Dragon War Drums?

"I see, as long as everyone is satisfied with the arrangements I won't pry any further. Instead I will congratulate my Disciple on a happy marriage." Master Feng Qi Qiang sighed. "It really is a shame that such beautiful women must be toyed with like that. I wish there was a way to avoid it but the Heavens wouldn't agree to such a thing." She thought to herself in a momentary pause. 

"This Disciple thanks Master, for Master's blessing. I will not disappoint you nor my parents or my In-Laws." I said, as I bowed in a calm, respectful manner. "She must be quite thankful that she doesn't have to continue looking for a suitable woman to marry to me. And to be quite honest I prefer it this way. Arrangements can work but there needs to be a solid foundational connection to bind the two to one. And in this world the only two who fit this are Huo Lei and Xiu Che. Everyone else reveres me instead of harboring true feelings of love, desire, and longing. I am quite lucky to have them by my side." I thought as I bowed.

My wives bowed to match mine as a sign of respect. It was customary for this but not required considering the significant gap in abilities and status. Yet no one could argue to not do it. That said, bowing too long would be difficult given the standings. 

"Alright that's enough. Any more and it will just be embarrassing. And since you have work to do you should get at it." Master Feng Qi Qiang said, snapping her fingers and out come numerous people carrying stacks of books and scrolls, made from both paper and jade. "A set of the details for the mortals, and another for cultivators. And while you're at that I'm going to talk with those two beautiful young women. As your master I have… many things to discuss with them." She continued after all of the information had been set up and ready for examination. 

"Understood, I'll begin at once." I said, with a confident tone indicating I won't give them much time to talk. Nothing good comes from too much gossip. Some gossip can be a healthy thing. But too much can lead to very big problems. Though I did suspect they would be receiving something… special. Call it expert guidance from one woman to another. 

~~Half a day Later~~

I had finished going through all of the reports. "Leave it to a major sect to be near perfect with their reports. Keep up the good work and make sure to train the disciples properly every day." I said, stretching after managing the information. 

"Young Master? What does the young master mean?" A Palace Manager asked. 

"It means that the day the Young Master leaves Void World is fast approaching. And when that day comes. The many things we take for granted now… we won't have. So we can only strive to be the best that we can and continue to work hard honoring the effort of the Hero of Void World." Yuan Luo said, having been awaiting a chance to mention some more of his sage wisdom. 

"Deacon Yuan Luo is partially right. After I am done here. I will take care of a couple of important matters. Then enter seclusion. I'm afraid that I can only do this. The enemy out there has seen me once already and experienced defeat by my hands. They will surely not take it lightly. Though, it's a crying shame for them, Since I get about 5 times as much prep time." I explained with a few corrections. 

"I see, so that's why your father had those things ordered to be constructed. Not bad, they will truly come in handy if the young master is still busy with his cultivation. I only hope it never needs to be used." Yuan Luo mentioned worriedly. 

"Hmm… my father ordered something to be constructed? That's actually quite rare. I wonder if it is convenient to tell me about it?" I asked with a raised brow. 

"It is. It's just a seemingly simple item. However, every city the world over will have one installed. The Dragon War Drum. It is supposed to release the sound of a dragon's roar and rouse a dragon's fighting spirit to a heightened state. I assure it would also be able to get even the young master to exit retreat." Yuan Luo explained. 

"Ahahaha, good! That will make it easier to focus. With the worry of how I'll be interrupted when the enemy attacks now a known variable, I might even be able to cultivate faster. My Father has had an interesting idea." I laughed out of surprise and happiness. I no longer had to worry about that while in seclusion. That was a large bonus for sure. 

"Good, Palace Master told me to have only the finest room prepared for you. And here is the token for the restriction. I trust the Young Master will rest well tonight." Yuan Luo said, handing over the token to the best room they had. It was the room that would have been mine had I remained only a Purple Phoenix Palace Disciple. 

"Then I will leave the reports and my critique with you. And take my leave. I am quite exhausted, after all." I said with a smile. 

"Rest assured, Young Master, I will take care of things here. You go and take care of your matters." Yuan Luo cupped his hands and bowed deeply. Causing the other managing disciples to follow suit immediately. If your master bows, so do you. 

"Good, I may be here now but you should act as if I am not. Make sure to hold yourselves accountable and look after each other. Remember to be true to yourselves and true to the Dao." I said, turning and leaving. 

"We will follow the path decreed by Lord Void and the Young Master. Never forgetting to hone our skills. And help guide our fellow disciples." Yuan Luo said, before. "We are stronger together. May the Void family end all evil and bring light to the endless heavens!" The Disciples chanted.

I simply waved a hand in approval like I do and vanished from the room. Leaving the Disciples in awe of my methods.