Night-Love City Mansion (2)

"Greetings Vice-City Lord, it's good to see you in good health. To answer your question, yes. This is my wife Huo Lei, A wonderful and loving woman. I am truly fortunate to have her by my side." I said, with respectful cupped hand salute.

"Ahahaha! The young man from before has grown. Indeed, having a woman by one's side is a truly wonderful feeling. And marriage is always meant to be a joyous thing. It's good that a man like you has a wonderful woman. We have something in common. For I feel the same about my wife." The Vice-City Lord laughed at first, then grew more refined and sentimental.

"Achem… Please have a seat Young Master, You've come this time for the reports I assume. So please take a load off. While you inspect them." The City Lord said, pointing to a couple of chairs.

"Then I must thank the City for his thoughtfulness. I do hope to analyze the information that mortals are given as well. I prefer to make sure that everyone is receiving the same opportunities." I said, sitting down.

Huo Lei took a look at the chair that was obviously meant for her. And then looked at me in my chair. She stood there for a moment seemingly confused about what to do. "I'll sit right here." Huo Lei said, sitting down in my lap. "Where would Junior Sister Xiu Che sit if I didn't sit here? There is only one other chair available." She giggled.

"Thank you… for not taking my seat Senior Sister Huo Lei." Xiu Che said, struggling to hold back the desire to just claim the other half of my lap for herself. "I swear I'm gonna make their voices cry out louder than ever after this. Even if it is only a ruse. I wanted to sit on Husband's lap all lovely like that." She thought as she sat down in the last open chair.

"Son, go and bring the reports. The Young Master wishes to look over them. You should use this chance to learn from him any information that might help you in the future." The City Lord said, ordering his Son to go and find the reports.

"As you wish Lord Father, Right away." Xiu Che's brother said and quickly left to collect the documents for mortals. They were indeed different since no spiritual energy was contained within them. This was because the Mortals had no way of accessing Spiritually stored information. One might as well give them a stick and have them build a city out of stone. It was simply impossible.

"I… Hope I'm not too early Sir City Lord." A young woman said, entering after she heard the situation. "I hope I don't ruin the plan. I don't think I could live with myself if I lost this chance." she thought, waiting for a reply.

"No you're fine. In fact, just on time! Quickly go and take Xiu Che's chair. My beautiful daughter has a great husband to sit with." The City Lord's wife said, happily. "Even treating her quite well for three whole days. He didn't disappoint." She added, with rosy cheeks.

"I see, So it was the Young Master's plan this time. Please accept my thanks." The young woman said bowing and cupping her hands, in front of me.

"Pay it no mind, there is no need to thank me. I do this for my wife's sake. As her family is now my family as well." I said, with a light smile.

"No, I must thank you. I've had feelings of love for brother Xiu Liang since we were quite young. And my heart ached when I heard the City Lord was injured all that time ago. And I must thank you for healing the City Lord at that time." The young woman refused to let it go.

"Since you refuse to let it go. I won't stop you. However, please do wait until after for any thanks. I prefer to be thanked after the fact than before. Besides, if this works you'll be my Sister-in-law. And what thanks is there needed between the family?" I said with a caring smile. "She truly loves this Brother-in-law of mine. It would be great to see them as a married couple after today.

"Husband, that might have been a ruse earlier but I don't care. I want you to treat me for that." Xiu Che said, with a pouty face.

"Come here and have a seat on this Husband's lap." I said, and Xiu Che did so in a cute pouty sort of way. "Now then how shall I make my dear wife feel better." I said, acting of course. I could sense that Xiu Liang was on his way back.

The young woman who had been worried before finally sat down. I stared into Xiu Che's eyes. And leaned in for a beautiful and loving kiss. There was no lust in this one and was purely to show my love and affection. A feeling that has no need for any other words. As I was kissing Xiu Che, Xiu Liang returned.

"Father, I have returned! I did my best to make it back as… fast… as…" Xiu Liang said, running back into the hall, and then dropping the documents on the floor in shock. "Why… what? Xiu Che, my little sister! What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be sitting there where… Sun… Sun Bai… is seated…" He asked rushing over to see the situation up close.

"What do you think I'm doing dear brother?" Xiu Che jabbed at Xiu Liang.

"You're kissing a married man! And above all it's The Void World's Young Master!" Xiu Liang said out loud, trembling in shock that his little sister was kissing the love of her life.

"Oh stop it brother, Why wouldn't I kiss my husband? I'm quite happy I am married to the love of my life, my hero. Also, dear brother. My husband and I have already shared the room. By the way, where is my sister-in-law?" Xiu Che said, pushing her brother beyond the original plan's limit.

"That, I… I have no wife for my little sister Xiu Che to call a sister-in-law." Xiu Liang sighed, feeling absolutely defeated.