Thunder Temple Village (2)

After he left I went to work on refining the thing I had thought of. I transformed into my dragon form and wrapped myself around the World Tree as much as I could. And several of the Villagers saw this as their chance. Even the pregnant women would come over to cultivate near me. I just focused on refining the token in my dragon's breath. "With this thing… My Human Race will have a little bit of an easier time fighting the Ink Clan. And it can even be used in emergencies." I thought as I began finishing the first token. 

"Oh, Husband seems to be refining something interesting." Xiu Che said, walking up to me. Always in awe of my dragon form. 

"Indeed, I suspect the token will come in handy in the future. I plan on giving it to the warriors to help kill the Ink Clan." I said, as the token finished without any issues. 

Xiu Che caught the token and inspected it herself. She punched out with a look of determination and activated the token's power. The punch she just did caused her brows to raise and her eyes to widen. "Husband… that…" She said, trying the same punch but without the power of the token. Only to be disappointed and surprised at the results. "This token is enough to put my punch on par with…" She began saying surprised. 

"It should be enough to level the playing field with an Emperor when using such a weak and impure form of Qi. How about my darling uses her Monster Qi instead this time? I'm positive the result will surprise you." I smiled a proud Dragon's smile.

Xiu Che was still nothing compared to the others when it came to her Monster Qi. But when she used the token in combination something clicked. A sign of resonance occurred. And power began to flow with a great ferocity. As if to say it was the pinnacle, the peak, the king, the best. And her punch uprooted the forest trees for quite some distance. Noticing this the other villagers were shocked. Because while it was a relatively easy thing to pull off… to do it so effortlessly was quite crazy. Xiu Che recovered from the shock of the skill and smiled.

"Husband… that was… was that what you feel like whenever you attack? I felt… like I was unrivaled in that moment. The power… it felt… so good. I'm keeping this token and you should make one for Big Sister too." Xiu Che said, equipping it to an inner tie. 

"Hmmm… very well. I'll give Huo Lei the second one. But after that no one else. These things take a few hours to refine. And I want enough to equip the 7th rank masters with them." I said, slightly annoyed since I was planning on making them each a much more beautiful version of the item. 

"Oh? Husband was going to make something pretty for us that does the same thing? Very well work on that next then. This wife wants to see it." Xiu Che said as her pupils turned into hearts. 

*sigh* "Good, I'll make them next. I'll put a great deal of effort into them." I smirked and tilted my head, to accept the challenge. "Previously I used some weak resources to prove the concept first. This time… let's give my wives the beautiful items they deserve. Lets say rank… 3 resources should be more than plenty to make this for a normal token that would have a use on the battlefield. So I'll use a set of rank 4 for each of them." I thought and pulled them out to begin refining. And I also sent a message to my father to begin gathering up as many of the 3rd rank materials he could get his hands on. 

A short while later in my powerful Dragons breath formed a pair of earrings. With a beautiful blue-silver crystal as the gemstone. And radiated a power unlike anything else I had made in the past. I even felt a change in how I felt about the Artifact Refining Dao. Like I had mastered another step in the process. 

The Villagers knew it was time to get off or move away because what needed to happen next was not something they should interfere with. After they cleared away for the time being I transformed back to my human state and caught the earrings. Then stood in front of Xiu Che. With one hand I put the earring on her right ear. As I stared deep into her eyes. 

"I give you this with love in my heart, and the desire to love you for the rest of time. And may this protect you in times of strife." I said, kissing her with a great deal of passion. Holding her close and tight to my body so she knew I would be there for her. And that my words were not just that… mere words.

"Oh my, Sister Xiu Che! It looks so beautiful. Husband has good taste." Huo Lei said, excitedly and quite clearly eyeing the new jewelry.

I then stood in front of Huo Lei and put another earring on her right ear. Huo Lei's tails beating with excitement. "I give you this with love in my heart, and the desire to share this love with you for the rest of time. And may this protect you in times of strife." I said, then kissed her much the same way I did Xiu Che. Pulling her body close to mine and kissing her with love and passion. 

"Husband… is a really good kisser." Huo Lei said, gently touching the earring and then realized there was another in her hand. "Husband? What is this one for?" She asked. 

"I have given both of you an earring of different sets. The one in each of your hands is the one that matches the other's earring. I hoped for you two to do the same I have done for you for each other." I said with a loving smile. 

Xiu Che and Huo Lei both stood closely in front of the other. Staring intently into the other's eyes. Then like they were in sync, put the other earring on each other's left ears. And…

"May this be a token and reminder of the love we have for each other. Let us love each other as we love our husband." They said in unison before holding each other close and kissing with love, passion and devotion. Then stopped and looked at me. "May Husband accept our love for all of time." They added and then began a three way kiss again.