Ink Nest Captured! (3)

With that Huo Lei and Xiu Che gave me a kiss each and then cupped their hands respectfully towards their masters, Feng Ying and Bai Yi. After which, each walked into their masters' small universes. It would be their task to keep their disciples, and their daughter in laws, safe from the Ink Clan for the time being. They knew the plan and thus knew I was going to be incredibly busy. 

"Father, Grandpa Ding is good at hiding. I would like to hand over the bodies of the ones that couldn't be saved. I think it will be better if they are with him." I said, cupping my hands. 

"Hmm… You can hand them over to me for now. I'll issue a special mission in Void Temple for their bodies to be properly preserved so we Martial Uncle can get their names if needed." Yang Kai said, spreading his small universe. He did so in such a way that the four of us there were floating above Void Temple. "Actually, Perhaps you should be the one to give the order." He said after pausing for a moment to think.

~~Inside Void World~~

"Young Master! Have you returned?" Temple Master Tang Wen asked, kneeling after sensing the vast difference in my strength. 

"I am unable to stay. Instead I am here to assign you a mission of great importance." I said waving my hand and 36 bodies appeared. In front of Tang Wen. "You are to make sure these people's bodies are treated with respect and honor. For they have all made the most painful and ultimate price for the sake of my Human Race. However, I can no longer keep holding onto their bodies as I have a great task ahead of me. I trust the Temple Master Understands. Until my Father or myself comes to collect them again they are to be treated with dignity." I elaborated. 

"I Tang Wen as Temple Master hereby swear to uphold this mission and treat this matter only with the greatest importance." Tang Wen said, pushing his hands forward accepting the order. 

"No! I am afraid that in order to refrain from further injuring their dignity any further… You alone are not enough." I said, shaking my head solemnly. 

"Young Master, means… No… I… I understand." Tang Wen stuttered at first. He thought that my words were incendiary towards his ability. However, given my past interactions and overall character he realized that this was far from the truth. Rather it was something else entirely. He wasn't the only one who realized it either. 

Xia Fei steps forward and kneels assuming a similar posture. One of a subordinate willingly accepting a heavy hearted task of great importance. "In this matter, I would be honored if the Young Master allowed this, Xia Fei, to take up the missing role." She said, showing no signs of reservation. 

"Good, the Ink Clan is ruthless. So take yourself and your direct disciple to handle the matter. You'll need some extra hands. Treat their bodies with respect, these fallen heroes have earned as much." I said, with a final wave of my hand separating the numbers to show exactly why Xia Fei would need another set of hands. 

"I…" A tear forms in Xia Fei's eye seeing the result. "I Understand." She said, with a slight tremble in her voice. 

Just then her 4 female Direct Disciples joined her, assuming the same posture. Though they were slightly behind her and went in order of seniority. But not a single one of them spoke anything but. "We humble accept the order!" The four of them said in unison. 

"Good! Oh, and fear not. Former temple master Miao Fei Ping is still among us. So there is no need for rivers to flow and lakes to form." I explained, giving a salute to release them. And then I left.

"Not a bad speech, Leiji. You'll do well in the future. I hope those skills will help you in front of your mothers." Yang Kai chuckled, as I returned to his area. 

"Hehe, Father gives me too much credit. I might be the one to break down into tears when I see Mother Su for the first time. She is my true mother, after all. At least that's what I feel in my heart and soul." I said, holding a hand on my heart and smiled warmly. 

"Oh! And what about us?" Feng Ying said, raising her brow. 

"I love all my mothers. But in the case of Mother Su she is the reason my accidental conception was even possible in the first place. In Mother Bai's case I received the warm overly doting side of a mothers love. And in Mother Feng's Case… I got a mother that could help keep away the overly eager young women from getting too close and the hugs that only a mother could possibly give." I explained quickly. 

"Interesting… So how are you going to deal with Ru Meng then? She is my family's head wife and the others all call her big sister." Yang Kai asked, now that Feng Ying and Bai Yi were both blushing profusely. 

"I'm currently working on that. But to be quite honest… She is the one I like the least. I'm really not a fan of how she manipulated her way into the family and then ousted my mother from the queen's spot. Perhaps I'll just tease her a bit and then maybe we could bond after she fails to catch me?" I said, slightly carefree. 

"Well, whatever you decide to do. Just understand that Ru Meng is a wife of mine. And without all my wives in agreement, It will be difficult to make you seen as an official son. Though… I'm sure your grandmother will be more than willing to help out with that. She has been pressuring me to continue the family line for quite some time now. This would…" Yang Kai explained, as he stopped spreading his small universe. "Give her the chance to uphold that view. But don't worry about these things. I'll be making some things to make that job easier for you." He added.