appearing behind the City Lord with a smile meant to mask her intent. "I have to say it better be important if you're going to all this trouble. I was having quite the nice meal until I heard that you made our daughter cry in the worst place possible." She added.

"Oh, darling… that… uhm." The City Lord stuttered.

I then explained the events that had transpired just then and now

"Oh I see… It was like that. So now you're discussing marriage, and my daughter will become your second wife, in that case. Hmmm… it's not too far-fetched for powerful people to have multiple partners. So what is there to discuss?" The City Lords wife asked, thinking everything was resolved.

"There will come a day I breakthrough the limitations of this Void World and the day I do I will be taking my family with me. When that happens, if Junior Sister is my wife at that time she will naturally be coming with me." I said, bluntly explaining the situation and keeping the danger of the situation a little under wraps for the moment. It's best to have these things talked out one step at a time.