Seeing Master Feng Again

I walked over and helped her up. "Senior Sister Xun is too serious. You don't need to act like a stranger with me. Remember when we dealt with those bullies in Mountain Forest? We share a live and death victory over the enemy. There is no need for you to be such a stranger. So stop this with your hands." I said with a light touch on her shoulder. 

"Even still, you have become an Emperor. I no longer have the qualifications to call you a junior brother." Purple Phoenix Palace Disciple Xun said, and then noted the two women who were with me. 

"If you don't wish for it then it can't be helped. Then how about a compromise? Call me Young Master Leiji, instead. I don't want to hear you call me Elder or anything like that." I chuckled. Removing my hand and taking a look at the young boy. 

"Young Master Leiji, may I ask, who are these two women with you? They are both so beautiful." Disciple Xun asked, curious and blushing at their beauty. 

"They are the two I hold most dear in my heart, my beautiful wives, Huo Lei, and Xiu Che." I said, introducing them. 

"Greetings, Husband tells stories to the children in our home village about the events at Mountain Forest. And about how two of his fellow disciples got married shortly after. It seems the story was about you. Congratulations on such a lovely experience." Huo Lei smiled, waving a tail around, and giggled as the little boy looked as the tail waved back and forth. 

"Oh my, is that so. Thank you for the kind words Young Lady Huo Lei. And apologies for my son's actions. He is still rather young. In fact if it wasn't for the policies Young Master enacted it would have been difficult to have one. Let alone the second on the way." Sister Xun said, with a look of nothing but thankfulness. 

"Good! I'm happy for you. It is good to see that it has had a large positive and profound effect." I smiled happily and looked at the little boy. "You listen to your mother now understand! Don't leave the path of righteousness and live a happily fulfilling life. Be sure to Honor your parents, and your Master." I said, giving a little free sage advice. Even in this world that advice would have cost people several emperor crystals. 

"This one understands Statue Man's words And I will listen to my mother and my father." The little boy answered.

"Good, now then Sister Xun, I have some business to take care of. And I'm sure the Palace Master has a few things for me." I said, as I departed. 

After walking a short distance away. "I knew he would turn out to be a powerful cultivator with a lot of influence. But I never expected that his influence would reach this point. He is truly The Young Master of Void World. May he, his family and the warriors who leave to explore beyond be victorious in their battle." Sister Xun said, holding her son's hand.

"Mommy… Is the Statue Man going to fight more enemies? Isn't he super powerful? Who would dare be his enemy? The world loves him, right?" The boy asked, with a child's curiosity. 

"Evil beings that desire to cause the exact opposite of his goals. They are even worse than the 'Evil Shadow Sect' was in the past. Right now his father Lord Void is fighting them alongside many like minded men and women. And from what I have heard the enemy is quite powerful. Some are even stronger than Lord Void. But, we don't need to worry. Because no matter the enemy, no matter the strength Lord Void will make sure to protect us. And so will the Young Master Leiji." She explained.

"Really! Then… Lord Void's family must be super nice. The Statue Man is so cool too… I want to be like them and grow stronger. I'll beat the evil too!" The boy said, almost trying to call out to me. 

"Not right now you aren't, you must cultivate and grow stronger. I'll take you next year to meet my Master. They will help to identify your natural Dao. What Dao would you follow if you had a choice?" Sister Xun asked her son, then was shocked by the answer. And with a smile nodded that it was good. 

~~Purple Phoenix Palace~~

I returned to the Palace which ended up causing a huge scene. The price one pays for being famous. At this point I was quite literally world renown. Even the tiniest of villages knew my name and the place I hailed from. Which inevitably caused a great increase in the number of new disciples to the Purple Phoenix Palace. 

There were many young women around my age that seemed to be quite enthusiastic, likely thinking that they might get a chance to… feel the hero's body up close and personal. A sentiment that they reluctantly subsided and surprised after they focused on the vision of Huo Lei and Xiu Che. Their presence here helped far more than anticipated. And I made sure they knew that. To which they smiled and latched onto my arms. Which continued even as we stood before my master, the Palace Master.

"Greetings Master Feng, I am here on business and… well… a tour of sorts. First allow me to apologize for the disturbance before." I said, cupping my hands to show respect. She did in effect raise me from infancy to a point in my childhood. It would be wrong not to show respect for that. 

"Don't worry about that your father explained it already on your behalf. I'm more impressed that you have another woman since I last saw you. I can't fault you for it since it is rare for a man with such standing to have a single lover. Rather, I'm shocked that it didn't happen sooner. But did you tell her about the restrictions you are under?" Master Feng Qi Qian said, with an interested look on her face. 

"Reporting, My dear husband is indeed under some strict rules. However, we have decided on a way to handle this. In short, my husband is going to be quite busy in the future." Xiu Che replied with a smile on her face.