Ink Nest Siege! (2)

"I don't see Yang Kai anywhere? But there is no reason for my Ink Clan to lie to me. What's going on here?" The Ruling Feudal Lord thought instantly after seeing two 7th ranks obliterating his forces. "You, go and make sure our stockpile is secure, That Yang Kai is proficient with space principles. It's too dangerous if he has stolen our resources." The Ruling Feudal Lord ordered.

"Right away! We will definitely secure the treasury!" The two replied a bit louder than they had anticipated. Though not loud enough that it would normally be heard over the sounds of battle. And then they began scurrying away. 

"Cowards… Anyways, the four of you will accompany me to defeat the enemy. To use a human race's saying, they are simply courting death." The Ruling Feudal Lord said, sealing the plan. Then he looked at a heavily injured high rank. "You there, take this and command the Ink Disciples. We can use them as fodder for this fight." He smirked, tossing over his ordering token. 

"It shall be done as sir feudal Lord desires it to be. The human Race has always had a difficult time killing their own brethren here on this battlefield. Parents kill children and vice versa. Brothers and sisters killing each other. And it's all thanks to just a little bit of our power. Ahahaha, it's so entertaining to watch. I never fail to crack a smile when I see it." The injured High rank said, with a sinister grin.

"Now go!" The ruling Feudal Lord ordered, And then he flew directly towards Shen Ao, Ning Qi Zhi and myself. Though I am currently hiding amid the influence of space principles.

~~A Few Breaths Earlier In The Battle~~

"Martial Uncles, it is time. The two feudal Lords that left are heading towards the Treasury. Surge a mighty attack and target them both. With my token's effect the Lightning will jump between them rapidly magnifying the damage. And will give free roam." I explained informing them of what I overheard and instructing the coordinated attack.

"Don't worry Martial Nephew, This attack will definitely kill those bastards." Ning Qi Zhi chuckled. He was having an absolute blast. 

"Martial Nephew need not worry, us uncles haven't had this much fun in quite a long time. No longer having to worry about the Ink Forces corruption is the absolute best. I can finally use my full strength to fight." Shen Ao whispered to me. 

"Good, I am ready whenever Martial Uncles are. Let's waste this disgusting infestation." I whispered back. 

Ning Qi Zhi and Shen Ao nodded at each other and then with their ever boisterous selves, they flared their aura's, fighting spirit and killing intent to their peaks. Creating a massive field where no Ink Clan dared to enter rashly. All of the Ink Clan who were unlucky enough to be inside this zone when it was created, were quivering in abject fear. Never had they seen a 7th rank master give off such a terrifying force. 

"What's this? Two feudal lords fleeing while five are trying to figure out what to do… PATHETIC!" Ning Qi Zhi, scolded loud and harsh, his voice killing low rank ink clan. 

"They aren't worthy of the title! Such embarrassing behavior, to flee before the enemy like this… SHAMEFUL!" Shen Ao shouted, his voice also killing some more low rank ink clan. 

"Since they have been disgraced so badly They must be punished!" Ning Qi Zhi said, raising a palm to face the one on the left.

"The price for fleeing before the enemy…" Shen Ao said, coldly raising his palm in line to attack the Feudal Lord on the right. 

"IS DEATH!" Shen Ao and Ning Qi Zhi, shouted, as they sent out a specialized attack. 

Two mighty beams raced through the battlefield and through the void. Their targets were the two Feudal Lords who had been fleeing. 

"What the Hell! We were following orders!" One of the two yelled out. 

Both of the Feudal Lords were struck with fear when they turned to stare death right in the face. "No! I don't want to die. Not like this!" The other cried out, attempting to block it. 

With the surge of their Ink Force They managed to not be completely consumed by the attack immediately. However… This was only temporary. 

"AHHH!!!!!!!!!!! IT BURNS! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" The one targeted by Ning Qi Zhi cried out in agony. 

"IT'S RIPPING ME APART!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" The one targeted by Shen Ao managed to cry out, as his body was slowly being shredded. "The pain it's so much… my fate is sealed…" He thought, and then relaxed allowing the attack to consume him whole. "That was way less painful." His vile soul thought before he fully died. 

Shortly after, the other one was consumed by the attack as well. Leaving nothing behind. The two mighty beams then collide with the ground. Letting out a massive burst of lightning that rolled across the land tearing it to pieces with a violent force. And then vanished.

The other five Feudal Lords were now terrified beyond measure. Until… "Don't worry, they can't possibly do something like that again. It's 2 versus 5. We hold the advantage for now. But there is a change of plans! You..!" The Ruling Feudal Lord shouted, grinding his teeth, and looking at another high rank. "Go and inform sir, Territory Lord! If Yang Kai is truly among them… I'm afraid only he can deal with it." The Feudal Lord ordered, surging his Ink Force and announcing his order loud enough that his enemy could hear it clearly. "This way they can't claim that one is fleeing." He thought. 

"Ahahaha, not a bad plan, your disgusting infestation actually has members with a working brain." Shen Ao laughed, placing his hand on his hips confidently. 

"Brother Shen Ao shouldn't give them too much credit. They are just making decisions out of fear." Ning Qi Zhi chuckled, insulting the enemy again. 

"Come with me to kill the enemy!" The Ruling Feudal Lord roared out, launching himself forward into battle. 

"Kill the Human Race's Masters!" The other four Feudal Lords said, as they launched forward into the fray as well. 

What began was a 2 versus 5. However, even with the odds in their favor. The Ink Clan was pathetic in comparison. None of them had ever fought a 7th rank before. They thought they had. But this time was vastly different. The 7th ranks they were fighting didn't seem normal.