Night-Love City Mansion (3)

"Husband, my brother hasn't been married yet and all of the ladies that have been introduced to him so far have been great. I'm worried for my brother. I don't want him to lose out on life's joys." Xiu Che said, faking a small frown.

"Brother Xiu Liang, stand up for yourself. I have a vague idea why you haven't decided yet. You are fine the way you are. Find your love and cultivate it. You'll find that it is far easier than you are making it out to be. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. And choosing your lover is one of those times! Now tell me do you harbor feelings for anyone?" I said, with a bit of force in my voice.

Xiu Liang glanced slightly over at Sun Bai, the young woman who we had invited for this event. "I… I do! It's just that I am too weak. How could I just think about acting just like that? I don't have the strength needed to be a husband! How…? How can I be strong like you brother-in-law?" Xiu Liang said with a mix and flurry of emotions bubbling out everywhere.

"You want to be strong like me? In what way? I am a Dragon Human. It is simply unfair to compare yourself to me. And quite frankly… You don't want the weight that is on my shoulders. And make no mistake, you would bear the burden if you had this strength." I said, with haste.

"Why is that brother-in-law Wang An Leiji…?" Xiu Liang asked, followed by many laughing and others giggling.

"Great Strength comes with Great Responsibility! That's why!" I said, imbuing my voice with power. "Before I took your sister into my family, your business with women was none of my concern. But now that has changed. I now owe it to her that I help you. As she is a part of my responsibility. And I hers. It is a give and take. With love as the currency." I said, kissing Xiu Che, as I got ready for the next part.

"How? How am I supposed to do that? I'm not as bold as my sister is. I could never be as bold as this." Xiu Liang said, almost starting to cower. Sun Bai giggled a little thinking he was cute.

"Recall your strengths. And find what drives you forward. Even if you need an excuse to push yourself. No matter how small, how seemingly insignificant. Perhaps the smiles of the young, or the livelihoods of the people in a city. Focus on that. Now tell your brother-in-law. What is it?" I said, standing up, placing my hands on his shoulders. "What is it that drives you?" I said again.

Xiu Liang went into a moment of deep thought. "I… my family. I want the plans that my Brother-in-law introduced back then to succeed no matter what. You saved my fathers life and by extension the city's life as well. This is all I can do with my strength." He finally said after giving it a ton of thought.

"Ahahaha, good! You've found what it is. Like I said, it doesn't matter what it is. Only that you find it. And this brother-in-law got the read on you before all of this. Now then find someone to share that passion with. And build a future together!" I said with a little bit of laughter.

Xiu Liang gulped and turned red in the face. He thought about it for a moment. "They brought Sun Bai here knowing this would be the outcome." He thought as he looked around at the scene. "Brother-in-law is too fierce a matchmaker." He said.

"What can I say, when the time is right, one must strike to ignite the flame of love." I said chuckling. "He is incredibly smart. With the proper method I gave to Sun Bai, the two of them will definitely become powerful Emperors in the future." I thought.

Xiu Liang turned to Sun Bai. "Sister Sun Bai, no, Sun Bai, you have had eyes since the first time I saw you. And you captivated my heart the first moment we spoke and I heard you laugh and saw you smile. I desire more than just knowing you. Will you make this foolish man happy by allowing him to take your hand." Xiu Liang said, trying to be smooth.

"You sure took your time asking me. I want some reassurance." Sun Bai said, following the script we had laid out to a rough degree.

Xiu Liang knew almost instinctively about what it was that Sun Bai meant. And he grew embarrassed beyond embarrassed. He gulped audibly. Moving in closer and holding her hand, he pulled her up out of the chair and held her close to himself. Brushing her hair off to one side with a gentle hand.

An event that made Sun Bai blush even though she was expecting something like this. And closed her eyes, waiting for the moment. Xiu Liang closed the distance and pressed their lips together. A pause happened as the two realized just how great what they just felt actually was. At that moment their pent up feelings came to the surface. And what was supposed to be a simple kiss turned into a passionate display.

"Brother was worried for nothing. Ah! And now…" Xiu Che giggled, looking at her father and then to me.

"My son, my heir, has found a wife with which to start a family. I City Lord of Night-Love City welcome this happy news. And wish the couple a fruitful future." The City Lord said, booming his voice across all the center of the city.

"I Void World's Young Master, welcome this change and give you my blessing. That is, the blessing of the world." I said, with a slightly less intense voice since my blessing would have a slightly different effect.

"Husband, is really too good. Will you help your mother-in-law's new child when they grow old enough?" Huo Lei asked with a bright face and beating tails.

"Mother! You're with child! Since when!" Xiu Liang said in surprise, just before the world blessing was about to take effect.

"We were worried that your sister would be the only one to give us grandchildren. So of course your father and I tried for another. Young lady Sun Bai, I look forward to the future. You understand?" The City Lord's wife said with a smile.