"Secluded" Cultivation (3)

And so with a deal having been met I went back to cultivating and summoned my Lightning Sphere, again making it so they can not see me. And I began refining a series of the tokens I wanted to create for the 7th ranks outside. As much as I could bear to part with that was. I still had my reverse scales. I had a plan for those in particular. 

~~3 Months Later~~

I stopped the rotation I had where I would refine tokens and just focused on cultivating. The discussion I had with my father, Yang Kai, previously led me to believe I needed to grow stronger first. "Perhaps once I reach the 2nd Order maybe… Though I'm not sure now that this other thing has appeared in my Knowledge Sea. I wish I knew what it was." I thought, as I evaluated myself to determine what to focus on next. 

"Perhaps it really is what we had initially thought, Young Master. It really is the only thing that makes sense. So why don't you try testing it out now?" Fang Qing proposed, also quite curious. 

"I am almost certain of what it is. But it seems like I am unable to support it as I am right now. That is why the information and the path is blocked. It seems magnitudes higher of a wall then my Emperor Breakthrough. Which means I need to be outside to test it. Which is unfortunate, I can sense that it is something resembling a parent. But I don't think it is my father, after all, I already have my dragon form, and quite advanced considering my age. Perhaps it is my mother. But she is dead isn't she? That would mean that the interference was more than just a simple Dual Cultivation Method." I said thinking more about the issue. 

"Every time we discuss this, it only seems more likely. I mean your mother was a mundane woman right? Even if you were an incredible talent with what you've done so far. I don't think it would cause her death. Sure she would be weakened and her life shortened but not down to two months. Humans live for at least a thousand years in the Void World. So only something beyond what your Dragon and Human side could have done this." Fang Qing said. 

"Indeed, a great deal of my strength came not from my birth but from the things I found along the way and the effort I have put in. So it couldn't have been that. I wonder… let me take a look at the Yin-Yang Joyous Reunification Art one more time. I just had a thought I want to confirm. 

"That was quite an interesting thought. If that is the case then, Young Master. You have a great deal of responsibility in the future. Though, I think you'll live up to it. It's never a matter of if with you." Fang Qing said, giggling.

As I read the Yin-Yang Joyous Reunification Art I continued to find things I had not completely understood before. It was like it was hidden from me based on how strong I had been at the time. But now that I see it again… "It seems my suspicion has some merit. Though I won't be able to confirm it until I find out for certain what that other creature is. I either need to be strong enough to reveal it on my own, or be exposed to my mothers source." I said after I finished reviewing the Art once again. 

"Are you going to adjust the other arts you created from this as the base? I think it's possible to increase the effects and make you and more importantly your wives feel good." Fang Qing said.

"Oh! And a better show for mother and I to watch! We quite like the shows you put on. Between your love scenes and fight scenes truly a dragon among men in many ways." Shandain chimed in the moment she heard the possibility of a more intimate scene. 

"Heh, I can assure the Young Master that it wasn't just so we could see your love life." Fang Qing said, failing to hide her true intent. It totally was the pleasure seeking side of her speaking at that time.

"I don't think I can. At least not those ones. The method could be modified to work with one partner at a time. So I'll keep the other methods as well and then also give them each a method just for us. If they want it. Because it seems they might only want to make love at the same time. But I will give them the option. Now then it's time to go back to Cultivating." I said, and immediately returned to cultivating.

~~1 year 9 months later~~

The Void Temple was quite lively with all of the disciples surrounding the platform I was cultivating at. And today was a rather noticeably noisy day. The Disciples that had left to the Thunder Village had returned and the ones from Thunder Village had yet to leave. More than that the Disciples that were around were from all over the world. Each here to get a glimpse of the master of Thunder & Lightning. The Young Master of Void World. 

"Temple Master! Temple Master! Something… something…" A Disciple said running up and collapsing to the floor. 

"Calm down, Disciple, what is wrong? Speak clearly so myself and the other Deacons may understand." Tang Wen instructed calmly. 

"The… there is something going on with the Young Master. His Lightning Sphere is going wild." The Disciple said, panting for air. "I have never moved that fast in my life. The power of Thunder & Lightning is no joke. How did the Young Master advance to such a degree? Truly frightening. I can fight 5 on 1 on par enemies. Just what is he capable of?" The Disciple thought after witnessing the event.

"This disciple before us has been practicing the Dao of Thunder & Lightning like the Young Master, if he says something then perhaps we should take a look at it." A deacon noted, remembering the Disciple in front of them. 

"Good, Disciple, how many have noticed as of yet?" Temple Master Tang Wen asked.

"Only myself and a few others. I was sent here to inform the Temple Master of the development first because I learned the Lightning Movement skill a month ago. And thus I was faster." The Disciple responded.