Thunder Temple Village (4)

Yang Kai transformed in the next moment, causing quite the stir among those that had been nearby cultivating. His Bright Golden color was not something to be underestimated. And many no longer had any doubts about my draconic origins. Yang Kai began following the method I had prepared for him. With his attainments naturally being higher than my own he picked up on the refinement much quicker than I had thought. He successfully refined two pairs of Gold Dragon Scale earrings and a matching necklace for each pair. 

"This method is quite versatile. You did quite well coming up with this one… How many can you refine if you were to do it on your own?" Yang Kai said, then asked me. 

"I can refine at most 2 every 4 hours. Or 12 per day if I only focus on refining them. Unfortunately, I will not be able to do this. As I still have to think about my own cultivation. So I was planning on asking what you thought about this matter, Father." I replied and finished a refinement. 

"Interesting, I have a few ideas though they all come with some form of risk involved. Perhaps we should send the recipe to the Dragon Clan." Yang Kai said, Arcing his body to rub his Dragon Chin with his claw. 

"Husband, If the recipe is sent to the Dragon Clan then they can Refine these things for the rest of the Human Race. It would be a good thing right?" Bai Yi asked, curious about the situation. 

"I'd wonder if the Phoenix Clan could make something similar as well? The Two Clans are at the top. And both wield an undeniably vast degree of power. This could help them spread their wings a bit right?" Feng Ying asked, curious about expanding the ways of the recipe. 

Both Yang Kai and I had the same instant reaction to those words. Which only made Bai Yi and Feng Ying confused and looked at each other. Attempting to see if the other was confused as well. When they both confirmed that they had the same idea they looked back expecting an explanation. 

"A dragon has their pride, this item is not something one would willingly give out so easily. In fact I am only suggesting it because I have extra materials that would otherwise go to waste, and the Ink Clan is a certifiable threat. The Dragon Clan only has one of these things to sway them. If it was this difficult for me then Mother Bai's suggestion is going to be quite difficult. Though it isn't without merit. We should send them the recipe without the expectation that they refine any. It's not like they are giving it to their lovers after all." I explained the situation. 

"Feng Ying, The Phoenix clan would not be able to use this method to begin with. It requires a Dragon's Breath's breath for refinement. And Phoenix Clan does not have the same temperament for things like that. Though maybe they could adapt it to their own uniqueness. Unless Leiji can figure something out. Maybe we should try to find a way to get to the No-Return Pass. If we go there in person for this we might be able to work on it." Yang Kai explained and transformed back to human form. 

"But, wait. Why did Little Leiji say something about lovers?" Bai Yi asked, even though she was about to find out. 

"Here, I want you to have these as proof of our bond." Yang Kai said, putting the necklace on Bai Yi first. Then continued with the earrings. After he finished putting the jewelry on Bai Yi, he put the other set on Feng Ying. 

"Yang Kai… this jewelry… It feels as if you are embracing me even though you are over there. Is this what Little Leiji meant by… lovers?" Bai Yi asked, holding a hand to the earring and her other hand to the necklace. 

"Correct. The items forged through this process require a medium that can imitate and replicate the Dragons Source Qi. In other words it requires a dragon's scale. Which, I just so happen to have plenty of from my last shed… I suspect Leiji has plenty of them as well." Yang Kai confirmed, stating the reason why it wouldn't be easy for a dragon to just give it away. 

"That said, it is not a problem for us to give these to our wives. Speaking of, Father, you now have forced my hand. I'll need to make a necklace for my wives as well." I said, with a little chuckle. And finally coming out of Dragon form. "But now isn't the time. I plan on making functional versions of this for the 7th ranks and 8th ranks. Since they fight against the Ink Clan inside the Ink Cloud it is common to suffer more exposure. So even in the worst case scenario this would help to limit the corrosive power of Ink. Perhaps then none of them would have to worry about it as much. Then the odds of actually taking down multiple equivalent opponents would be possible." I said stretching calmly. 

"Leiji, you're still just an Emperor Realm. No one expects that much from you." Feng Ying said, patting my head with a smile. "But it is admirable." She added. 

"Mother Feng, mother Bai, could you test the amulets I made against the one's my father made? I need to know how big of a difference there is. If it is too much I should probably wait to do this on a full scale." I said, offering a blue token to each of them. 

"Sure, if it will help then why not. But I wonder… Yang Kai said it was versatile and this is very different looking than the jewelry. Can you make the item to be whatever you want?" Bai Yi asked, holding the blue token. 

"Yes, I can make it into whatever shape. However, I will never give anyone other than my wives jewelry. I would rather avoid any… misunderstandings. So I was planning on using those for the design." I said with a firm attitude.