Visit Night-Love City

"Hmm… I don't see why I can't allow you to try. However, pulling your mothers along will be quite difficult for you. You'll be pulling two 7th rank Small Universes. And to be honest I know you can't do that yet. But you want to make a proper entrance, right?" Yang Kai said, with a straight face. 

"Father is right, for things like this, a proper appearance is essential. And right now the Void World's people practically worship lightning right now. I figured it would be a good way to appear. But if we can't do that, then I'll transform and fly there with Huo Lei, Xiu Che and Mother Huo on my back. And father does the same for Mother Feng and Mother Bai." I said, knowing that my father was right about the other matter. Even for me pulling a 5th rank around would be difficult let alone a 7th rank, and then 2 of them at that. 

"Good, then it's settled. Wait… ride my back…" Yang Kai sighed. "Alright, I guess it's normal then. I'll do this." He continued. 

The two of us transformed into our dragon bodies. I was rather small by comparison. Only 225 Zhang long, where my father was over 4,000 Zhang long. The difference was rather stark to say the least. Our passengers hopped on and we flew off. To Night-Love City we went. 

~~Night-Love City~~

Everyone was going about their business with a great deal of effort. Everyone is working hard to make the day go pleasantly. At the south gate to the city a couple of guards started talking. 

"It's going to be any day now right?" The junior one asked, with great interest. 

"Indeed, any day now the Madam will give birth to another child. A miracle made possible by the Young Master's medications and policies." The senior guard said, a bit of excitement in his voice. 

"Didn't the Young Master take the Young Lady as his second wife the last time he was here? So that makes the unborn child his brother or sister in-law. Shouldn't he be coming soon then? His wife should be present for such an event." The Junior Guard said, wondering if I was going to show. 

"Yes, he should show up. It's just a matter of when. Never a matter of if when it comes to Young Master Leiji. He wouldn't let his wife miss her siblings' birthday. After all, being there to witness their first moments is just too desirable of an experience to miss it just like that. I think the Young Master with how righteous and magnanimous he is… there is no way he would miss the day that the Madam gave birth." The Senior Guard said, and then felt a presence behind him. 

"It's not good to talk about the Young Master behind his back. You shouldn't doubt him. When the world was suffering from the 'Evil Shadow Sect' It was Young Master Leiji who united the sects and defeated the Supreme Elder of 'Evil Shadow Sect'. For this he deserves nothing but respect from everyone." A woman in a beautiful dress said, having appeared from behind the guards. 

"Madam is right, we were careless and did not mean to offend. Please forgive us Lady Vice!" The guards both said quickly, each hoping to not receive punishment for this.

"Aren't you two quite funny? Very well I'll forgive you. And you should look closely at the skies. When The Young Master comes it will likely be through the sky. After all, only he and his father are even allowed to do so… Or… maybe not." The Vice-City Lord's wife said, noting that something was different. 

What she saw was a brilliant golden colored dragon and a lustrous blue dragon. Both were flying directly towards the city. At first there was a moment of confusion about the golden dragon. But after thinking about it a great deal she thought it was likely to be my father. 

"Everyone, the Young Master and his Father are approaching the city! Be sure to welcome them properly! I won't tolerate any disrespectfulness towards them. There will be punishments if you should fail to welcome him properly today." The Vice-City Lord's wife said, explaining the gravity of the situation clearly. 

"Understood!" The guards said in unison. Even the common people said so as well. 

My father and I stopped hovering near the gate. I had seen the Vice-City Lord's wife there and decided to stop for a moment thinking there was going to be a proper greeting. And it was a good time to return to human form anyways. Cities weren't built for dragons, after all. 

After I transformed, so did my father and the rest of us remained in the air. With a regal aura of the blessing of the world. And… I was now an Emperor. Which was a shocking revelation for everyone there. The sense of respect and awe seemed to deepen considerably. 

The common people of villages a far got on their hands and knees bowing in reverence. Common workers among those in the city did the same. Guards knelt and cupped their hands showing great respect. And the Vice-City Lord's Wife cupped her hands bowing deeply. 

"We welcome the Master Void and his wives! We welcome the Young Master and his family." The people said in unison. Not a soul carrying even a hint of disrespect. It was quite the scene to bear witness too. 

"Ahahaha, Son, it seems your actions have brought forth quite an interesting change. They revere us like gods." Yang Kai laughed and patted my back. 

"I didn't try to have this outcome. It just sort of happened. It honestly feels a little uncomfortable. But since they seem to enjoy this, I just deal with it. Anyways…" I whispered. "Thank you for such a welcome. However, I am not here for myself today. It would be wrong for me to do so. So, get up and continue your business. And live your lives with honor, dignity, and respect." I said, releasing my aura to confirm that I was in fact an Emperor Realm.