
I nodded with a smile and pressed my strength further. While I knew that I wasn't going to participate in the battles ahead directly. I still wanted to miss as few of them as possible. Within each battle leads to new knowledge of one's own strength. And it pushes one's limits further beyond. It's usually how cultivators gain new insights to promote to that next step. I'm a little different… I prefer to be prepared before going through something like that. 

Small battles went on and the Ink Clan's corpses started piling up inside my space ring. Even though I was refining at a pace that was simply unheard of for someone in the open heaven realm. Let alone the emperor realm. Ding Yao made sure to keep an eye on me just in case. 

"This kid really is something crazy. He has converted the Ink Clan into the purest form world force and other qi. It's simply astounding to see such prowess." Ding Yao thought to himself. "Young Leiji, what rank are you going to break through to? I personally know what the 7th rank was like, but what you can do has already surpassed me as a Dao Seal Realm." He whispered to me. 

"As high as I can. I will of course aim for the 9th rank regardless. But I won't be settling for just the 7th rank to start. I'm going to be at least an 8th rank upon my breakthrough. But to fuel that I'm going to require an immense amount of energy. Something I can not easily get here." I whispered back. 

"I see, so that's the real reason you need to retreat to the 3000 Worlds. You need a source of energy to supplement your breakthrough. Hmmm… but to get 8th rank materials is not easy… Oh, interesting plan you have here young man. Very well If we don't get what you require in Deep Claw's Domain. Then we can go to Nether Claw's and take from him too. I've got a personal grudge to settle with both of them. But we don't have to go. I'll take his dog life another day if needed." Ding Yao whispered in reply.

~~Several Battles Later~~

My Lightning Sphere began pulsating. The Dawn Squad had fought many battles by now and inevitably suffered encounters with the Ink Force's corruption. Every single time they would return, the Ink Force would be nearly instantly transformed into pure forms of energy. Obviously it is a very different path than the one Yang Kai uses. But it is extremely effective. Ink Force on its own is nothing before my Lightning attacks, let alone my Lightning Sphere, it is after all, a manifestation made from a hyper dense concentration of my Dao. 

The Ink Clan's corpses took more effort to refine but they are basically a concentrated form of Ink Force. And they also have an evil soul. Which requires a bit more of my effort. I have to make sure that even hell couldn't possibly compare to me. This effort combined together and forced my Dao to the brink. 

"Yang Kai, Leiji is having something odd happen. Is this normal?" Shen Ao asked, worried. 

Yang kai saw the situation and then looked at my face. That was all he needed to see to know that something big was about to happen. "Everyone get inside my small universe right now! No questions!" Yang Kai said, opening a door to his small universe. 

The 5th and 6th rank open heavens appeared confused but listened. They were witnesses to the events of my breakthrough, after all. So they didn't want to risk it, quickly snapping to their senses and jumping inside Yang Kai's small universe. 

"Good! Senior you might be fine… But we were taking the ship and moving away. There isn't much time left before it happens." Yang Kai said, vaguely explaining. 

"Good! Then I will not resist your efforts! Move it how you wish." Ding Yao said. 

"Alright! Get ready then." Yang Kai said, ripping space apart and sending the ship, himself and the other 7th ranks away. 

I was left alone in the Void. However, not too far away was Dawn Squad. They just had to get far enough away. After all, the power of the Dao of Thunder & Lightning was both domineering and immense. 

Pulses continued to ripple through the void, creating a negative pressure that rapidly pulled the Ink Force in like waves in the vast oceans. If before the flow of Ink Force was a calm stream or even a mountain river… It was now like crashing waves upon the cliffs. Massive waves created by the force of a storm… A Hurricane. 

My Lightning Sphere, transformed and took on the shape of a giant version of myself. With me at the core. Time passed slowly for me as I regained full control. My progress indicated by how much more the Lightning condensed. Every few breaths a crash of Thunder resounded through the void. And then the image would shrink. 

"It seems like this is the next step. Not bad, young master. It hasn't been long but we have discovered some new things. Once we finish controlling this new development… 5th rank Ink Clan might as well be a warm up." Fang Qing said, is amazement of the sheer intensity of the Dao's mighty power. 

I got stuck after condensing the image down to about 75% of the way there. This test was definitely one of the major barriers between levels. My Dao strength had already been magnified by a little more than 3 times. But there was something holding me back.

"Stop holding back, my son. If any Ink Clan comes we will kill it. So don't worry and do what you need to do." Yang Kai whispered, encouragement. 

"What did you say to him?" Feng Ying asked. 

"Something I should have told him before we left the pass. A little bit of encouragement. So get ready for a show." Yang Kai said, indicating a small amount with his hand.