Leaving Purple Phoenix Palace

Huo Lei, Xui Che and I exited seclusion several days later. The three of us are quite a significant bit closer together than we were before. There were also many other benefits to this particular time in practice. 

"With Husband's help this time I have achieved the Origin Returning Realm. And even advanced my Monster core significantly. Making love with Husband is an amazing experience every time and we get an added cultivation bonus. It makes this wife of yours want to go back in that room right now." Huo Lei said, beating her tails and groping my crotch, while licking her lips. 

"Big sister, we can't… Husband… has other things… he needs to do… So we can not keep him from these things." Xiu Che said, while also groping my crotch and kissing my neck. 

"Oh fine, it makes sense since you want to have some time to get accustomed to your new found strength. Big sister here will help however she can. The better we are, the longer we can last when with Husband." Huo Lei said, cheerfully.

"Yes, the gap has also widened considerably ever since Husband became an Emperor Realm. We must tone ourselves to be even better. I know I want to have a whole month of nothin but skinship with Husband." Xiu Che said, with a happy smile, clearly enjoying the thought. 

"A whole month! Hmm… in that case we might have to recruit a couple more sisters to help us. But everyone else in the Void World is not suitable. This is going to be difficult… Oh wait. Father-In-Law said that there were two possibly even three new sisters we will have in the future. And if Husband grows at this rate we will be able to see them sooner than later." Huo Lei said, now also quite eager. 

"I can see Husband's face now. The five of us sisters all dancing together with lustful bliss... And the sound of music with the flickering of the candle light. I'm sure he will certainly become aroused to a whole new level." Xiu Che said, with a blush invading her face. 

Meanwhile, I was sending a voice transmission to the nearest elder to inform them of my departure. "Elder, I'm afraid it is time for me to take my leave. I can sense that my Master has entered seclusion to be with her thoughts. Please look after her for me. In as many ways as you can. When next you see me it will likely be at the time those drums sound. They will herald my departure to the Battlefield. Until then I must focus. I wish you luck and good fortune, and be well." I said. 

"Oh! Husband! Do you want to go back in now? I thought you had some things to do." Huo Lei teased as I wrapped my arms around the two of them. 

"It is time for us to leave. This place has my Master and many righteous and forthright people. There was not much need to come back other than for formalities. All of which are done. It is time, time to head home. We still need to introduce Xiu Che to Mother-In-Law. After that we have business again in the Night-Love City. So don't worry about laying in the bed without this husband for a little longer. We have plenty of time to explore each other's bodies." I said, as we vanished in a bolt of lightning.

In the distance was, The Vice Palace Master and the Former Palace Master. Both suddenly looked up from their game board and let out a short yet heavy sigh. 

"Feng Qi Qiang must be having a hard time. That boy was like a son to her. And now he has grown up." The Former Palace Master mused. 

"Indeed, the Palace Master has been growing more sullen over time. I can understand why. Losing a son is…" The Vice-Palace Master began, trying to find the words to say.

"You don't need to say any more. I know about your wife's accident and how it drove your son down that path. Do you have any hatred in your heart for Young Master Leiji? His hand is the one that took your son's life. I wouldn't be surprised if you did." The Former Palace Master interrupted and stroked his beard. Moving a piece forward on the game board. 

"I… I hate that my son's life was taken. But in the end It was I who allowed that fight to take place. And it was I as his Father and teacher who had led him astray. His fate is more my own doing than it was Young Master Leiji. He only did the only thing that could be done at that point. So my heart may ache, but it does not harbor any hatred." The Vice-Palace Master answered after a long and deep introspective thought process. Playing his response on the game board after speaking. 

This shocked the Former Palace Master. "I see, then why do you not take a wife? I'm sure there are many women who would desire such a place." He asked, playing a piece. 

"There is only one I could even dare to hold in my heart now." The Vice-Palace Master said, moving a particular piece to a very specific spot. 

"Oh my, I see. In that case. Why not pursue this endeavor? I'm sure the one 's you are worried about having problems with it, would surprise you." The Former Palace Master said, moving another piece in a specific way. 

A look of surprise filled the Vice-Palace Master's face. And a light chuckle came from the Former Palace Master. The two drank some tea and then played another game. This time with a bit more light heartedness. Then a ring appeared on the table with a note and some items inside. The note read:

You may do with this what you will. The Former Palace Master, my Martial Grandfather is right. What happened was never your fault. He may have been as old as I was at that time. But he should still be held to account for the crimes he committed. He was the one who did it. Not you. Follow the Dao and always remain righteous. Evil only wins when righteousness gives up.