Thunder Temple Village

"Mother-in-law, this one's name is Xiu Che. It is an honor to meet my Big sister's mother. And see where the beauty has come from." Xiu Che answered before I did. 

"Oh! Aren't you flattering? Since you have called me this, I assume Leiji took you as his second wife? Hmm… good, you'll do just fine. And from now on you may call me mother as well." Huo Dai said, hugging Xiu Che tightly, and beating the air vigorously. 

"Mother Huo… you should have said you were close to a breakthrough. I would have stayed to honor it. Congratulations on your full recovery and advancement to the 11th Order Monster Race. It must have been difficult." I said, raising my brow noticing that Huo Dai was significantly stronger. 

"Oh this? That was simple. I found a perfect yin partner for myself. You know her well I assume. And now I can cultivate the dual yin art that we collected. I feel fantastic." Huo Dai said, with a gleeful smile. 

Another beautiful woman walked up and greeted us. "It's nice to see you again, young master Leiji. If you recall, I am the beguiling leopard you once previously defeated." She nervously said. 

"Ahahaha, outstanding. Not only have you gained a human form but you even found a partner. I knew sending you here was a good idea. Though I wonder… didn't you want to procreate? Have you found a man here whom you wish to do that with yet? If not, I'm sure I could help arrange something." I said, chuckling happily. 

"I have but he is a little scared of being in such a position. After all, he is technically serving under you." The Beguiling Leopard said. 

"Oh I see… going from that to being a "Gods" father-in-law is quite the leap isn't it. Hmm… tell him he should not worry about this kind of thing. You two should go and have fun with this man. And I will be entering my room as well." I said, plainly. This made it so now there really wasn't any problem with it unless that man just plainly didn't want to do it. Which was clearly not the case. 

"Uhm… Young Master, before you go… I was hoping I could get that thing you mentioned to the men before. I am going to need it if I am to be in such a position." A man who was clearly older than I, said, coming forward nervously. 

"Oh so that was the real problem then. Ahahaha, I can see why that would make things difficult. Here, take it and this too. You should be able to refine that quickly and it should increase your stamina significantly." I said, then turned to Huo Dai. "Mother Huo, my wives and I have some… duties to take care of so we will take our leave first." I said, and then flew over to my master room, with Huo Lei and Xiu Che. 

Huo Dai turned around and looked out to address everyone. "Let tonight be a night of love and desire. Medicine will be given freely to those who desire it. So I ask… how many of you women out there desire another child?" She announced. Much to the chagrin of the men.

The woman in the crowd started laughing and got that look in their eyes. The men on the other hand just wanted to eat a good meal. They didn't expect this to happen today. Though like always, they would cave to the pressure given by the women in the village. 

~~A few days later~~

"Alright, time to get to work on a few things. I could probably finish a set of rank 2 resources in the time I have…" I said, stretching and walking out of my room. I was wearing a new outfit that exposed a bit more of my upper chest and some of my arm. It was meant for light practice and a symbol that I was remaining in the village for more than a few days this time. 

"Young master! Thank goodness, Forgive me for asking but is it possible to receive another one of those things? Lady Huo Dai and the Beguiling Leopard…" The man who they chose to bed said, running over nervously from the room. 

I saw that the power of beguile was thick and spread out of the room. "Hmm… I guess I underestimated the power of that Dual Yin method. Very well, but after this one you should try to refine a monster core for yourself. I can't keep giving these things out like this. Each time costs me a scale. Each of which takes a few months to grow back. Unless… I break through again. But I don't foresee that happening again for a while." I said, hiding the fact I have the entirety of 7 coats of scales tucked away in my Small Realm. 

"I understand, perhaps if there was a token that could provide the same effect?" The Man said, accepting the scale and attempting to offer advice. 

"Hmm… I don't think it is worth it since it won't increase the odds of conception. It would only increase the stamina of one who bears the token. That said, I'll make you one. Consider it a gift for giving me an excellent idea." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder and chuckled. "I'll make it with one of my rank 12 Scales. But you have to promise me to begin practicing diligently both your Human and Monster Race Cultivations." I added with a serious look in my eyes and a smirk. 

"I promise, such a gift deserves nothing less in response. I promise I will rise to occasion." He replied with a smile and a chuckle. 

I took one of my scales from among the pile and refined it under the pressure and influence of world force. And in 15 breaths a Dragon Stamina token was finished. "Here, with this you shouldn't need to worry about the problem any longer. Just pass some of your strength through it and you'll begin to feel a portion of a dragon's stamina. You'll be fine with that, it's quite a lot. You can take my word for it." I smiled, sending him off back to the room he had come from.