Break To Hell

~~In The Realm Of Hell~~

"Father, I have finished setting up the new areas to bring in the Dragon killed souls. There should be plenty of space for just about any freakishly powerful dragon to fill up." The Prince of Hell said, sitting down in his designated chair, with a headache. 

"Good, with that addition we should be able to handle another influx of souls. Especially now that the young man… Leiji has joined his father on the same battlefield. It's only a matter of time before we get some of the worst souls imaginable." The King of Hell sighed in relief. 

"Darling, you shouldn't let out a sigh like that. Otherwise the seats of 9 would start calling you, Jiang Yongzheng again. You earned this title to be the King of Hell. Besides, just look at Yanmei over there. She seems a bit more cheerful now, don't you think so?" The Queen of Hell spoke up. 

"Jiang Meixiu… you always keep me on track. You're right, That young man Leiji has already given me a reason to give Guoliang some more tasks befitting his position as prince. Moreover, he seems to have given Yanmei some new vigor. Seems like she really does have eyes only for him. By the way, she seems way more excited today than she was yesterday." Jiang Yongzheng the King of Hell said, raising his brow. "Yanmei, what are you so excited about now?" He asked. 

"Father, my future husband is about to fight more of the Ink Clan savages. Why wouldn't I be happy about cheering him on. See, isn't he so handsome! He makes me want to snuggle up with him and just stay there, for days or even weeks." Jiang Yanmei the Princess of Hell said, turning the display to show her father the scene on the Dawn Teams ship, 'Daybreak'. 

"Oh when he gets that look in his eyes, that means something big is about to happen. Though perhaps it won't be that way this time. After all , there are others there who also seem to be preparing for battle." Jiang Yongzheng said, leaning forward and adding sound to pass through. "Never mind, foresight is a good thing. He plans on taking down that entire Domains populace… Yikes! That is a lot. Easily 1 million, with several thousands of warriors that would be sent to the battlefield." He continued after hearing my words. 

"Father! They don't even number 50 strong and against such an overwhelming numbers difference wouldn't it be a suicide mission? Are we sure that Leiji knows what he is doing? It seems kind of foolish to me. And I don't want a foolish man to take my sister away." Jiang Guoliang the Prince of Hell asked, stating his grievances. 

"Guoliang! Perhaps you should pay closer attention to the details. They are going to systematically destroy the enemy's forces. Not a full frontal assault." Jiang Yongzheng explained, clearly upset that his own son couldn't figure that one out. 

"He also seems to have grown more handsome after reaching the Emperor Realm. Husband, if his life is ever at the brink you must bring him here before he dies. Such an excellent young man shouldn't suffer under the thumb of a rogue seat. I'll be prepared to heal his injuries right away. I'm not letting my future Son-in-Law suffer such injuries for long. After all, he needs to be in the best condition of his life in order to properly please Yanmei." Jiang Meixiu said, in a tone conveying her unwillingness to yield to her husband on this matter.

"If Yanmei is anything like you, that young man has his work cut out for him." Jiang Yongzheng muttered, his thoughts out loud accidentally.

"Darling, care to speak up just a bit louder? I'm afraid my ears have gone deaf and I couldn't hear your booming voice. Were you by chance saying something under your breath?" Jiang Meixiu said, with a correcting smile, meant to make her husband fearful. 

"Oh… uh… I was saying that I would be delighted to keep an eye on my future son-in-law. Yep! If any injury that would lead him to death occurs I'll bring him here straight away. Isn't that right Guoliang? I'll have you manage things whenever I am busy." Jiang Yongzheng quickly said in a panic. 

"That's more like it!" Jiang MeiXiu said, and then turned to Yanmei. "Yanmei, your father seems quite excited to bring your future husband here. Isn't he a supportive father? Just look at him now. He even readied his pulling method just in case. The battle hasn't even started yet. Now that's what I call dedication." She continued, giggling. 

"Mother, Father, this child thanks you both. I'm excited to see him up close. And those earrings he makes are too beautiful. Of course I want a pair. But more than that… I saw a few moments of his… abilities and attributes. Mother doesn't have to worry, Leiji is capable of satisfying me." Jiang Yanmei said, with a confident blush, and went back to watching the display. "When the day comes I can touch you… I hope you'll touch me too… my sweet handsome man." She whispered. 

~~Daybreak's Deck~~

~~Inside My Knowledge Sea~~

"Young Master… you felt that too, right?" Fang Qing asked, overly curious. 

"Indeed, I wouldn't miss that, it was the same feeling I get from my wives but from… somewhere else… That's quite odd. Hmm… I wonder if there is someone admiring me from afar? Perhaps a hopeful young woman from the Pass? They should still be able to sense where the ship is from there… Meh, I won't think about it for now. Probably just my imagination." I replied. 

"Good, keep your head on. The battle is soon to begin. I wouldn't want us to lose over something so stupid as a random feeling." Fang Qing said, after coming to the same conclusion. 

"Don't worry, I'm not dying today. But death will certainly be on the battlefield today." I replied. 

~~Outside My Knowledge Sea~~

We continued traveling through the void at crazy speeds and I continued gobbling up the Ink Force like a Fat man in an eating contest. A hungry fat man that is. I'd still prefer the meat buns over the Ink Force in terms of taste.