Love Is In The Air

"Indeed I have. And I haven't stopped since. What man with such beautiful loving wives wouldn't be thinking the same. I as their husband must make them feel wanted, desired, loved, and beautiful. Treat them with warmth and love. Besides, The three of us love to indulge in each other's bodies. It would be weird if I didn't think about it." I retorted, opening the room door. 

Shutting the door and activating the locking restriction, I then turned around. I saw Huo Lei and Xiu Che laying on the bed wearing a silky near see through fabric. They were laying in such a way to both look at the door and could easily kiss each other. 

"Husband made us wives worry before with the show he gave us before." Huo Lei said, groping Xiu Che's breast. 

"Husband should give us wives a better show to enjoy. He must treat us well, and we want to see Husband's moves." Xiu Che said groping Huo Lei's breast. 

The two of them kissed sensationally and glanced over to me. And then kissed again. "So this is how they tease me… I… I… This time is going to be fun indeed." I thought with a grin. 

"They danced for you first, why not dance for them? I'm sure they just want to see a good show. And then after… you can do… and… then…" Fang Qing mentioned before she went into a more spectator mode by jumping over to Huo Lei and Xiu Che's side. "Don't worry about me, Young Master. I'm just getting the best seats in the house." She whispered back with a giggle. 

"Mother! I'm bringing the snacks!" Shandain said, packing up an entire kitchen and moving over to Huo Lei and Xiu Che's Knowledge Sea's. Though only an incredibly small portion of their souls did this because of the strength difference between Shandain and Fang Qing, with Huo Lei and Xiu Che. They simply wouldn't be able to handle the strain of such an event. 

"Since my wives wish for a good time. Then I will grant this wish." I smiled, and willed my outfit's belly tie off. 

Huo Lei and Xie Che squeed with excitement once the tie flew over to them. Each competing for it before they caught an end in their mouths. And gave it a sniff like the lusty lovers they were. They looked into each other's eyes, seemingly interested in what the other was doing. And then started laughing. 

"Big Sister really likes Husband's smell, doesn't she? Sniffing his belly tie like that." Xiu Che said, as my belly tie hit the bed. 

"Little sister is just interested in Husband's smell. With how much you were sniffing. I even caught you licking it." Huo Lei giggled. 

"Hey, so did you! I'm going to be left out and let you have all of the fun Big Sister." Xiu Che quibbed with a little pout. 

They both kissed again and moved a little closer together. After a moment they looked back only to see me. I was standing there with my foot on a stool. The layers of my outfit had slowly given way. The side of my Hanfu blocked most of the view. But not everything. Once I saw they were paying attention I snapped my fingers and the sound of music began playing. Something to set the mood. Between the tip and the music, an audible gulp could be heard from Huo Lei and Xiu Che. Their eyes seemingly resembled hearts followed by an excited squee.

Seeing how excited they were I decided to continue the teasing just a little more. Removing a layer and striking a different pose that showed just a little more skin and a little more dick. Each time was followed by another layer being removed and a squee or call out of lust from the bed. This continued a few times. My outfit had been a unique one with a slightly see through layer being the one closest to the skin. The one above it came off and I turned in such a way to have a light gust of wind come off from around my waist. 

"Husband, won't you come here and lay with us? Let us wives have a little fun." Xiu Che said, as the two of them motioned with a finger sensationally to come and join them. 

I did of course and was now somehow… on my back? Xiu Che and Huo Lei began licking and kissing me all over. Running their fingers and lips over every bit of my body. This continued for a while. 

"Little Sister and I have gone over Husband's body. You get points for not getting any serious injuries. But we are not going to be done with you so soon dear husband." Huo Lei said, with a smirk. 

"Big Sister is right. Husband still needs to apologize properly for his actions." Xiu Che said, as she and Huo Lei got into position. 

"We have to treat this dick well and with love. Such an event and we could have lost this dragon. I won't accept it. Husband get ready for a great feeling." Huo Lei smiled lustfully. 

The two of them had crossed their legs over my body with my dick in the middle. With what Huo Lei said started something absolutely amazing. Huo Lei and Xiu Che had pressed their vaginas up against my dick in a sort of wrap. They did it such that they wrapped around the whole thing and their sensitive lips kissed as they began, sliding up and down in sync with each other. 

"This feeling… I… I…" I began, quite quick. "I guess I wasn't the only one thinking about new methods. This feels incredible. I can even sense that Huo Lei and Xiu Che are both about to break through. This is good." I thought. And then the three of us came together. 

~~Outside the room~~

Time went on and the sounds of moaning could be heard through the Palace and even the city. This went on for several days. Many men questioned how any one man could last that long. And women got aroused from it putting their lover/husband's in a tough spot.