Ink Nest Siege! (4)

~~Several Moments Earlier~~

~~The Ink Nest Treasury~~

The room was clear of any guards. Then I appeared, and stretched for a moment. "Good thing we decided to test it out first, I think it could use a little more work. Then again it won't matter after I achieve the 3rd Order. At that point it will be easy to hide myself." I thought to myself. 

"Young Master, the resources here are not too bad. But I don't sense many high rank resources amid this batch. Could they have hidden them elsewhere?" Fang Qing asked, sensing the surroundings, noting that there are clearly a lot of resources but not many good ones. 

"It's fine, there are only two places where they would keep resources other than the treasury. I plan on hitting them both up after this place anyways. So it isn't too big of a loss right now. But I am definitely going to take everything here for myself. I'll give some to everyone else later. But right now I have to work to keep it from the Ink clan." I said, setting up the Thundershock Surprise. 

"So the young master thinks that the enemy will come back here?" Fang Qing asked, facetiously. She already knew the answer but just loved to make me explain it again. 

"Of course the enemy will come back here. The point is to make the situation out there seem as though they had a chance if they all fought together. This is only so I have time to move freely here. This is because I need to have enough time for these things. And what better way to find out how much time is required than to do it. The fight won't change into a slaughter fest until after I have retreated to Daybreak. Or, something out of the ordinary necessitates the change of plans." I said, as I stuffed all of the materials into space rings. There were quite a large number of things here. Including ink coins. I picked one up and inspected it. 

"Young master, this coin is filled with Ink Force. It's simply incredible. Each of these is almost as good as an average High rank Ink Clan's corpse. And there are so many…" Fang Qing said, shocked at the sheer wealth we just stumbled upon. 

"I'll have to ask if Martial uncles have any of these things hidden away as well. I'd even be willing to give them a jar of wine from my village." I said, with a big smile on my face. It was time to move to the Ruling Feudal Lord's quarters.

"By the way, why are we going to the Ruling Feudal Lord's Quarters first? Isn't the Ink Nest the next best place?" Shandain queered, eating some chips. She was currently preoccupied with rewatching the slaughters of past battles like she always was. 

"Simple, the leader of evil places becomes corrupt beyond belief. And will naturally hide away things they don't want others to find. But they are incredibly stupid when they do it too. So you end up finding everything they tried hiding in places like under their mattress for example." Fang Qing explained for me. "At least I think that's the case. Young Master knows more." She added. 

~~The Feudal Lord's Quarters~~

"Hmm…" I sounded out. As I inspected the area discreetly. "It seems like they were all hiding some good things from each other. Talk about corruption." I sighed. 

"Lucky us though right? I can sense there is definitely a 8th rank material in the room furthest ahead. I think it's the Fire element." Fang Qing said. 

"You're right, but it's too easy. Which means there is something else here as well. Let's take everything. This place is going to get trashed anyways. I'd prefer to take the riches before they get damaged." I said, going into a room.

There was an attendant in this room and that is why I chose it first. It turned to see me, a human that they didn't recognize. However, it wasn't like they knew all of the Ink Disciples. And I give off a terrifying enough aura. Instead of running and shouting, it chose to converse. Likely knowing that I could crush it as an afterthought. 

"Which sir is your master? If I may ask?" The Ink Clan servant asked. With a curious look on their face. 

"I am here to collect all of my brothers and sisters. However, I can't seem to find them. The Feudal Lords requested that I bring everyone to the battle right away." I said, shaking. Right now was the time to learn some information. 

"Well you're too slow then. One of the great Sir's high rank trustees came already and provided the token as proof." The Ink Clan Servant. 

"Damn him! How dare he try to embarrass me like this. That token is a fake. He destroyed the one that Sir gave me and recreated one for his purposes. That bastard intends to flee instead of fight." I said, pulling a risky move. 

"Oh, I understand! My apologies! Uh… I can tell you where he took the 207 Ink Disciples." The Ink Clan Servant said, worried that they were now in trouble too. "They are meeting up on the other side of the Ink Nest. I didn't know why though. Damn him for making us lowly servants suffer." They continued, and finally had a chance to let out their intention and anger at being treated as less than alive. 

"Good, that bastard probably used that as his excuse. To hide behind the Ink Nest and then launch a counter offensive. But that was never his plan, the damn coward wants to run and then use his master's slaves as his own fodder." I cursed, continuing the act.

"Who knew I would have the same feelings as an Ink Disciple. The world is very strange indeed." The Ink Clan servant sighed and closed their eyes for a moment. 

I closed in and smiled. "Now then, as thanks for telling me this information I'll give you a quick death." I said softly. 

"What?" The Ink Clan servant asked, with now extremely wide eyes. 

I snapped my fingers, refining the ink clan servant instantly.