Visit Night-Love City (4)

"I see. Then let us not say anything further on that. I'm sure you can deal with the Ink Force at this point Since it will help your growth you should pull it from the tree. If you can, that is." Yang Kai said, as we all started walking again. "Actually, Son, I'd prefer if you could do your Seclusion at the Void Temple. With you there I'm sure there will be many more that learn something profound." He added, just before we stopped at the main hall's entrance. 

The Vice-City Lord's wife went inside to announce our arrival. "Hmm, I'll have to trouble you then. I can't, simply agree." I said. Then we heard the announcement.

"Let's discuss it later. I know you must have a good reason so I'll hear you out." Yang Kai whispered as we entered the main hall. 

There was a far more comfortable chair in the place of Ah Tao's usual chair. And she was looking quite comfortable in that chair. Yet another one of the things detailed in my notes from before. The City Lord, who I had never even asked for his name nor did he ever say as much. That said, I still knew his name, it would be impossible not to know. With such a strong connection to Void World I can remember all of the names. 

"Ahahaha, Welcome Sir World Master! To think the master of the world would come and visit. My family is truly honored by this." The City Lord laughed happily. 

"Please, you don't need to use so many formalities. My Son and Your Daughter have married. It stands to reason that for such an event I should make an appearance. And even bring a gift." Yang Kai laughed. "So Senior Brother Yang should suffice. How do you  feel about it, Junior Brother Xiu?" He added, with a chin rub. 

"Yes, it is good! Senior Brother Yang. I Xiu Xiang am honored by this." Xiu Xiang the City Lord said, in a surprised tone. 

"Good, I have with me a gift. I hope my Junior Brother will accept it." Yang Kai said, pulling out several gifts that he stored in a separate part of the Void World. And he smiled. 

"Senior Brother Yang is magnanimous. Such a huge gift." Xiu Xiang the City Lord said, as his face lit up in surprise. As did the others. 

"Husband, can we really accept such a large gift? Oh…" Ah Tao asked, with her own look of surprise. 

"We must, it was given by Senior Brother Yang. It would be rude to refuse." Xiu Xiang replied. 

"Father-in-law, Mother-in-law. I have also brought a gift. So please accept it. First is a late gift for taking Xiu Che's hand. And second is in celebration of a new sibling." I said, pulling out two large gifts. 

Xiu Xiang took a look and noticed a couple of things. Both of which were profound things that surprised him. "When you were here last, you had just spent so much of your strength in an effort to prevent yourself from reaching the Emperor Realm too soon. Yet here you are as a 1st Order. And it seems more stable than I was 5 years ago." He sighed. "My daughter is fortunate to have such a gifted husband." He added. 

"Father-in-law praises me too much. This was the result of a series of accidents. Moreover I wouldn't be nearly this stable and consolidated had I not had such wonderful wives." I said with a smile and holding Huo Lei and Xiu Che close. 

"So this is the case… But I must ask what exactly is this method you have here?" Xiu Xiang asked, picking up the jade scroll. 

"I have put a seal on that scroll. It is meant to be used by 3rd order Emperors. Any weaker than that I can not guarantee your safety in reading the information. But once you achieve the 3rd Order. Read it and I am positive it will all be made clear. I hope you won't shy away from it at that time." I said, unworried about him picking it up. 

"I see, hmm… yep that's one powerful seal alright. Even at my level It would be like a pebble facing a mountain. Though since you say it is that profound then I will trust these words. And thank you for the gift." Xiu Xiang said, thoughtfully.

"Make sure you are careful with that method. Keep it in a place where no one can randomly happen upon it. Inside are secrets that not many have the privilege of knowing. I even asked Leiji if he was certain of giving it. The only other people who are allowed to see what's inside are those in Void temple that have refined 5th and 6th rank materials." Yang Kai interjected, to highlight the extreme amount of caution that must be taken. 

"I understand, If even Senior Brother Yang is worried about this thing then I will make sure to take great care of it." Xiu Xiang said, now fully realizing the depth and worth of the method in his hands. 

"Oh! It's coming, the baby…" Ah Tao blurted out. 

"I'll help you mother." Xiu Che said, running over to her mother along with several others. 

They helped her to another room where they could safely take care of child birthing needs. Huo Lei looked anxious, quite clearly showing her thoughts. "You should go to Huo Lei, they might require your help with something." I said. 

"Ah yes, it would be great for my daughter-in-law to come and come. Ah… please come… and see the… oh oh *breaths faster* miracle of birth." Ah Tao managed to get out, with a rough smile appearing on her face. 

"Husband, I'm going with, Mother-in-law now, I want to help." Huo Lei said, before running over to lend a hand. 

"Good, may it be a safe delivery. I will wait here for you." I said, as they disappeared from the room. 

The rest of us sat down and waited patiently. Except for Xiu Xiang. He was still rife with panic and excitement. Enough that he began pacing. Until his son handed him a cup of calming tea.