After Battle Discussion

"Understood!" Everyone said, tucking the formation away in our knowledge seas. It would be quite helpful later. 

"Alright then let's begin discussions and arrangements. First of which being, Leiji… don't leave on your own anymore. I know you need resources, but the others are more than willing to do that job. Though it was impressive how fast you caught up with them." Yang Kai said, looking at me. 

"I understand father, next time if the enemy is getting away I'll let father take action instead. I just really wanted to see how strong that storm really could be. And I wasn't disappointed." I said, cupping my hands and offering an explanation. 

"Good! Next up, Miao Fei Ping… Don't get reckless like that again. There will be times in the near future that such actions may lead you down a road of misfortune. Be smart with your strength, timing and your team members." Yang Kai said, not elaborating further. 

"Forgive me Dao Master… Team Leader, I was in the wrong. I won't be so rash again." Miao Fei Ping said, cupping his hands.

"Now then how was that token? I heard that you think three of you using it at once would be enough to match a Feudal Lord. Please explain this thought further." Yang Kai said, changing his tone to one more in line with curiosity. 

The 6th ranks began explaining their experience with the token for short battle. They did so one at a time and in alphabetical order. After the 12th finished speaking there was a slight silence that took over. And meanwhile I was refining the Ink Clan's Corpses into pure forms of energy. I needed both the World Force and Emperor Qi so there were two different collections of the energy. 

"Leiji, It seems your tokens have quite the effect on the battlefield. Though is it true the effect is limited? It seemed like it could be pushed way further than what was done. Of course that's according to the tales from those who used it this time." Yang Kai asked. 

"There will always be a difference from person to person. After all, not everyone has the same strength. Nor do they have the same abilities or skills. It would be boring if everyone did. And it would eventually create many problems. Though I suspect that once one grows accustomed to the token they will be able to channel a far greater result. And even more than that it has an effect on just about anybody. I wonder if it works in Grandpa Ding Yao's hands…" I answered, with a half focus that quickly went back to refinement.

"You're making me want to fight a Territory Lord myself." Shen Ao laughed.

"Don't be rash, It is certainly possible for us to kill a Territory Lord without Martial Uncle Ding Yao's intervention. But this time we should let the senior gain the experience and lend support if needed." Feng Ying said, shaking her head. 

"Good point, but let's not get Shen Ao overly excited. The words Sister Feng said just now seemed to have put a smile on his face. And another one on Ning Qi Zhi's face. Those two are quite anxious to take down a Territory Lord on their own." Bai Yi said, noting the two overly eager 7th ranks. 

"There will be no one but Martial Uncle Ding Yao fighting the Territory Lord. Unless he specifically asks for assistance no one should approach. Besides, we're going to have our hands full dealing with the Feudal Lords. There could be dozens of them, perhaps closer to a hundred." Yang Kai said, shutting that idea down quickly. 

"The former ink disciples have just informed me there are a total of 108 Feudal Lords when their team was deployed by the Feudal Lord. And not all Feudal Lords have nests of their own. So it looks like you'll have your work cut out for you. But don't worry if it gets hairy. I'll step in and have some fun with you as well." Ding Yao said, relaying the information from the ink disciples. 

"Good, then we will go with this plan, let's destroy one nest at a time. Hey… Leiji, are you able to transform the ink nest into a source of pure power?" Yang Kai asked, having the thought pass his mind.

"Uhm… that… Could Father elaborate a bit? I have never seen one in person before so I can't give a solid answer. But if I know what you want… It would be easier… I think…" I said, being caught by surprise. 

"Is it possible for you to turn its existence into that stuff there. The way you do with the Ink Clan and the Ink Force. The nest is originally created from resources. So it should be similar enough to have the same vulnerability." Yang Kai explained. 

"Hmm… if it really is close then I don't see why not. But I won't be definitive on this matter until I can see it in person and perform my own analysis. I would have to do this either way since it requires analysis of the object in question to even be able to perform the same feats I'm doing now. Besides that… I highly doubt it would be a fast process. Just look at how slow those high ranks are being converted. And the ink nest is supposedly gigantic by comparison. So don't get your hopes up father." I explained in a long breath. 

"Hmm… you're right. Then for now the plan will be to hit all of the ink nests crippling a portion of their army. This way we aren't fighting a 100 thousand Ink Clan at once. Leiji, for the next couple of battles just focus on increasing your strength. And refining the corpses. Perhaps you'll be able to eat a whole nest once your level improves." Yang Kai said, stating the general plan. 

"Understood, this child will obey. But first let me dish out the rewards from this battle now. Since I have refined enough now to give it." I said, sending some of the purest World Force the 5th and 6th ranks had ever felt. "Mother Feng, Mother Bai, could you give this to my wives. I can't forget them, now can I?" I added, giving them each a ball continuing some energy. 

"We can do that. So just focus on your job now." Feng Ying answered.