2nd Order Emperor Realm

"Good, I have a couple of ideas of what could be happening to the Young Master right now. But until I see it for myself I won't know for sure. Though given that it's the Young Master I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a way to gain attention or that he might be breaking through to the 2nd Order. And in that case we would need to evacuate the area for the Disciples' safety." Temple Master Tang Wen said, getting up and then made his way to the platforms. 

~~The Martial Platforms~~

Upon arrival Temple Master Tang Wen, converged his Divine Sense in the hopes of finding something out. Suffering a slight loss, due to his unpreparedness of the sphere domineering force of Thunder & Lightning. "The Thunder & Lightning Dao is truly domineering even I suffered a small loss just now. Impressive, that just a single breath did that much. The Disciples who learn this Dao and become Masters of it themselves will surely be great figures in that battle if they chose to pursue past this world." He noted, with a nod and landed on a nearby platform. 

Deacon Xia Fei landed on the same platform, somewhat near Tang Wen. Sure, make sure to keep far enough away to avoid any odd ideas. She didn't like Tang Wen that way, no, her love was Miao Fei Ping. Thus didn't do anything to jeopardize that love. "Temple Master, have figured it out?" She asked, curious as to why she didn't sense his Divine Sense trying to probe what was going on. 

"Simply put I haven't a clue. But it doesn't seem like the Young Master is out of control; perhaps I was overthinking it. *Sigh* Either way, I'd like the Disciples to back up some distance. Just in case the Young Master needs some space. We have been using him quite significantly. So we should show some respect in turn." He said. 

Deacon Xia Fei turned and cleared her throat making sure to announce herself properly. "All Disciples are ordered to move away from the Young Master." She said, relaying the order. 

"Understood, Disciple obeys Deacons' orders." The disciples said. None willing to move but also not willing to offend anyone even by accident. 

A short moment later the Disciples had backed away far enough or at least until they saw the Temple Master raise a hand. Thus indicating they were far enough away. And then a pulse of energy came from the Sphere, very nearly bringing the Temple Master Wen to his knees. The Lightning Sphere expanded and then Condensed once again. Smaller and significantly fuller. Lighter and stronger. Faster and more violent. Loud yet… Quiet. 

To the Disciples who had learned even a small amount of the Dao that everyone was witnessing, they dropped to their knees and bowed. Instantly understanding that what they were currently bearing witness too was nothing else but the advance of the Dao of Thunder & Lightning. 

"You know… You didn't have to move back that far. It would have only taken another week or so for me to finish this." I said, as the Lighting Sphere condensed into my body, revealing my body standing there. As I stretched and rotated my wrists and ankles. "Ah, been cooped up for 2 years… Huh, it really locks you up doesn't. Makes it a bit difficult to promote." I added with a light carefree chuckle. 

"Hahaha, So the Young Master has made an advancement in his understanding of the Dao of Thunder & Lightning. Excellent news! And congratulations are in order." Temple Master Tang Wen said, laughing. 

"Hmm… it seems like Temple Master Tang Wen has been injured… Oh… Yeah, in the future don't try to probe the Lightning Sphere. Especially when I make it so I am unseen. It's a place only what I deem is allowed can exist, even my father would suffer a small loss if he forced his way through. But I'll get rid of the damage for you." I said, with a wave of my hand. 

A well of energy surged on Temple Master Wen. It was a small portion of pure Emperor Qi and in just a few short breaths his injury was healed. He even had a small gain from it. 

"I feel… Wow, with Young Masters' effort just now, I might be able to refine another resource." Temple Master Tang Wen said, in shock at just how much better he felt. 

"I wouldn't go that far yet. You should work on the imbalance you have as of now. The 5th resource is the third most difficult. The last is the most and the first is second. So keep that in mind when making your decisions. It is better to promote to the 5th rank than it is to fail at the 6th rank. You might benefit from a trip to Thunder Village yourself. Just ask the Disciples who have been." I said, giving him a big reality check. 

"I understand, I was just excited. Pardon my words. So what are the Young Master's plans now?" Temple Master Tang Wen asked, changing the subject. 

I raised my brow in surprise. "I have said it before, did I not?" I questioned. "I am going to break through. It was about 6 months in when I realized I could convert 5th rank Resources into world force. Which greatly sped up my progress. Far more than even I was anticipating. Seriously, I haven't been an Emperor for 3 years yet. Though I foresee in my future a great challenge that only perseverance will overcome. I can only build a great foundation now to increase my chances." I said, becoming a bolt of lightning and getting quite far. Though close enough for everyone to see. 

The resulting promotion made the sky quake and the earth shake. And the air became heavy, with the presence of my 1st Order Emperor Aura. Over the next several breaths the Aura deepened and purified. Gradually becoming a 2nd Order Emperor's Aura. I took a deep breath… then let it out. Causing a small hurricane to form in front of me. It dissipated quickly though under my will. And my Aura retracted. 

"Interesting… I misjudged the 2nd Order before. I might be able to make it with this much power at my disposal." I said, landing back down. As a newly minted 2nd Order Emperor.