Night-Love City Mansion (4)

Sun Bai fidgeted nervously after hearing her future mother-in-law's words. "I'll use this opportunity to make Xiu Liang embarrassed instead." She thought. "I understand, I look forward to the future as well, mother-in-law." She said with a smile. She then interlocked her arm on Xiu Liang's, looking up at him. "That's a cute face, I want to see more of it." She thought. "You are too, isn't that right? Your mother has asked me to do something impossible on my own. You… have… to… help… me. Alright?" She said, teasing and poking him.

"Ah, Uhm Ah, Of… of course I will. I wouldn't keep such a gift away from you." Xiu Liang said, stuttering at first at the new change in his life.

"Good! By the way, Young… No, Brother-in-law, Leiji. What is this feeling? It's like I am lighter in a way." Sun Bai asked, puzzled by the sensation.

"I have a little bit of say when it comes to matters inside of Void World. Though it does take a considerable sacrifice on my part. However, compared to the results you will gain, I believe it to be worth it. What I have done is given you the blessing of the Void World. With it I can assure you that your cultivation experience will lead to the Emperor Realm." I said, with a smile and a very small bead of sweat.

"Brother-in-law Leiji… just what kind of price did you pay for such a result? You even have a bead of sweat dripping on your face. For you that's… well… rare isn't?" Xiu Liang asked, worried I might be overdoing it.

"Xiu Che, your brother doesn't think Husband sweats." Huo Lei giggled to Xiu Che.

"They have no idea what the intensity needed is. It isn't like just anything can cause Husband to sweat." Xiu Che giggled back.

"Sister is right, though it is usually anticipation." Huo Lei said.

"However, this time it really was quite difficult. When I entered the hall I was primed to break through to the Emperor Realm. Now I am Roughly the similar to the newly promoted 3rd Order Dao Source Realm. So it isn't too big of a gap." I said.

"An Emperor already! Your pace is truly frightful. Who in your generation could possibly keep up?" The City Lord and Vice-City Lord both piped up, shocked.

"But, won't this delay Brother-in-law Leiji's promotion? Why would you do something like this? I feel like I have stolen an opportunity." Xiu Liang said, shaking realizing he can feel the difference.

"It doesn't matter to me that much. The energy I have spent just now will go to good use. Otherwise it would have been wasted. As I will definitely need to enter seclusion after breaking through. Which right now is quite inconvenient to say the least of it. Also, you may call me Brother Leiji. We are family now, so we should treat each other as such. It would be wrong for us to be so distant." I explained with a light and happy tone in my voice.

"But reaching the Emperor Realm! It's the Peak until that other freakishly powerful one. Why wouldn't you want to reach it sooner?" Xiu Liang.

"For two simple reasons. First, I am the Young Master and have responsibilities that have come up and must be addressed first. This is something I can not ignore. And breaking through would hinder that progress. Since I am trying to help aid my fathers cultivation. The stronger he is, the safer everyone else here is. Hence the importance." I explained.

"That sounds quite important? But how does one… Oh… OH MY! It all makes sense now! That's why Void World has felt better every few years. To think just increasing the population by only this much had such an effect and there are still more plans in the future. Wait… so what's the second reason?" The City Lord asked with a raised brow.

I wrapped an arm around each of my wives and gave him a look that needed no words. However, for others it would be difficult to understand. "The second reason is what I have to say is more important. I have two wives and it would make me a terrible husband if I left them alone for so long. Especially since I have recently come out of seclusion and because I have taken a second wife. I, as their husband, must make them happy. And I intend to do so." I said, then kissing Huo Lei and Xiu Che.

"Ahahaha! Good! I knew you would take care of my daughter. Treat her well, you understand?" The City Lord's Wife said, with a glance towards her husband and smiled.

"Mother-in-law is too serious, since I have taken Xiu Che as my wife I will naturally not treat her wrong. My only problem now is that I must introduce my wives to my other 9 mothers before anything about bearing fruits of love can happen. Since that has been a restriction my first wife Huo Lei came up with the idea of a counter. Whenever they have a maternal feeling, the number goes up. We are currently at 9. So I can guarantee there will be 9 born of Xiu Che and I. When it happens… that remains to be seen." I said, admitting the fault I had.

"No worries, your father sent us a message saying as much. So long as you give us grandchildren in the future we won't be upset." The City Lord said.

"I not only intend to but I hope to not be limited by a counter in the future." I added with a slightly flushed smile.

"Oh my, and what happens when you accept a new wife?" The City Lord's wife asked.

"They will also receive the same treatment. So while most of the count thus far has been generated from Huo Lei. Xiu Che can guarantee the same amount. This is only fair. Since no matter what I refuse to have any rifts appear in my family." I said, with strength and care in my voice.

"Outstanding! Now then let's get to business with the results and reports." The City Lord said.