The First Feudal Lord's Domain

~~Deep Claw Territory Lord's Territory~~

Somewhere along the outer perimeter of the territory. An Ink Clan guard group was roaming around, keeping watch. This was a regular occurrence. A learned behavior of sorts, stemming from watching the Human Race. In this group there were 4 Ink Disciples 1 6th Rank and 3 5th rank. Among the rest of the guard were several dozen high rank Ink Clan, and a couple hundred low rank. 

Like always the low ranks were responsible for disguising the group inside of the Ink Clouds. While the high ranks were on guard against any and all attacks. Well that is supposed to be the case. However, they really just laid around and talked. Occasionally taking glances out towards the void. 

"I heard that we did the Human Race some great damage last time. It was quite good! If only we could get that damned Old Ancestor of theirs… We could finally take hold of another Pass." A high rank said. 

"It's not so easy to do that. Even if the Old Ancestor were to be killed, Sir Royal Lord would most certainly be severely wounded as well." A 5th rank ink disciple commented, out of turn earning the glares of many Ink Clan.

"What do you mean to say? Are we too weak to take the pass?" The High Rank in charge glared daggers at the ink disciple. 

"Please, listen, junior sister only said as such because it is warranted. We worry about our masters' safety. There are a few 8th ranks that come to mind who have the capability to make that battle uncertain." the 6th rank ink disciple said quickly, seemingly to protect his junior sister. 

"If the Feudal Lord didn't like you so much I would see how far your mouth could take you." The high rank ink clan glared, before looking away. "Hey! What's the deal here? Why is the cloud shrinking? Are you slacking off?" He yelled, taking his anger out on the low ranks. 

"Thank you, senior brother. But don't do it again, it hurts the master. Let him punish me for my words." the 5th rank said. 

"I didn't do it for you. It was the Feudal Lord's order to make sure we came back unharmed. He was thinking of some kind of plan. And it involves us. Don't ask what it is, because that's all I know." The 6th rank said. "That goes for the two of you as well. But don't act stupid. I won't be sticking my neck out for anyone again." He added.

"But what about the Feudal Lord's order, Senior Brother?" The other 2 5th ranks asked. 

"What about it? I have already fulfilled that order. By giving you fair warning. So don't be stupid." The 6th rank sneered, annoyed. 

"Sir, please I beg you to do something! The Ink Force is just being drained. We can't keep up. If this continues then I'm afraid we will lose our cover." A low rank begged, exhausted. 

"Hmm… it looks like it's being drawn out towards that direction… I've heard of this event. This happens from time to time. The battlefield isn't really stable after all. It must be a tear in space of sorts. They can suck in just about anything. It will pass. So don't worry about it." The high rank said looking in the direction of the Ink forces flow. And then yawned, closing his eyes.

~~A Few Moments Later~~

"Sir! It still hasn't passed! We really can't hold on." One of the Low Ranks begged, after losing their arm completely. 

"Ugh! Fine! We will move the cloud away! Seriously you're pathetic to lose so much from such a simple pulling force." The high rank leader cursed, and willed the cloud to move. Demonstrating the immense difference in their strength. 

"Must be nice to be so close to becoming a Feudal Lord yourself." The low ranks cursed in their hearts. "Why do we have to suffer like this? It would be better if just the powerhouses fought." They continued cursing.

"There! We've moved now, relax and do your jobs right or you won't get into the nest to heal. Useless Trash." The high rank leader sneered, sniffing a world sphere. 

~~A Few More Moments Later~~

"Sir it's growing stronger! It's too much! I can't…" A low rank said, before his body turned into Ink Force and filled the cloud with it. 

"Shit! Even the ink disciples are better than you useless trash. Can't even keep a cloud together properly! I'll replace all of you my shit when we get back. You're good for nothing more than to be food for my breakthrough." The high rank Leader cursed the low ranks as he laughed. 

Then Daybreak came into view at incredible speed. Causing the Ink Cloud to disappear faster and faster. Before any Ink Clan had the time to react, Daybreak cut the forces into two separate halves. Ink Disciples on one side with a couple of high rank and some low rank. And the others mixed around on the other side. Then a chubby man popped up from the deck. 

"You won't be getting a chance to become a Feudal lord. I Miao Fei Ping won't allow it! Eat my sword!" Miao Fei Ping launched into battle. 

"WHAT THE FUCK! Where did you get the courage?!" The high rank leader roared angrily. "Go and inform Sir Feudal Lord!" He ordered. 

This incited the other 6th ranks to action as well. All 12 of them immediately got to work. 

"Not on my watch you don't! Time to test this gift out!" One of them yelled, in his battle cry. "Soul wrenching clap!" A loud clap fueled with his and the tokens synergy went out killing high ranks outright. 

The ink disciples were met with a 7th rank staring them down. "Let's set the four of you free from the bonds of forced slavery!" Ning Qi Zhi smiled. Grabbing each of them by the arm and tossing them towards the deck of Daybreak. "Hey stop squirming, you'll thank me later." He scolded as the 6th rank struggled to get free. 

Once they were thrown into the influence of my Lightning Sphere the screams of Ink Force being destroyed with brutal efficiency rang out. By the time they landed on the deck the Ink Force corrupting their small universe was down to 90% for the 5th ranks and 95% for the 6th rank.

"Ahahaha! It's possible! Not bad." I laughed. "If you four push the Ink Force out this will be a lot faster." I instructed. And 4 streams of ink force started spewing out. And pure World force went into their small universes.