A Masters Reminiscence

~~Outside my Room~~

I appeared in a flash and saw that Master Feng Qi Qiang was sitting at a table waiting for me. She poured a cup of tea and motioned for me to take a seat. I complied and took a seat. And then a sip of the tea, not showing any disappointment that it wasn't wine from my village. 

"It wasn't even forty years ago when your mother gave birth to such a cute little boy. And now here you are all grown up and an emperor no less. Your cultivation has grown by leaps and bounds. Even shattering records previously thought to be written in stone. And yet, I can't help but feel saddened." Master Feng Qi Qiang reminisced and then sighed. 

"Master, it is not good to sigh in such a manner. It might lead to some problems in the future. You shouldn't do it anymore." I said, quickly after hearing the tone of that sigh. It was out of sadness, regret, sorrow and worry. A very bad mixture. 

"It's alright, I already have a powerful heart demon I won't be able to get rid of. So such things won't cause me any more suffering. I am regretful I couldn't do more for you as your master. I am sorrowful that your mother couldn't live to see how grown up her son is. I am saddened that I won't get to see your children. And I worry for your safety when you leave the Void World." Master Feng Qi Qiang mused, sipping the tea. 

"Master, I… the matter of my mother is not your fault. I was a freak accident to begin with. I may not have known her well but she wasn't the one I saw as my mother figure growing up. I know that you even tried to breastfeed me yourself. Even crying when it didn't work. You did everything and tried everything you could even if you thought it wouldn't have much of a chance to work. And you did it all just for me. For that I am thankful. It may be true my mother birthed me but it was you, Master, who raised and took care of me. As for the other two problems… I don't have a solution for them. And for that I must apologize." I said, trying my best to comfort her worries and muses. 

"Pay it no mind, I am simply musing about things. I wish that I could have protected you longer. But now after seeing you come home, with two beautiful wives who truly love you. I… I can't help but think this was for the best. And as far as the battle against that enemy out there. I heard from your wives about what you did. And, my worries were unfounded. You truly are an unrivaled genius to be able to fight at such a high level. If only I could come and help you fight. Though as I am now, I would only slow you down. But I must find a way to help my disciple." Master Feng Qi Qiang continued. 

"Master… I… I hate to say it but I have to be honest with you. You are not fit for such a battlefield. The only reason why I got the chance earlier was because there were many powerful experts ready to pounce at a moment's notice. But in a real battle, there is no time for such idle defense of the weaker soldiers. And I honestly can't see you rising beyond the 4th rank Open Heaven at absolute best. This doesn't mean you are not helping. If Master truly wishes to help in this war. All Master needs to do is continue being the Palace Master of Purple Phoenix Palace. Train the new disciples and encourage the proliferation of the human race. Doing such things is already a noble act. For it is not something I nor my Father could pull off. We will be far too busy killing the enemy of all life. Even death is a closer friend to us than the Ink Clan. They turn brothers against Sisters, Sisters against brother. Parents against children, and children against parents. Master against Disciple, and Disciple against Master. It is an ugly enemy that deserves no mercy. So please don't beat yourself up about not coming to help fight. You already do enough as it is." I explained holding nothing back. I don't like causing confusion so it is better this way. Even if it was a bit harsh. 

"I can see why your wives love you. You are not afraid to say and do what needs to be done. And I'll add that I am happy about something. You turned out to be an excellent young man. Now stop speaking with this old woman and go be with your wives. After the day you've had I'm sure you three deserve some skinship." Master Feng Qi Qiang said, standing up and walking away towards her residence. 

"This must really be difficult for her. Usually disciples take about 200 years to grow up to this point. And I left even earlier at a very young age. Perhaps her clock has begun ticking. Maybe there will be a line in the future. And her heir will be there. Though I hope it won't take that incredibly long." I thought. 

"Indeed, she is going to go and begin a search for a suitable husband for herself. I can tell she wants a baby of her own. Though it will be hard for her. She is quite the influential person. The man would have to give way to her. And that means. That she might even search among the Dao Source Realms if she gets a little desperate." Fang Qing replied, having taken in far more information from that interaction than I.

"I see, but, I think you aren't giving enough credit to the men here. I can think of one in particular who would be a good match. It's just unfortunate I am not in a position to matchmake them." I said, after thinking about it. "Anyways it's time to get some rest." I said. 

"You and I both know that rest isn't what's going to happen tonight. Young master has been thinking of all the ways he is going to make love to his wives ever since he broke through." Fang Qing teased.