Death Storm

"Ahahaha! They are doing quite well! It seems the estimates were right. That token can bring a 6th rank's fighting prowess near that of a 7th rank's!" Qi Tai Chu pondered as he watched the zone he was in charge of. 

"Senior gives us too much credit. The safe zone here allows us to fight even harder with less worries. But it would still take at least 3 of us to take on a Feudal Lord." One of the 6th ranks replied after killing so many high rank and low ranks. 

"Ahahah! Humility is a virtue but so is pride! So take a little praise here and there." Qi Tai Chu laughed. 

"FUCK! IT'S YANG KAI!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" A low rank cried black tears flowing as he fled. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE TODAY! I WANT TO BE A ROYAL LORD!" He continued crying, inspiring others to do the same. 

A flash of lightning appeared in front of them. The Lightning Sphere remained around the ship. Albeit, with great difficulty. 

"Where are you running? You're going to be my material whether you like it or not." I said, thrusting my spear through the middle of the low rank's head. "But don't worry so long as you surrender I'll give you a quick death." I smirked, as the black blood splatter my arm and a portion of my face. "I swear you're like a scared squid when you die. Spraying Ink everywhere." I chuckled. 

"Run! He can't get us all!" And the rest started running. 

"Dragon Chain Lightning! Thunder's Furry!" I yelled out the names of two skills. It was more of a cover for what was actually about to happen. I exhaled a massive storm that churned the fleeing low ranks. Turning them into nothing but a sea of body parts. "There we go! Hey Martial Uncle! I got some resources!" I laughed. 

"That attack was far more effective than I thought it was going to be. Truly brilliant Young Master!" Fang Qing giggled

"Master Master! Can I watch that again! It was so… beautiful!" Shandain asked, with great intrigue. 

"There will undoubtedly be more to see when the time comes! So pay attention for now. Then you can break out the popcorn later and snack away." I chuckled. 

I then collected the storm and the broken Ink Clan's bodies. Putting them inside a space ring. And then bolted back to the ship. And continued the purifying process on the 4 ink disciples. The battle was already coming to a close by the time I got back. 

~~A Few Moments Later~~

The Ink Clan we encountered had all been slain. And the ink disciples were fully purified. The 6th ranks, including Miao Fei Ping all cleaned their weapons while the 7th ranks gathered to discuss the events. 

"Grampa Ding Yao, do you mind keeping them inside your small universe? If we keep them there then no one in the Ink clan will ever find them. And adding them to our ranks right now would be a problem." I asked, stretching first before cupping my hands. 

"Hmm… I see your point. But if we add them into the battles we would inevitably have more manpower, correct?" Ding Yao said, purposely questioning me. 

"This mission is also a rescue mission is it not? What do you think the Ink Clan will do if they find out that the former ink disciples are now fighting against them?" I questioned back. 

"Not a bad response, very well." Ding Yao said, opening a small door to keep his power under wraps. "Come in quickly. It's best if the Ink Clan thinks you're dead instead." He instructed the former ink disciples. 

"We will obey the Army Commander's words!" The four said, jumping into the door one at a time.

"You have quite a large amount of knowledge for someone so young. To the point that some of the others are curious why you opted not to integrate them into our numbers. I could explain if you don't want to." Ding Yao chuckled, with intrigue. 

"That's fine grandpa Ding Yao. I'll explain." I said, and then turned to everyone. "The reason is quite simple. You only need to answer the question I asked Grandpa Ding Yao just now. What would happen?" I started explaining. 

"They might know the ink disciples and then take it out on the other ink disciples. Is that right?" Miao Fei Ping asked, being the first to reply. 

"Indeed, this is the case. I know not what the actions would be. But it is fair to say it ranges between torture and torment to death or both. And I know for a fact that there aren't just men as ink disciples. The women will always suffer a worse fate. One that can not be undone no matter how powerful they become. I have seen it happen and stopped it before. I will do it again. Just this time… I will most certainly need help." I finished explaining. 

The moment I explained the results of adding a small number of people to our ranks, the whole team understood immediately. Each gripping their weapons with a tight grip and their faces grew angry. A new level of anger had been achieved. 

"I'm going to slay so many more of these damned Ink Clan!" A 5th rank said furious. 

"Don't worry everyone. By the time we are done with this mission There will be plenty of pure World force that all of you 5th ranks should be able to promote. The same can not however be said for anyone else. The amount needed is just too much." I declared in a confident tone. 

"Ahahaha! Well then with that all said let's discuss the results of the battle and make some adjustments for the future battles. Yang Kai, as team leader You should make sure that everyone knows the situation and can respond accordingly." Ding Yao noted. "So make sure not to include any plans unless absolutely needed." He added.

"I will not fail this mission. And I will honor seniors' requests. However, if the situation calls for it I will call on the senior to lend aid." Yang Kai said. "Alright, so the battle formation we had this battle will be noted as formation 1. Let's come up with plans to use in the future to respond to different situations accordingly. Ideally to the point where communication is already known." He added, now addressing the team including myself.