Ink Nest Siege! (3)

The fight continued and it seems like the Ink Clan were the only ones losing steam. "Why… What is going on?" The Ruling Feudal Lord thought, as his eyes darted around analyzing the situation he was currently in. Angry that he couldn't understand, the ruling Feudal Lord charged in again aiming for Shen Ao, with his claws. 

Shen Ao in one fluid motion avoided the attack by Spinning out of range, to the outside of the attack. And pounding the Feudal Lord on the back of the head. "Hmm… that was fun. This is great, You fools can't even touch me. Ahahaha…" He laughed, looking at his arm opening and closing his hand. Glancing up and smirking. 

"Hmph! Brother Shen I'm going to tell Martial Brother and Martial Nephew about that one. You're such a show off." Ning Qi Zhi jokingly scolded. 

The idiotic Feudal Lords thought this was a good chance. Well, two of them anyways. They charged forward to attack Ning Qi Zhi. "Don't get distracted, lest you give the enemy a chance like this. I can finally kill you!" One of the Feudal Lords declared just before he would have landed his attack. 

Ning Qi Zhi sensing this movement avoided both Feudal Lords with one of his movement skills spinning on the spot. Then he kicked out with both of his legs landing a blow on both of the Feudal Lords guts. Sending them flying and spitting up some Ink blood in the process. One went towards another feudal Lord and the other went in Shen Ao's Direction. 

Shen Ao caught the Feudal Lord by shoving his arm through its chest and crushing its inky heart. Killing it in short order before stuffing it away in his space ring with a smirk on his face as he snickered. "Brother Ning is quite the show off as well. But I should thank him for such a great gift. I'll be sure to put this corpse to good use later. Ahahaha." Shen Ao laughed. 

"Why you… It's not like there isn't more to take right now." Ning Qi Zhi said angrily, shrugging it off. 

"WHAT THE HELL! What are you two! You can't possibly be 7th rank can you? You're too strong to be 7th rank. What happened!" The Ruling Feudal Lord shouted, demanding an answer for this situation. 

"Ahahaha, You haven't figured it out yourself yet have you. Brother Ning was right, I did give you too much credit. You should have understood by now that we are much stronger than you realize." Shen Ao laughed. 

"How are you so strong?! It doesn't make any sense. One of us should be enough to kill you yet 5 on 2 has become a 4 on 2. You must be 8th rank suppressing your power and only releasing it in an instant!" The Feudal Lord roared angrily. 

"Kekeke, Brother Shen it's almost like they have never fought a 7th rank. I'm starting to wonder if these fools are even Feudal Lords, I think even our new 6th ranks could give them at worst a good run for their money." Ning Qi Zhi chuckled, with a smirk. 

"Indeed. And it won't take for Martial Nephew to beat them so bad they might actually turn a different color. Ahahaha!" Shen Ao Laughed. "Very well, I'll tell you since you are about to die anyways. The reason we are toying with you is simple…" Shen Ao began explaining. 

"You see, in all the battles before, we were never able to use anywhere close to our full strength. At absolute most we had to use half in order to keep the Ink Force from corroding our small universe…" Ning Qi Zhi Continued the explanation. 

"And no cultivator worth their salt will ever willingly risk being corrupted by the Ink Force just to win one or two fights with greater ease. However, things are different now. We are testing some things and you just so happen to be the best guinea pigs. We are 7th ranks, however, we no longer need to worry about your Ink Force's Corruption." Shen Ao smirked as he saw the Feudal Lords faces contorting with fear as he explained. 

"We are using the true strength of the 7th rank! The only one close enough to aid you this time is the Territory Lord. But guess what! Even if he comes, We can deal with it." Ning Qi Zhi Smiled flaring his aura again, magnifying the terrifying effect his words had on the Ink Clan's Morale. 

"Now then, when you get to hell, tell it's king who it was that sent you there. I'd like to make sure my karmic credit is accurate. DIE!" Shen Ao said, giving the signal. 

In what felt like an instant, two more Feudal Lords were killed. The Ruling Feudal Lord saw the writing on the wall. "So this is what the true fearsome power is behind a 7th rank. The Human Race Masters are truly fearsome and mighty." He muttered. 

"What shall we do? Our forces are unable to move. The fear of their sudden attacks is only magnified by the power of them. We have lost this battle. You should go to the treasury and bring as many of the resources as you can with you. Flee to Sir Territory Lord Deep Claw's protection. I'll… I'll hold them back as best I can…" The other remaining Feudal Lord said gulping at the thought. 

"I won't forget this, don't die too quickly. I will go and inform Sir Territory Lord. Even if he kills me it will be worth it." The Ruling Feudal Lord said, darting off as fast as possible. "I fear if all of the 7th ranks are like this they might even win against Sir Territory lord on his own. Then also have that freak Yang Kai… and his even more freakish brat is also a potential sight… I have to be quick." He thought as he managed to get away from the battle. 

"You're just letting him go?" The remaining Feudal Lord asked, puzzled. 

"Well… You sent him to the treasury right? He is about to be left with a great surprise." Ning Qi Zhi smirked in response. 

"What do you mean by that?" The Feudal Lord asked, and then received Silence as his answer. A look of dread filled his face, as he realized. "That's the reason you've been playing this whole time." He said grinding his teeth, seething with rage.