Visit Night-Love City (3)

And we continued our walk to the Central Palace. Some of the people had epiphanies and others nearly fainted. Though it wasn't out of fear, rather surprise and shock that the man they worshiped like a god was there in front of him. Many cried out in thanks for their families. Others offer praise and good wishes. Which continued for what honestly felt forever. It always felt… wrong of me to receive such a reaction. 

My wives both looked at me with a seriousness in their eyes. "Husband, you shouldn't be so worried about the people worshiping you. With what you've done for them… It would be weird for them if they didn't worship you as a god." Xiu Che said to me after we crossed the threshold into the palace. 

"Husband should listen to us, and understand that to everyone out there it would feel wrong not to worship you. You not only saved numerous people from the terrible fate of their captors, you even brought the dead away from their tormented place. And even above that uniting the sects together to cease the quarreling among them. And turned it against the 'Evil Shadow Sect' riding the world of their evil." Huo Lei said, expanding upon Xiu Che's Words. 

"You should listen to them, Leiji. With strength like yours there will be many more worlds filled with people who will praise what you've done. Of that I am certain. Son, don't feel bad for taking this praise. You earned it. If anyone should be embarrassed it's me. I did nothing and yet I am still given worship." Yang Kai said, basically telling me to get over it. 

"I understand, father. And will work on it. When I return to my home, I will focus on this from time to time." I said, showing that I knew what he meant. 

"Good! Now then… hmm… it seems like the baby is about to come. Interesting… I wonder… Leiji, when you gave the blessing to your brother in law. Was he married already?" Yang Kai asked curiously. 

"Not at that time. At most he was in a courtship. Why does… Oh… that would explain the reason I was more exhausted than I thought I was going to be at that time… I ended up blessing two families when I spoke those words." I said, realizing something big. 

"Indeed, hahaha. Seems you'll have a blessed sibling soon." Yang Kai laughed and looked at Xiu Che who was now quite curious. 

"Father Yang? If that's true then why didn't I receive the same blessing? Is it because I was already married to Leiji?" Xiu Che asked, curiously. 

"Hmm, it seems that was part of it. But I think it was more so Leiji didn't want to see you as not his family. Which means you have a firm place in his heart." Yang Kai answered after a short inspection of the events. 

"Wow, Leiji, you really were after this young woman. To have so much love for her that you couldn't bear her not being your family is quite bold." Feng Ying teased. 

"Leiji has always been a darling. I wouldn't be surprised if he fell in love the moment he turned around and saw Xiu Che's beautiful soul, and beguiling body." Bai Yi teased. 

"Alright, I gave Huo Lei the blessing when I had her marry Leiji. I have yet to do the same for you. You are my daughter-in-law and one born from Void World. This is something I should do. Please accept it and love my Son until time stops." Yang Kai said.

"I wouldn't even dream of the day where I don't love Leiji anymore. It hurts to think about it. He has been a kind and loving man. Plus, he is… excellent in his husband's duties. So I accept Father-in-law's blessing of Void World." Xiu Che said with gratefulness in her voice. 

All of us bowed and thanked my father, Yang Kai for the gift. In the next breath Xiu Che felt incredibly different. It was quite a significant amount of power. She then sent me a message through the connection we shared via our dual Cultivation method. 

"Husband, before you go into seclusion alone we should have another family seclusion. I feel I might break through." Xiu Che said. 

"Of course we can. I was actually hoping to do so before I went into seclusion again. I prefer the time with my wives more than the time alone." I answered aloud. 

"Now then. Since the gift has been given. Let's go and see your family." Yang Kai smiled a fatherly smile. 

"Yes…" Xiu Che said, pausing to look at the warm fatherly smile. "Father," She added after a pause. 

"Oh wow, now that's something. You already have her calling you father. And you still haven't given us any of our own yet. Don't make us push you any harder." Feng Ying said, with a half sarcastic tone. 

"Come on now, you know he wants to do that. It's just he can't do it right now. Leiji was a heaven sent opportunity, created from Yang Kai's loss of focus." Bai Yi said. "But isn't he just so adorable? Yang Kai, you're going to have to finish this Ink War quickly now you hear. Otherwise these poor Daughter-in-laws will be forced to wait even longer." She added. 

"Yes, you need to work hard and finish this. Sooner the better." Feng Ying chimed in, in agreement. 

"Hey, why are you pestering me about that? I'm one man. And not even a 9th rank." Yang Kai retorted. 

We all started walking to the main hall. "Father, it's because you gave the Light of purification, Ink expelling pill, and the Space-Time Array's. Why wouldn't they think this? But you don't have to worry, I'll share that heavy burden in the future." I said. 

"Oh yeah? And why do you think that?" Yang Kai asked, a fair bit more curious now. 

"I can't say for certain just yet. Perhaps after another encounter with the Ink Clan will make it clear. But you saw what I did. I matched a peak 4th rank equivalent. I am a 1st Order Emperor. Perhaps that will continue for a time." I said, hinting at the level of power I suspect I'll reach.