Ink Nest Siege!

"Ahahaha! Martial Nephew has a good sense of humor! I like it." Ning Qi Zhi laughed. 

"Achem… Leiji, come and speak with me for a moment." Yang Kai said. 

I of course went to speak with my father. "This child is here. What does father wish to speak about?" I said, cupping my hands. 

"I'm curious if the situation has changed now? Are you able to deal with the ink nest?" Yang Kai asked, clearly indicating that it was his main goal this time. 

"Hmm… I should be able to handle it. I can even convert dead materials into Dao strength now. But it is exhausting just imagining the energy needed to do it. So I'd prefer not to for now." I said, trailing off again.

"I want this ink nest for myself. I'm going to place it inside my small universe." Yang Kai stated. 

"You want to create an opportunity for the Void World to train to fight the Ink Clan. I can adamantly agree to this. However, I have a problem with this plan." I said, clearly. A rare moment that showed my intent to ignore my fathers thoughts. 

"Oh? What is it then? It must be quite serious if you're going to challenge my reasoning." Yang Kai asked, rubbing his chin. 

"Well how long are you going to have that nest to begin with? If we do our job right the Territory lord level nest will also be destroyed. Thus destroying the Feudal Lord ink nest as well. I agree that it would bring the benefit of tempering the disciples. However, the benefit does not outweigh the risks involved. And this is something that father could only realistically manage to pull off once. Doing it again could cause the faith of the people in Void World to diminish. And that is the last thing that father needs right now." I explained. "Aside from that I can tell you another thing. But… only you…" I said then diving into a whisper only he could hear. 

"Hmm… Alright then. I'll defer to you on the matter this time. In the meantime I'm going to make them do competitions so their fighting prowess is not diminished from the lively atmosphere." Yang Kai said.

"As it should be. While it is difficult for them to grow accustomed to the ink clan… perhaps father can create an image of sorts that details their image. I'm certain that Tang Wen the 2nd temple master will put it up for the emperors to study and imagine fighting against. That would aid in lowering their shock upon entering this battlefield. I had the fortune of something in the past so it wasn't really that difficult for me… That and they are the perfect target for me. The heavens don't like the Ink Clan and sneer at it. With anger like Thunder rumbling. And Righteous smite like a glorious bolt of lightning to mop up the sludge." I suggested. 

"Good! Now then the next battle is likely going to have Feudal Lords. So don't leave the safety of Daybreak. You can use your Lightning Sphere all you want… Actually you wanted to test out the new artifact… then we should… kekeke… Shen Ao, Ning Qi Zhi! Get ready you two are going outside. Distract the enemy and give my son a chance to slip by." Yang Kai ordered. 

"With the greatest of pleasure! We will carry out this duty! No one is going to hurt martial nephew with us uncles near." The two responded with great vigor and battle smiles. 

"Good! Move Daybreak closer! We will begin the assault on the enemy!" Yang Kai smirked. 

"KILL THE ENEMY!" Everyone cheered.

"Martial uncles, use the tokens I gave you and just think of lightning. Once you do, combine your attacks together and I will ride the bolt all the way down. Any feudal lord in their right mind would avoid an attack like this so there is no need to worry." I said, highlighting the plan. 

"Good! That is what we will do then. It's almost like you've been planning this attack for a while." Ning Qi Zhi, chuckled. 

"Of course I have! If the enemy has riches I'll take them! I won't be able to do the same nearly as easily with the ink disciples though… I can't put them in the small realm I have. So they will have to be removed the same way as the others." I said, knowing that it wasn't ideal. 

"Don't worry about it. We have methods that can do it. I know I could hold 10 6th ranks and a few hundred 5th ranks at once. So no need to sweat it. You just go and rob them first. It is the perfect chance to figure out some kinks. We will protect you." Shen Ao laughed, patting my back. 

~~Outside The Feudal Lord Ink Nest~~

"Sir! There is a human race ship approaching… Ah!" A scout started calling out before he was torn apart by Ning Qi Zhi's bare hands. 

"Too late you disgusting creature. I am already here." Ning Qi Zhi said smugly, spitting on the corpse. 

"ENEMY ATTACK!!! GET THE FEUDAL LORDS HUMAN…" Another Ink Clan yelled out an order, before suffering death under Shen Ao's blade. 

"If you go so fast, martial nephew won't get a chance to play with his toys." Shen Ao chuckled. 

"No need to worry, once the feudal lords are lured out it won't be a problem. So let's dance." Ning Qi Zhi chuckled.

The two of them began a slaughter of the Ink Clan. Absolutely one sided. Nothing was standing in their way. The best opponents they got were some rather strong 6th rank equivalents. 

"It… IT'S DAWN SQUAD!!!!! YANG KAI IS HERE! HELP US SIR FEUDAL LORDS!" A bloody Ink Clan shouted out running into the ink nest. 

There were 7 Feudal Lords gathered here for healing. And they were now all rudely interrupted. 

"Damn that Yang Kai! Come! We have healed enough. There are seven of us this time we might have a chance to deal a crippling blow against that damned human race!" The Feudal Lord in charge of this domain ordered. 

"Today is a lucky day indeed. Let's go kill that brat!" Another Feudal Lord declared with vigor.

And then the 7 of them walked out of the ink nest to see the carnage unfolding before them.