Visit Night-Love City (5)

Xiu Xiang, having received some tea, finally sat down and tried to relax. He took a sip… and then downed the rest of it. "Thank you, Liang. That helped." He said, taking a deep breath. 

"It's good father has calmed down. There isn't anything you can do now. This is the second time I've said that now." Xiu Liang said, with a gentle jab on his father. 

"I… I just get worried. Your mother, she never had an easy birth. Even when you were born… The servants said she is in so much pain. You'll understand this pain one day, Son. The feeling of helplessness when your wife is in such pain, and you are unable to ease it." Xiu Xiang explained with a sigh. 

"Then I hope my wife does not experience the same pains as mother. Perhaps there is a pill that could help limit the pain. I should order some Alchemists to begin research into this." Xiu Liang said, sitting down in his spot. 

"There is a way. Though I'm sure you already have some ideas by now." I said, with a heavy sigh and knocked back the rest of my tea. "Or have you not been paying attention?" I added. 

"Hmm, does Leiji mean there is already something planned along these lines?" Xiu Xiang said, now with a highly interested look in his eyes. 

"Of course! Do you think I would simply give out such a miraculous medicine like the one I have all around the world without thinking about the woman? Here lies a consequential problem. If one only cared for the children, what would happen?" I said, showing my slight sense of annoyance. This was something I had hoped they would have noticed by now. 

"Hmm, if there was no focus on the health and well-being of the woman carrying the child. Then it stands to reason that the odds of a complication coming from the pregnancy would soar. Which in the worst case…" Xiu Xiang said, before he was cut off. 

Xiu Liang shot up out of his seat. "...would lead to a decrease in population. And increase the average more rapidly! So this is the case. Then the Fertility pill that we have been using is like that!" he said, in a moment like it was a huge surprise. 

"To have the child we are having now. My wife and I went to the alchemist. And when we were there, they gave us each a pill. They seemed similar enough but there was a difference in color. Mine was more blueish and Ah Tao's was more reddish. I'm starting to think there was more to it than that. Am I right in that assumption?" Xiu Xiang asked, with raised brows. 

"Indeed, there is a reason. The pill given to the man is one that helps the child rearing process short term. As you can imagine. The men don't require nearly as much effort when it comes to that. So their pill is significantly weaker." I said, pausing to make sure they took in the information. "As for the women, they require not only a cycle adjustment. But also a continuing supplement all the way until after the child has been fed for 6 months. After that, the effects start to dwindle. And the body recovers. It also has an adjustment to ease the pains of rearing a child." I added, as another cup of… sadly just tea was delivered to me.

"Hmm… now it makes sense why the Alchemist did an inspection ahead of time. And also said that Ah Tao should breast feed the child for 5-7 months. It seems Leiji really knows a lot." Xiu Xiang laughed, now feeling more at ease. 

"Little Leiji, how exactly did you come across this kind of information? It seems too good." Bai Yi asked, questioning. "Oh and you wouldn't be hiding this pill from your dear mothers now would you?" She added. 

"Stop it Sister Bai. You know just as well as I that he is. But he is doing that to keep us from going all kid crazy on Yang Kai." Feng Ying said. 

"I did intend on keeping it from you for multiple reasons. However, that was not the main reason. Which is simply put is the threat that looms right now. It really isn't the best place out there. And besides, neither of you would need it. This medicine is for the sole use of increasing the population. I even hesitated to make it this widely spread. Though having done so seems to have created several more benefits than I had anticipated." I said, with sincerity. 

"I see, so then what would happen if I were to take it? It seems like it could help quite significantly. Once we return to the 3000 Worlds that is." Yang Kai said, giving me a highly specific look. 

"Father, you of all people have no need of this medicine. It's laughable to think you would need it. Though it does raise a question. Why is it that I have no brothers or sisters back in the 3000 Worlds? You had 9 wives right? Hmm… maybe you would benefit from it. Though I'm not sure why you would need it. A dragon's vitality is unmatched, after all." I said curiously. 

"This… we should talk about this another time. I've already memorized the recipe. So I'll make them myself if I need any." Yang Kai said, quite quickly. And then shutting up about the topic. 

"Alright, then let us chat about other things. I have an idea for an artifact but I don't seem to have enough knowledge on the Refinement Dao for it. Perhaps you could lend some instruction Father?" I said, offering him an easy way out of the situation. 

After several hours of discussion about the dao, I received a message from Xiu Che. Again through the connection we had created through the Dual Cultivation method. A smile appeared on my face. "Everyone should know that mother-in-law Ah Tao, and the baby are both safe, and healthy." I said, with a sense of ease. 

"I have something to do now. I want to see my wife now. So please excuse me." Xiu Xiang said, standing up and very nearly running out of the room.