Visit Night-Love City (8)

"No! I don't want this. Xiu Che, if Leiji leaves you must stay here. I only wanted to know how he had such a good relationship with senior brother Yang." Ah Tao said, now panicking. 

"And you couldn't think of any other time or place to ask this. How is it even appropriate to question our family's savior like this? Ah Tao what happened? I would be dead if not for Leiji. And that would likely have extended to the whole family. He single handedly reversed the situation at 15 years old." Xiu Xiang said, standing up properly now with the help of his son Xiu Liang. 

"I… I apologize, I was wrong. It is clear that your father loves and holds you dear. I shouldn't have questioned you." Ah Tao said sullenly. 

"I… as well. Of everyone here aside from Master Yang.  I should know the things Leiji has done the best. And I let my feelings get in the way of that. Forgive me." Huo Dai said, trembling. She heard the words Xiu Xiang said, and remembered the same feeling she had back then. 

"To think a simple feeling is enough to make people forget all of the things I have done. However, apologies aside, a dragon is not so easily calmed. I need to go and work this stress out." I said. 

"And for the record. I will do whatever I can to get my son accepted as mine. But I can not do it here. I along with many others fight a war on a scale you could scarcely comprehend. All for the sake of protecting the Human Race. A battlefield that my son will prove himself on in the future." Yang Kai said, declaring his intentions. 

"Father…" I said, a little surprised. I was not expecting this. 

"What? I can't let such a good son leave the family now can I? Besides I've thought about it, and you don't look anything like your birth mother. But you do have one of your mothers eyes. Perhaps there was something else behind the Joyous Reunification Art. Something that only random chance would be able to find. The conditions must have been just right." Yang Kai said, with a great smile. 

"So Father had the same thought. I had a similar feeling when I modified the art to work for Huo Lei and myself. Then later on it seemed not to work for Xiu Che until we got her a suitable Monster Core to cultivate. Perhaps it would have to do with something along those lines." I said, rubbing my chin. 

"Indeed. Well then, I think it's time for us to leave. Leiji I know it's not the best of circumstances now but you should go into seclusion for a while. I… won't tell you where to do it though. It seems like I'll have to see how that all works out for you. But it would be nice if you did it at the Void temple. Since Miao Fei Ping is about to break through. The new Temple Master will likely need some help. And you can use the resources there to craft that… item you were thinking of." Yang Kai said. 

"Father is right, I must go into seclusion for now. Regardless of what's happened. And I must apologize to Xiu Che and Huo Lei. But I don't think we will have that moment like you wanted. I am still beyond the point where I can't control my own strength fully." I said, sorrowful. 

"The Emperor realm is nothing to sneeze at. Once one takes that step they generally have issues like this. I struggled quite a bit myself. But I'm surprised you have it so well under control right now. With your aptitude you will be an incredible figure for the Human Race outside of Void World." Xiu Xiang said, stepping in to defend me as well. So there wouldn't be any push back. 

"Don't worry Husband, us Wives will get what we want and collect interest." Huo Lei said. Walking up kissing me. 

"I wish you good fortune, Husband. I love you from the bottom of my heart." Xiu Che said. 

"While I'm away you two should practice your methods as well. I think it would be a good use of time. And I promise that once I come out I will be no less than a peak 1st Order. Though my true goal is… well. You two already know." I said, hugging and kissing each of them. 

"Father, I will take my leave first. I hope that the banquet goes well. Send me a message if you need anything." I said just before a bolt of light whipped through the place and I flew out of the mansion. 

~~Back in the Mansion Room~~

"Mother, even if Leiji has forgiven you. It doesn't mean I have. You ruined such a beautiful day with such a rude and terrible question. My husband was right to be angry. I'm going to leave now and go cultivate. I'll come out in a couple years to check up on Xiu Ding Ai." Xiu Che left the room to see Feng Ying. The two walked away together, discussing the Dao. 

"Mother, Leiji was so good to us. And you caused him so much pain just now. Had Xiu Ding Ai not been here this would not have had such a calm result. Moreover, you asked the wrong person the wrong question. That should have been directed towards Father Yang. Had he been the one asked it would have been proper. I'm going into Seclusion as well." Huo Lei said, disappointed in her mother's actions. She then found Bai Yi who began instructing her on the Dao. 

"Brother Yang, please accept my apologies. I truly didn't mean for this to happen. I really wanted today to be a joyous occasion. And now even the banquet might be ruined at this point. Is there anything I can do to make this up to you, Senior Brother Yang?" Xiu Xiang said. 

"Forgive my interjection, Master Yang. If I may, I would also like to contribute to making this incident right. Please forgive my mother for her words today." Xiu Liang said, attempting to kneel.

Yang Kai stopped him from kneeling since he hated that kind of thing almost as much as I did. "It's natural for a mother to worry over her child. And to say things one normally wouldn't. But, don't do this again. After all, you have a statue I am quite fond of, here in this city. It exemplifies how I see my son. He makes me… Proud." He said, before leaving the room with an eerie sort of calmness.