Thunder Temple Village (3)

For a brief moment the three of us didn't care about the rest of the world. A gift out of love and bonds to share a kiss. Nothing was better than this. Pure bliss, but I had responsibilities to take care of. And so our kiss ended. 

"Husband… you better up that count after this. I'll be looking forward to seeing our little ones in the future." Huo Lei said, with bright eyes.

"I see… then let's call it 10 for now. And you should both know I too am excited as well. It is truly an unfortunate case. Oh I hope grandmother doesn't get mad about this choice. *sigh* In any case I must continue preparing the items. There is no telling when the Ink Clan truly plans to attack though I do hope it won't be for quite some time." I said, gently caressing Huo Lei and Xiu Che's cheeks. 

"Husband shouldn't worry too much. It would be wrong of the seniors to expect so much of you. Yes you are powerful to a near unbelievable extent. But that doesn't change the fact you are not an Open Heaven Realm. So any help you give now is only accepted with gratitude and grace. It is not required nor expected of you. Don't work yourself too hard." Xiu Che said, grabbing my hand tenderly and nuzzling her cheek there. "I don't want to lose this feeling for all time." She added. 

"I won't just go down without a fight. And even if I do, I will claw my way out of hell just to see my beautiful wives smiling faces. Besides that, what kind of a man would I be if I didn't do my best for my wives? A sorry excuse." I said, slightly shaking my head. "I do this because I must. In order to see the day where you are not only my wives but also the mother of my children. For that day to come I must fight. And fight I shall. Enough talk about the depressing things. While I prepare the tokens, I work with the village to prepare the gift for mother Ah Tao." I said, preparing to transform again. 

"Oh! We get to help pick the gift!" Huo Lei said with a bright smile again. "I know just the thing! Come on Sister Che. Let's go wrap it together." She added. 

"Yes, let's go! I want to see the look on mother and fathers faces when they see the gift we had been planning for them." Xiu Che said, just before they ran off, with several villagers to help them. 

"Young Master, if I might ask… Is it possible for you to give instruction on our cultivations while you refine? Some of us have reached a bottleneck to the next realm." A villager asked, as they approached.

"Hmmm… I'm willing to give it a try. However I won't make that promise. The refinement is far too important. One of these tokens means one more warrior fighting with the backup of a dragon's force. It could mean the life and death of the warrior. And even increase the number of enemies they may kill at any one time. Please understand, I work to make the future a brighter place for all of humanity. Which is a race far larger than just the population of Void Word." I said, rubbing my chin and explained, while I thought about it. 

"Worst case I can control the Dragon's fire or help them with their cultivation in your stead young master." Fang Qing said, understanding the situation. 

"Good" I thought in reply. "Very well we might as well give it a try here. Though I think I might have the solution to your problems. So listen well. All things worldly and heavenly are in harmony. One must be in harmony with heaven and earth. For this is the dao. The way of the heavens. Look not outward, look not inward, but look. And only then shall you see." I said and then transformed in a very different way from how I usually do. 

Some got the hint almost immediately. And others were continuing to mull it over in their minds. While I tried to begin another token. Then my father appeared. 

"I see you've made something quite good. Mind if I test it out?" Yang Kai said, with Feng Ying and Bai Yi next to him. 

"Welcome Father. Forgive me for not returning to human form. As I can not waste the resources for this good thing." I said, wondering why he didn't show up like 5 breaths sooner. 

"I'd like to know if I could use it? Do you think it's possible?" Yang Kai asked. 

"I'm afraid I must be blunt. But I doubt you could use it father. As it is a temporary buff only occurring when desired. The dragon power held within… is something you already possess. Moreover I am the one creating it. So I am not positive it would affect the father of its creator." I answered as I continued refining.

"I see, then allow me to witness the recipe and I'll give it a shot as well. If something is that powerful it should be used to help alleviate problems in the future. Oh, and I also got word that the Ink clan is not going to be mounting an offensive for several more decades. So you should be fine to focus on your cultivation." Yang Kai said. 

"I'll give you the recipe only if you promise to give Mother Feng and Mother Bai something as well. I gave my wives a matching pair of earrings." I said with a smirk. 

"Fine. They will be my first priority. I sort of liked the idea of giving something like that to them. I'll do the same for all of my wives. Perhaps it can become a tradition of men born of my family" Yang Kai chuckled. 

"Here is the recipe father. Though with your condition I doubt you'll need nearly as many scales for the same output as I." I chuckled, almost losing control over the refinement. 

"I see… this is indeed something only a dragon could possibly create. I'll give it a shot then." Yang Kai smirked.